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Ride of the Valkyries

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2020 @ 8:45am by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea]

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: ISS / USS Elysium
Timeline: MD4 Morning
1231 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Jessica and her squad moved through the chaos and the firefights on the ship. Already the corridors were littered with dead from both sides. "Sweet goddesses almighty." Jess muttered as she heard voices from the cargo bays. A couple of starfleet officers in tattered uniforms pointed their weapon. "Hold it. How do we know you're the real Commander V...." Jess just walked up and pushed the muzzle away. The next time you point a phaser at me, make sure you use it, rookie." She looked around the collection of cells and torture booths, all hell broke loose here during the initial breakouts. "Front and center people!!!!" She shouted and the crew began to gather around.

"Now, this is what we're going to do." Jessica moved to a replicator and began replicating a baby bag with bottles of formula and other essentials a two year old would need. "We're all going to get on these cargo transporters, and take back our ship." Jess began to put the items into the bag. "I want Marines taking the fight to the hunters, pilots; you have orders to assemble in the main hanger bay." Jessica noted. "And if you see any son of a bitch wearing their uniform. I expect you kill them without hesitation. We will not be slaves to the Terran Empire. Those of you who were tortured, take your pain, and turn it into rage... We will need it by the gallon before this day is over."

"Uh... ma'am, I have to ask. Why are you filling a baby bag?" One crewman stated.

"Mind your own goddess-damned business, Lieutenant." She put the bag on the transporter pad and moved to the console. searching for Alicia's location. "There you are." The bag materialized nearby Alicia.

"Transporter Chiefs. When we're onboard, I want you beaming our crew off the station, and all hands to battle stations! Dismissed and give them hell!!!" Jessica held up her rifle. "Freedom!!!!!"

Man'darr grabbed a phaser rifle from one of the dead Terran Empire Soldiers, checked the energy level and grinned at Jess, indicating he was ready.

Jess stood on the transporter pad as the cargo transporter beamed them into the USS Elysium's main shuttle bay. Jessica spoke. "To your stations people. Marines... sweep the ship, I want ever last hunter dead. Let's get the Ely ready to roll, and kick their asses. Pilots, get your fighters ready!"

"Commander, are you leading us?" One of Jess' pilots looked at her. "You've got everything you need to win this. I'm needed on the bridge. Mostly because I'm the ranking officer here for them time being. You've got this, pilots." The pilots nodded.

"Get your fighters ready for launch!!" Jessica ordered as she punched a wall panel. "All hands to battle stations, Marine Personnel. Once your aboard, I'm placing Warrant Officer Man'darr in command." Jess turned to Man'darr. "Fleet Personnel, to your stations, we ain't out of the woods yet people."

"Counting on you, Jarhead, don't let me down. I want a hole in every last one of them." Jessica readied her rifle to head to the bridge.

"You'll get more than that," Man'darr promised.

As Jess moved through the ship to the bridge, she suddenly stopped. She felt something nearby..... elusive..... like she was being hunted like prey. Jess' hand moved towards her knife. "Word of Advise.... Never attempt to hunt a Valkyrie...."

Vedaash stepped from the shadows. "But my master wants you." She said with a smirk.

"That's not your name. I know brainwashing when I see it." Jessica noted. "Wanna know how? Because I was a slave too. It's different when it's you're own mother doing it. Losing your mind is a worse fate than dead." Jess drew her phaser and opened fire with her hand phaser. She kept her knife in the back hand. Ready to counter this huntress and she was moving fast.

Vedaash merely shrugged and began to hum as she dropped her own weapon and lunged for Jessica.

"Bad move, bitch." Jessica stated right before she spun a kick and pointed the phaser at Vedaash and stunned her.

"Never bring a fist to a phaser fight." Jess stated as she turned towards the turbolift.

On hearing firing, Imik wanted to assist. But could she find where the action was? And should an Ojnas get involved? The second question was moot, she was already involved she had been once these invaders took the ship and crew prisoner.

Man'darr, along with Durak in tow moved down the corridor. Seeing a black uniformed soldier round the corner, he sent a phaser pulse into the man's chest, sending him reeling backwards to the deck. More instantly rounded the corner as Man'darr continued to approach at a steady pace, continuing to fire as the group turned and retreated around the corner. "Aw, come back! I didn't mean it...wait...yes I did!" he laughed.

"Must be your looks, Sir," Durak replied with a grin.

"Damn jealous bastards!" Man'darr cursed, causing Durak to bust out laughing.

Imik now moved towards the sounds of combat, her senses alert for anything. She used her Ojnas ability to mind walk ahead of herself, so far most of the mirror troops were engaged with the attackers. She found a small group firing down a corridor, checking she found two Federation Marines facing them. Perfect, raising her blaster she opened fire on the mirror troops killing them before they realised from just where the incoming fire arrived from. She now edged closer to the corner and called to the two Marines, "I am Consul S'Niohun, our enemies have been eliminated. May I approach?" She now exposed herself to the Marines, with her hands raised.

Man'darr nodded, recognizing the exchange officer and lowering his rifle. "Sure. How are you? Are you injured?"

"I am quite well Warrant Officer, and I am also uninjured. Do you know what is exactly happening?" She moved over towards them, and stood close by them. "Our enemy seems to be having trouble in containing our assaults, perhaps we should press onwards and defeat them".

Rhodes moved slowly down a hall, seeing his alternate self, who turned quickly to end him. But Rhodes, the real Rhodes, was too fast, and snapped off a shot, ending his evil doppelganger quick as he had tried to end him, "Bad move, asshole." He muttered and slung his rifle.

Amongst the chaos was the ship's doctor now decked out in a borrowed set of marine terminus armor. He was angry. He'd seen members of his family, people he'd cared about when they were most venerable scream at him like he was the dark one himself. Knowing all he'd do was hurt them more he left his team to care for them. Now he was taking his anger out on the terran bitch who'd looted his home.

The woman had a brief scream and a look of terror in her eyes before the mist mounted blades split her skull all the way down to the seventh vertebrae. The rest of the terrans began a mix f barking orders as they tried to pull back as the lizard kicked the woman's corpse of his weapon before he turned his attention to them. " Who's next to see the doctor. Treatment is dissection." he screamed with a tone that could make the borg feel fear.

TBC... In End of Days


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