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Engineering Department Inspection

Posted on Wed Mar 17th, 2021 @ 7:02am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Ensign Kara Hoffman & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Marcellus Sattine an Dasa ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Joral Bin. ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Paulie O'Rourke ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Alice Jordan ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Tarr Zell ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: -MD7 14h00 (2/1/2397)
1346 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was getting late in the day, and after a break for lunch, Phoenix and Gary headed towards Engineering, again sending Ryan on ahead of them.

Ryan entered, spotted the Chief engineer and walked over. "Sir? The Captain and First Officer are on their way down for an inspection."

Victor who was reviewing Engineering reports with Ensign Louis Bordeaux stood up. "Excellent. Louis, please inform the others."

"Yes Sir," Louis says as he left the office.

Victor saw the reports where every system were at once hundred efficiency.

Phoenix calmly led Gary into Engineering. To be frank, Phoenix never really came down to Engineering. She left her Engineers alone as she felt they knew their jobs without her peeking in.

Victor saw the Captain and the Executive Officer walk in. "Good day Captain and Commander. Welcome to Engineering. How may I help thee?"

"Ah Lieutenant, We are here for the Annual inspection of your department." The captain replied. "Commander Taylor and I rarely get this far down in the ship."

"That's for sure." Gary replied with a smile, "So please Lieutenant indulge us with a tour of your department."

"As you know, we are on Deck 29 Sir," Victor replies. "This is my office. The only decorations I have in it are the homemade weapons my father Pyotr Zhukov forged in his Forge. Now for the tour. I will introduce you to some of the Engineers as well."

Near the Graviton Generator, Ensign Louis Bordeaux looks up as he sees them walking up. "Captain Lalor. Commander Taylor. Lt. Barclay de Tolly, how may I help you today?"

Victor smiles. "I am giving a tour to the Captain and Commander today. I see you are doing analysis."

"Yes Sir," Louis replies. "We do this every day to make sure all equipment is working at one hundred efficiency. Over a course of time, the equipment is used like the tractor beams. We make sure no matter what equipment is used, it is working perfect."

Phoenix nodded. She had done a brief stint in Engineering when Sharr had been in charge mainly cause he could not rope anyone else in. "And you keep Operations apprised?"

"Even the Ops officer in the battle bridge?" Gary questioned.

"Yes Sir," Louis replied. "Whenever any reading drops, we notify all necessary personnel. We notify on upgrades, enhancements and any outage. We also do a daily report which is also circulated."

Kara stayed silent. She stayed silent at the warp core console, checking the warp core temperature. "So, let's see what happens next..." She muttered under her breath, not loud enough for anyone, no matter how close they were, to hear. Her disaster with admiral Kabar meant she had to shut up, and do her job. Simple.

"And the integration of the QSD?" Phoenix asked. "I know helm enjoys it, but I want to make sure it is working properly."

Gary looked at Kara, "Well Kara, is the QSD performing as it should?"

Kara looked up to her Commander. "Well sir, you can double check everything, if necessary with Lieutenant De Tolly. However as far as I am aware, according to my diagnostic readout... the QSD is operating at maximum efficiency and all levels are within safety tolerance zones, within a margin of 0.05% falloff. Starfleet tech manual states a 0.15% falloff, but You know, me, I'm a little bit of a perfectionist..." She trailed off.

Gary nodded, he knew all to well how exacting Kara was when it came to engineering and the various tolerances. "Yes Kara, I certainly do know. Both the Captain and I know of your exacting nature when it comes to engineering."

"She is the best," Victor says, "We are lucky to have her. Would you like to continue the tour? Kara, you are more than welcome to come along with the inspection. Other main items on this deck are the transporters. We do have a few Engineers in the conference room on this deck discussing their projects with each other."

Kara appreciated the invitation. "I would love to."

Phoenix waved them on. "Please."

"Also to see on this level are the Mass Evacuation Transporters 3 and 4 plus Transporter Room 13. There are Security Guards Station at each of them as well as two Transporter Chiefs for the Mass Evacuation Transporters and one at Transporter Chief in Transporter Room 13, " Victor using his hands as he talk. "In case of emergencies like planetary evacuations, more will be assigned. Any questions?"

Kara smiled to herself. The new chief really was very knowledgeable and was making a fantastic impression not just on her, but on the command staff too, she bet. ~I'm glad I get to work with him, really knows his stuff. I was always a bit airheaded and overwhelmed, he seems composed and in charge.~ She thought to herself as they continued the tour.

"Well I hope not to have to have another planetary evacuation but it is good to hear you have procedures in place Lieutenant." Phoenix said.

"I can not take credit for that," Victor said, "My predecessor Kara had these procedures in place. Now here is Engineering Imaging Lab. You will see Ensign Napoleon Bond working on the project to redesign the communications badge. Using holographic technology added to the badge CPU, we believe we can create a Holographic Image. The problem he has is the only way to make this possible is removing the Universal Translator. Hopefully one day we can that and more."

Napoleon was sitting a special microscope which was allowing him to hack into a communication badge. He was very focus, so he waited when he reached a part where he could rise his head to say hello. He immediately stood up. "Captain. Commander. Chiefs. Good day. "

"Good day to you as well Ensign. What are you looking at?" Gary asked.

"I am looking at the CPU of a Communication Badge Sir," Napoleon responded. "I am making it able to do Holographic Projections. By increasing the size of it by twelve point five percent, it will be able to project an image."

"And the benefit?" Phoenix asked

"Captain," Napoleon responded, "Security could see a perimeter, Doctors could visualize a DNA chain of a Medical Record in the field or an Engineer might be able to see blueprints."

"Interesting" Phoenix said calmly. "Good Luck."

"Thank you Napoleon," Victor says to the young Ensign. "Captain would you like to go down one level to Deck 28 to see where we maintenance equipment like replicators or would you like to go up one level to Deck 29 where we have Environmental Control and Life Support?"

"Lets start at the top" She smiled faintly.

The four of them went up the turbolift to Engineering Level 3. "Captain and Commander," Victor says, "We have three Transporter Rooms and three Cargo Transporters. In case of planetary evacuations, we have protocols about using Cargo Transporters for people. We also have Life Support Systems and of course our Desgn and Schematic Storage Computer System. We see Lt. JG. Marcellus Sattine an Dasa entering the area. He is our Agricultural Engineer. Marcellus with the support of the Botanist who is his wife plus Ensign Napoleon Bond, they have increase efficiency of the Agricultural Systems by almost 200 percent."

"I am sure the science team are happy about that." Phoenix smiled.

"Indeed," Victor replies. "Plus there are more authentic food on board for the galley. What would you like to see next?"

Phoenix took a PADD from the yeoman and ran a quick look down it. "Looks like we have checked most things Lieutenant. Though I will want your official report on crew before the end of the week."

"Yes Captain," Victor says with a nod. "Have a good day Captain and Commander. Kara, do you know all the new additions to the crew? All are here except Tonya."

Kara smiled. "I have all of the crew update information in my quarters and have already reviewed them, but it might be a good idea for you to fill me in anyway, if you have time." She replied, politely.

"Indeed," Victor replied.



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