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Contact Hunt

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 8:01pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Cadet Sophomore Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Deck 17 - Cabin 01 W-O
Timeline: MD3 - 20h30
839 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Malak had taken his time and had tracked the ‘leak’ to a very unlikely cabin. On deck 17 cabin 01. He knew who lived there. And he was dubious about the fact that the person within had told a cadet about him. But he hit the chime.

The door opened and Phoenix Lalor stood there. She was dressed down as it was late evening. She wore a pair of black tights with a sweatshirt over the top and her long black hair was down from its normal chignon. She was, Malak noted, barefoot. Which intrigued him. He noticed that her toenails were painted a light coral pink.

“Mr Kavanagh?” Phoenix studied the Civilian Archaeologist before her door.

“Captain. I apologise for the interruption to your evening. But I had a visitor this afternoon, who claimed to have contacts as to how he found me.”

“A visitor?”

“Yes, A cadet, Triston Montgomery.”

“Really?” Phoenix crossed her arms and shot a look over her shoulder. “And he tracked you down via Contacts?”

“Yes Captain. I tracked the… breach, to your cabin’s computer terminal.” He paused. “I gather you know the cadet?”

“You could say that, come inside Mr Kavanagh.” She stepped back and waved him into her cabin.

He entered to find himself on the lower level of the 2 level cabin. It was a large open space with a large dining area, a full size kitchen and a lounge area which was divided into multipul sitting areas. One sitting area was comprised of a sectional couch facing a Video screen. On that couch, two teens were sprawled. A brunette girl aged around 16 was at one end her legs up over the lap of the tall blond haired male, who had visited Malak not 4 hours before. They were both engrossed in books.

“I didn’t realise that Mr Montgomery was yours captain.” Malak said in a low voice so not to disturb the two teens reading.

“He isn’t. He is my sister’s best friend and I think I know how he got the information.” Phoenix sighed and led him over to the pair. “Miran, Triston?” she said her tone firm.

The girl looked up and blinked. “Yes Pene?”

The boy also looked up but he looked past Phoenix and spotted the tall man behind her. “Oh.” He managed.

“Oh?” Phoenix gritted out. “Oh!?! Is that the best you can do Triston?”

“Well…” he smiled sheepishly.

Miran however flapped her hand at her sister. “Oh come on Pene, stop being mean. Triston is innocent.”

“Oh that I know. YOU HACKED MY CONSOLE!” Phoenix yelled.

“Hacking is not hacking when you have the password.” Miran shot back.

“INVASION OF PRIVACY!!!” The Captain yelled, her voice going up in octave.

Malak was impressed that both teenagers were not cowering. If it had been him being yelled at by the slim brunette, he might have cowered. In fact he was sure of it.

Miran merely yawned at her sister. “You should have locked it.”

Phoenix gritted her teeth. “You both invaded Mr Kavanagh’s privacy for personal gain.”

“Not my personal gain” Miran replied while Triston went pale.

“Captain Lalor…” He began “Mr Kavanagh, I…apologise.”

Malak waved his hand. “Look that’s ok.”

Phoenix was still mad. “Triston, you are a cadet in Starfleet. If I report this, you could be under academic suspension.”

Triston calmly pushed Miran’s legs off of his and stood. “Yes Captain.” He looked at his feet.

“I know you didn’t use my codes Cadet.” She said firmly. “And Miran knows I won’t throw you in the brig for her crime.”

“Crime!?!” Her sister all but squawked.

“Yes, you are lucky I am not sending you to the brig for hacking crew files.”

Miran glared.

Malak had to hide his laugh, her glare was like being mauled by a kitten.

Phoenix turned to Malak and said “Mr Kavanagh, I am so sorry that this happened.”

“Captain Lalor it is ok. Truly. I just wanted to know who his contacts in high places were.”

Phoenix gave her sister a baleful look. “His contacts are grounded.”


“School and back again. For a week” Phoenix said coldly. “Nothing else. No Triston or anyone else.”

Triston, knowing that would start immediately gathered his books and shoved them into a satchel. “I will see you in a week Mir” He said softly and he headed to the door.

“Ah Cadet” Malak called after him. “My Office, 12h00. You start then,”

He nodded with a smile. “Yes Sir.” And Triston vanished.

Malak chose then to take his leave. “Captain, thank you for your time.”

“Mr Kavanagh, I do hope your time on the Elysium is better than today.” She said softly.

He nodded, paused as he noted the bangle on her wrist. He knew the significance. But had not seen any sign of a man in her cabin. “Have a good evening Captain.” He said and he left.

Leaving Miran facing her sister. As soon as the doors closed, the argument started.


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