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Random Wandering

Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2020 @ 5:03pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
Edited on on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 1:59pm

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Deck 9 - Starship Operations Deck
Timeline: MD 4 - 13h
1331 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was their first full day in the VOID and Phoenix was doing the rounds of the ship, checking on crew as she went. She knew that she needed to be visible during the next 7 or so days. She paused outside the Operations office on deck 9 and slipped inside. This had been her haunt not 3 years ago. Her place. Now it belonged to another and part of her wished for those days, when things had been simple.

She paused as she heard giggles from the Operations Chief's office. She smiled faintly. She knew that Gallia's daughter was often found close to her mother. She stepped up to the open door and paused.

The sounds of 'Twinkle twinkle little star' could be heard as anyone entered Gallia's main office where she was entertaining her beloved sprog, "Well,go on, sing long wit' it, love." Gallia encouraged.

"Tinky tinky, l'il s'ar, how I wonner whachoo are." Tayalas began, "Up abuff a whirl so high, like a diamon' in a sky, tinky tink, l'il s'ar, how I wonner whachoo are."

"Aww, now that was jus' beautiful, darlin', jus' beautiful." Gallia cheered, wiping away a tear as Tayalas' joyful singing had again brought them to her eyes. She looked up then and saw the Captain standing there, "Oh, Capt. Lalor, hello."

"commander." Phoenix said. "Starting her early I see?" Smiling the captain indicated the nearly 2 year old.

"Loves music this one." Gallia smiled, "The more words she learns, the more she wants ta sing. Tayalas, say hi to Captain Lalor, dear."

"Hewwo." The toddler waved, the other woman was pretty, but her hair was dark like Mommy Kara's, and not as pretty as her mommy, "My name Tayalas. I'm a buberry."

"Hello Tayalas. Pleased to meet you." Phoenix got down to the child's level and smiled. "A blueberry huh? Well yes i can see that. A very pretty Blueberry."

"Her godmother called her a blueberry, an' it kinda stuck." Gallia laughed, "An' she's becomin' quite a beauty this one. Before long she's gonna have hair like yours."

"They grow up fast." Phoenix said softly, thinking about Feyth's little girl and how much she had grown.

"Aye, they do at that." Gallia said, her vocal tone bittersweet, "Seems just yesterday she was sayin' her first word at Christmas two years back."

"SANA!" Tayalas exclaimed, she still used it for so many words.

"The very same, darlin', the very same." Gallia chuckled, "Now I'd say she probably speaks an' understands a hundred words are mar."

"soon I am sure she will be speaking not just federation standard." Phoenix pushed up to her feet, "She is a smart one, it is clear,"

"Oh, aye, I got me heart set on an engineer from this one." Gallia replied, happy that her baby was making such a good impression on the Captain, "I cannae lie te ye, Captain, this whole void business is a little stressful fer me."

"Mommyy brott me to bed for sleepy sleep." Tayalas interjected, she was still thrilled about that, hadn't done that since they lived at Mommy's school, "Me an' ducky, sleepy sleeped in the big bed."

Phoenix had to smile at that. "Well big beds are better" she said with a smile. She looked at Gallia. "I know it is stressful. If there was any other way, I would have taken it."

"I know ye would've, Captain." Gallia smiled, "This is jus' parta it is all." She wrapped her arm around Tayalas' waist, "An' the little blueberry doesnae mind helpin' mommy get some sleep, do ye?"

"No, mommyy." Tayalas cooed, "Sleepy sleep portant."

"So i have heard." The captain was smiling. "Helps you grow up."

"Does grow up hurt?" Tayalas asked honestly, she was wondering because most of the big people she knew didn't seem like they were having a good time.

Phoenix laughed softly at that. "No little one. And I think for you especially, growing up will not hurt. Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa." She smiled. "Which means your heart is that of a lion, brave and true."

"I lub lions." Tayalas said with an innocent grin, "They big kitties. Kitties are sweet."

"She's almost as cat crazy as she is duck crazy." Gallia said, playfully kissing her daughter's left antenna, "Always askin' for a kittie or a puppy, I got te discuss it with Kara but we'll be doin' somethin' soon. She's crazy about Anje's cat, Georgi, that big fluffball."

"Gorky fluffy." Tayalas grinned, she did love Enn-a's kitty.

"I hear cats make wonderful pets" Phoenix said a bit wistfully. "I wonder if Miran would let me get a dog..."

"I cannae think of a reason why she wouldnae." Gallia smiled, "She seems like the kinda girl who would love a dog."

"She is also prissy and proper about her clothing choices. Her wardrobe exceeds mine." Phoenix smiled. "And do not get me started on her shoes! A puppy could chew them up..."

"If ye train 'em right they willnae dae it." Gallia replied with one of her dad's favorite sayings.

"hmm. Maybe after I finalize the house we are buying on Earth. A pet might make it a home." Phoenix mused

"And where might ye be lookin' te buy on Earth, Captain?" Gallia asked, "Because the McTavish place beside me ancestral home is for sale, relatively cheap, got three buildings on the property, a main house, a guest house, an' a stable. Be nice te have neighbors I know for my retirement."

Phoenix smiled at that. "While Scotland is a lovely place, my sister and I have been looking in the tropics. Bahamas and such."

"Sarta surprised ye Ambassador friend isnae pushing ye to settle in Russia." Gallia laughed, turning her attention back to Tayalas who had gotten up and walked across the desk to Capt. Lalor, her arms extended out and up, "Uh, beggin' ye pardon, Captain, but ye've got company."

Phoenix bent easily and picked up the young child. She was bigger then Sedi but the captain handled it easily. She settled Tayalas on her hip. "She is very cute you know."

"Isnae she though?" Gallia agreed as she watched Tayalas cuddled close to the Captain and hug her, "Oh, she likes ye, ye dinnae get a blueberry hug unless she likes ye a lot."

"Well I am honored" Phoenix smiled warmly at the child. "Thank you."

"Oo welkub." Tayalas smiled, her antennae against the other lady's chest were giving the thumpy thumps, she loved that sound.

Phoenix smiled. Gently though she carried the child back to her mother. "I have intruded long enough. I was just wandering around the ship, checking on people." She handed the child back with a slightly wistful smile.

"Ye're not intrudin', Captain." Gallia protested, "Ye dinnae have te run off."

"Yeah." Tayalas smiled, "Oo can stay wif us!"

"Right, ye can." Gallia agreed, she wanted the Captain to feel welcome and Tayalas already loved her.

Phoenix smiled but shook her head. "Thank you, but I need to check on Security next. Have a good day you both."

"Byyyyyeeee, come back an' see us." Tayalas smiled as she and her mother waved goodbye to their friend, "I lub oo!"

Phoenix smiled "Take care Cutie!" And with that Phoenix slipped from the office.

"Now what, mommyy?" Tayalas asked as her new friend vanished from the room.

"Now, le's go home an' maybe mommy can get a nappy nap?" Gallia suggested with a smile, though the fact was she was tired.

"Mommyy, brushy brush first." Tayalas reminded her mother, pointing to first her mother's mouth then her own.

"Well, of course we're gonna brushy brush first, love." Gallia smiled, lifting the child off of the desk and walking towards the door, "An' then we'll take a nice little nap, okay?"

"Okay, mommyy." Tayalas grinned, her smile spreading from antenna to antenna as they headed out, her stuffed ducky in her arms and she in her mommy's arms, there was literally nothing like being held.


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