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Good Morning ISS Elysium

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2020 @ 8:45am by Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Arena Station/ISS Elysium
Timeline: MD-4 Morning
2334 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Jess slammed a power cell into her rifle, and she even had a name for the rifle carved into its stock. 'Grunhilda.' She smiled and handed the rifle to Lia. "Well now, time for you to take your 'slaves' back to the Elysium. When we materialize, we need to take out the transporter chief fast."

Heather nodded as she prepared her weaponry, her phaser was ready and she had a knife for defence incase of hand to hand combat. "Let's hope we don't arrive to a room full of security, they'll probably have extra patrols incase of attack."

"Just be careful over there" Alicia looked at her husband then at the others. "I wish I could go with you but I can't leave Connor."

"Things are going to happen very quickly, Alicia." Jess noted. "I cannot say you're not going to feel even more death now, Counselor. We're starting an open slave revolt. I'm wondering if I can handle the sheer rage and fury that will consume us when the slave pens are opened." Jess noted. "The Price of Freedom is always blood."

Ariana nodded. "I can't go insane, can't and won't!" She looked at Connor. "There's too much at stake now."

"That's why I'm hoping to get into their Sickbay or medical storage" Heather looked at Jess. "We need inhibitors and anything else I can get my hands on.

Fernando checked both his Garland and phaser rifle. Satisfied both were ready for action. He sat quietly waiting for the word to move.

Alicia moved across to where Gary was standing. "Excuse me Commander, would you like to hold him?" She looked at Connor then back at Gary. "I know he's not our child but we're the closest thing to his real parents he has at the moment."

Gary looked at Alicia then to the baby she was holding. He was startled by her question and hesitated briefly before answering. "Yes, I would." He answered taking Connor from her. He smiled down at the child. "Hi, little feller. I'm Gary." He whispered.

Alicia smiled as she looked at Gary and Connor. "I know this is awkward but I want you to have as much contact and play as much a part in Connor's life as you feel comfortable." She looked at Savar hoping he wouldn't mind Gary playing a part in his wife's life too.

"Thank you Alicia. I appreciate that but I don't wish to impose on you and Savar." Gary answered even as he continued to hold Connor.

Savar looked at both Alicia and Gary, "Alicia is right Commander, you are welcome to have as much contact with Connor as you like. You may not feel it now but you are an important part of his life."

Alicia smiled at her husband, Savar was so understanding and it made her proud to be his wife. "He'll have a better life with all of us to care for him."

"Can I get in on this baby care action?" Tate asked with a small smile. It felt strange to take pleasure in such a moment given the chaos they were in the midst of, but even as her mind racist to figure out how to keep herself safe and to help her crew in this particular nightmare, she found herself clinging to any opportunity for hope. The circumstances leading to the existence of this particular child were irrelevant to her and to everyone else, it seemed, in this moment. She found herself still choking back tears is she considered it was still sheer dumb luck that she had come across Alicia and Gary when she did. They were clearly not out of the woods yet, but in this moment, she was desperate to provide nurturing to the vulnerable child before her. Being able to help another vulnerable soul was clearly a lifeline for Sullivan in the midst of this insanity.

( Tag Gary/Alicia -I hope it's OK to sneak in this one. :-))

Jessica smiled at Connor. "Don't worry little guy. Auntie Jessica's going to come back from war. I'm going to have you over to my place in Dover and let you play in the grasslands." Jess stroked his head. "You helped me this night Connor. Helped me not to go insane, helped me not to become them."

"Just as he's doing for me" Alicia smiled as she ate her meat while she had the chance. "If you can find any baby supplies extra milk, or anything while you're there. I don't expect you to come back laden with bags just what you can manage."

"Roger that, Alicia. Keep your eyes open, you're going to get a special delivery from me real soon." Jess then looked at the team. "So who's ready to follow Lt. Commander Vaii to another one of her suicidal ideas. Take note. We don't do anything due to just one Starfleet Officer's insanity, but all of our combined madness." Jess smirked.

"You know we are!" Heather nodded as she motioned to Fernando and herself. "We have to make a stand or we'll never get out of here."

Hefting his Heavy Automatic Pulse Rifle and spare energy cell bag, Man'darr gave the weapon over to Alicia as well as the spare ammo. "Take this, Lieutenant. I will find another weapon on their ship and you will need all the protection you can get. Just go easy on the trigger--it has a bit of a bite if you're not careful."

"Thank you Man'darr, hopefully none of us will need to use it." She offered a brief smile. "We'll keep the place locked down as best as we can, we'll be waiting for your return."

Taking the rifle, Lia placed it over her shoulder. "Right, boarding party. Get in to place and get ready, and move bloody quick once we get onboard".

Heather took her place ready.

=^="Commander Holmes to Elysium, beam myself and my slaves back to the ship. I have a surprise of our Captain"=^=. She waited for the transporter to start, as it did a demented grin graced her face.

*ISS Elysium*

The team was beamed to the ISS Elysium's Transporter room. Immediately Jess shot the transporter operator in the head before he could even react. Moving towards the Transporter Controls Jess prepared to start beaming crew outside of the slave pens. "And so we break the chains."

Heather was doing her best to keep her senses aware of anyone approaching from outside. She nodded to Jess. “So far so good.”

Jess continued to beam everyone outside of the slave pens outside. "Yeah. Grab a pipe... Or anything else.... Fight them... Let's see if they're expecting this."

Suddenly as it seemed to happen out of nowhere. Guards began to be overwhelmed all over the place by extremely angry crew. Literally being punched to death. It was happening suddenly and everywhere they kept their 'merchandise.' More pens were being opened by the liberated as they grabbed whatever weapon they could find and began to throw themselves at their torturers. It didn't matter anymore if they didn't have weapons, It didn't matter if there were collars. The Terrans were not in charge now. They had a slave rebellion everywhere.

