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Medical Department Inspection - JP

Posted on Fri Mar 12th, 2021 @ 9:05am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Sthilg & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Ensign BF 345078 (john Snow.) [Sthilg] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Main Medical Bay
Timeline: -MD7 11h00 (2/1/2397)
844 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Leaving Security Phoenix sent Ryan running to Medical as she and Gary took their time walking towards their next inspection point. Main medical.

Ryan walked briskly into the Medical bay and looked around. Spotting the Gorn who was CMO, he walked over "Commander?" He asked "Captain Lalor and Commander Taylor are on their way down."

The gorn just having finished off cleaning the main reception desk looked up as he droped the cloth back into the bucket. " Posssitionsss everyone," he yelled loudly.

Heather had made sure that the equipment cupboards and stores were tidy and that Sickbay was clutter free ready for the inspection. Moving to Sthilg’s side she smiled, “Sickbay is ready Doctor, cupboards and stores are tidy and organised.” She was glad she’d started shift earlier as being six months pregnant didn’t make her pace that quick.

The gorn nodded as he removed his rubber cleaning gloves and tucked them into his coat.

Phoenix led the way into the medical department. "Ah Doctor. Sorry to interrupt your day, but I myself am under orders."

Olivia had been double checking some of the private rooms to make sure they were in order when she heard the Captain enter the main part of Sickbay. She headed up that way. "Captain," Olivia said, "I have copies of reports on hand should you need them."

Heather smiled as she looked at Phoenix. “You’ll find Sickbay orderly and tidy Captain. All records of stocks and stores are available for you to see.”

"Oh, that's the way to make points Heather." Gary teased, "Butter up the Captain while ignoring the XO."

Heather grinned. “Not at all Sir, please come I’ll give you the guided tour!” She smiled warmly.

"Well, I should hope so." Gary bantered back as he glanced at Phoenix to get her opinion.

Phoenix nodded as other officers spoke but her gaze remained on the CMO. "If Commander Sthlig has no objection Commander. However as it is his Medical bay, I shall allow him to dictate."

Heather looked to Sthilg, waiting to see where the doctor would like the tour to start.

" If you'd like to follow me will ssstart with the main ward." The gorn said as he slowly lead the way.

Phoenix nodded and with Gary fell into step behind the Gorn.

Heather followed on behind the others whilst keeping an eye out for any arrivals.

" Now asss you can sssee we have all the latessst tech provided by ssstarfleet allowing usss to handle any sssituation." The gorn said as he began the tour of his ward.

"And your team is fully trained on the equipment?" Phoenix asked the requistit question though she knew they had been.

" Yess all of my team know how to ussse everything in here. " he gorn replied proudly.

“Doctor Sthilg ensures that we’re all up-to-date with our equipment training Captain” Heather smiled warmly as she looked towards Phoenix.

Stopping herself, just from rolling her eyes, the Captain nodded. "Please continue Doctor."

Olivia followed along with the group just incase the Captain or Commander had any questions for her at some point during their inspection.

" Here we have are ssstorage room fully ssstocked with everything we need." the gorn doctor said as he opened the door.

"I am glad to see that. Have you had any issues with getting your supplies?" Phoenix asked

" Nope Ssstarfleet sssupply corp has kept usss well sssupplied with the none replicable sssuppliesss and are replicatorsss are kept running well by engineering. " The gorn said as he opened the door to the operating theater.

"Good to hear. I am glad to know that they have been diligent in keeping you supplied." Phoenix said.

" I know what it'sss like to be ssshort of sssuppliesss. I'll alwaysss make sssure my ssstaff have everything they need." The gorn replied

Phoenix smiled. "You run a very tight department here Commander. And it is appreciated by the entire crew."

"Doctor." Gary questioned "How are you stocked on other culture vaccines? By that I mean are enough supplies on hand if an outbreak an Andorian flu broke out?"

" Asss isss ssstandard procedure we carry sssamplesss of the most common vaccinesss for federation culturesss to deal with an outbreak, but given mossst persssonel are vaccinated at the academy it ssshouldn't be a problem." the doctor replied as he opened the cabinet with the neatly laid out vaccine samples ready to go.

"And what of not common vaccines?" Gary pressed the CMO.

" We have all the necessary machinesss to create a vaccine ever from the database or one that we need to create from ssscratch." the gorn responded.

"Let us hope that it is never needed" Phoenix said softly.

" Better to have and not need then to need and not have." the doctor added.

Phoenix smiled at the Gorn. "Thank you for the tour Commander, we will let you get back to your job, I promise this wont happen again for another 12 months."

" Don't worry captain. Thank you for visiting my little realm." The old gorn said warmly.


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