Lia moved to the door, her boarding party was doing it's job she could leave them to it. Exiting to the corridor she swiftly got to the turbo lift, entering the bridge was her target. As she entered the bridge Jess's release program was causing consternation, "You there, report! What the hell is going on?" The guard seemed shocked she was there, "Break out Commander, someone has opened the pens". Lia checked the scanners, "Then get down there and put them back! NOW!!" A small contingent of MU troopers now hurried into the lift and headed for the slave pens, *I hope you guys are ready* thought Lia.

Arrianna suddenly appeared on the bridge with Josie. She walked up to Lia and looked at her for a moment that seemed like forever. Suddenly she whispered. 'Play along, Aurelia. We have to do what we can before Captain Taylor arrives.' She moved to a console. "What's this? A slave rebellion? Useless incompetents. This is what happens when peasants are allowed to make vital decisions rather than deferring to their betters. I do believe it's time to activate all the slave collars and leave them on for the rest of the day." Arrianna began using the console to actually release the collars. "Yes, Crude devices, wouldn't you say, Josephine?"

"I would suggest you place them on full, that way they may learn what it is to serve their masters". Lia moved towards the pair, "I will assist you in that endeavour".

Josephine nodded and began to press the deactivation sequence.

Across the ship, collars began beeping and releasing off the crew's necks. "What is with these Terrans, Josie.? I advised them not to be careless and look what happens. Incompetence and uselessness. I believe it's time for these Terran fools how to properly quell a rebellion." Arrianna stated with a grin wondering what else she could do to fan the flames with Lia.

Lia now began to input and short program, suddenly a signal was being broadcast across the galaxy. "Ladies and gentlemen, in the loosest definition of the words. Meet the Ojnas, or you will very soon. The message being sent is a call for help from the Federation, please enjoy the first contact. And the message can't be stopped, at least not by you".

Arri shifted her voice to normal and activated the ship's Intercom. "Captain Taylor. It is time for you to pay for your crimes. We had you fooled. Replacing your crew with ours was trivial for us, all we had to do was use your crew's arrogance and petty agendas against them. And now, every last one of us has been liberated. Normally we'd be open to diplomacy, but you have enslaved us,, tortured us, and killed us. There will be no peace with you." Arrianna laughed. "It was so easy to deceive you, while your crew deluded itself into thinking you had us defeated, we laughed. We can be wicked too, even more so than you Captain, and learned you could be fooled. Oh by the way Captain, where's your son i wonder?"

On the ISS Elysium Taylor was livid with rage. "Find them! Kill them all!" He screamed at his personnel as he was doing a fairly decent job of rallying his personnel. "No survivors of the other Elysium crew. I want them to be nothing more than a bad memory."

Arrianna turned to Aurelia and Josie. "C'mon. I'm setting the bridge consoles to overload when they're used. We need to get to Phoenix. He will kill her."

Meanwhile Heather had set off with Fernando to find the medical supplies that were needed, hopefully they wouldn’t need them on a long term basis but just incase she needed to get as much as possible. They also needed inhibitors, she was hoping there’d be some in storage as well.

"Arri, I want a certain Captain Taylor. Are you game in killing that son of a bitch?" Lia had been waiting since she'd seen Phoenix on the screens, now as far she was concerned the time had come.

On board the ISS Elysium, Captain Taylor wasn't going to go down without a fight, He had rallied his personnel and they were fighting back. "Lalor." he growled. "I'll kill her and everyone can watch. I'll light her up like a Christmas tree." As he headed for the agony chamber she was still suspended in.

Arri spoke. "Standby, Aurelia. I'm setting this ships transporters to beam all of us to Phoenix's location. I and Josephine have spent the last days gathering information. I'm sending Phoenix's location to our boarding teams, if they look on any console on this ship, they'll learn her location. Stand by for transport.

*To Be Continued.*


"Heather besides the inhibitors, what else do we need? Should we get anything for the baby? I am concerned I want us to get the supplies we need but if we get too much it will slow us down."

Heather nodded in agreement. “We need bandages, antibiotics, dermal regenerators if they have them here, splints, I could go on!” She sighed. “Just grab what you can get. Oh and thermal blankets if we can find some.”

"As you wish Heather." Fernando readily agreed.

Onboard his flagship, Kie-Tanhuekuk (Senior Admiral/Fleet Admiral/ Task Force Commander) Cipro O'Ganus received an unusual message. His Kie-Sinkahue(Senior Captain/Commodore) Mocis Meguri stood before him, "Kia-Tanhuekuk, we have intercepted this message. The Federation wishes us to attack the Terran Empire, and assist them in freeing their vessel". O'Ganus looked around his bridge, seven years of combat had taken its toll but still the Ojnas stood proud against all invaders. "Federation? Have you heard of this Federation? And how do they know of us?" Mocis shook his head, "I know not of the Federation, but the enemy they talk of is Taylor. He is important to this Terran Empire, his vessel the Elysium is powerful. If defeated, we would be in a strong position against this Empire".

O'Granus nodded, "We have heard reports of the Terrans, they are not to be trusted. They enslave all races they encounter, and destroy any who oppose them". Mocis looked at his leader, "Then perhaps we should avoid this encounter, until we are stronger". O'Granus now shook his head, "NO! We strike them now, before they are aware of us. We eliminate one of their most powerful vessels, this will make them wonder what else we are capable of". He moved to the center of the bridge, "For the honour of the Republic, we fight the Terrans. Make full speed for the co-ordinates, bring four of our other vessels. We shall show this Federation, we are strong and can fight!!"

TBC.. In End Of Days


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