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Counselling Department Meeting

Posted on Sat May 8th, 2021 @ 10:33am by Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Counselling Offices
Timeline: MD1 1700 hrs
1198 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


With events of the previous day Alicia had decided to call the senior members of the Counselling department together for a meeting, making sure to fit it into the busy schedules of Tate and Savar. She had no doubt things were about to get a whole lot busier.

Arriving at her office she made herself comfortable on the sofa with her swollen ankles resting on a stool. She wasn’t one for standing on ceremony when it came to meetings anyway.

Savar had received the notice of a department meeting. Undoubtedly it had to do with the Senior Staff meeting Alicia had attended earlier. He tidied up his desk and went to Alicia's office. Even though she was his wife, he acted professionally around her. He rang her door chime and waited admittance.

Alicia looked up sensing Savar’s presence outside the door. “Come in”

Hearing Alicia call out, Savar entered to find her sitting on the sofa, her ankles on a stool. "Your ankles are swollen Alicia." He said by way of greeting. "You must take better care of yourself."

Alicia gave her husband a brief smile, “With everything that’s going on around here, swollen ankles are the least of our worries.” She motioned to a seat. “Once Tate gets here I’ll explain.”

Savar arched and eyebrow at Alicia's cryptic remark but simply said "Indeed." As he took a seat in the chair next to the sofa as to not disturb her.

A few moments later, Tate approached, sticking her head around the open door. "Sorry I'm late. My last client was particularly chatty." Realizing it was just Alicia and Savar and they appear to be relaxing, she asked, "Am I interrupting?" It was entirely possible she had misread the time for the meeting.

“Come in Tate” Alicia smiled as she looked towards the door.

"Alright," Tate replied, doing exactly what Alicia asked. It didn't take her long to come in and sit, but the concern in her voice would be obvious. For a moment, she was worried something was wrong with the baby, but she figured if that were the case, they wouldn't be meeting in the office, they would be meeting in sickbay.

“Thank you for coming, please take a seat.” Alicia waited for Tate to sit before clearing her throat. “You’ve probably both heard about the change of command by now. It appears that Captain Lalor has been taken into custody on charges of treason.”

"A most distressing announcement though I find the charge illogical. What is the basis of this charge? I know of nothing in Captain Lalor 's behavior that would warrant this."

Alicia sighed. “It seems that Starfleet have suspicions about whether or not some of us are who we say we are. According to the Captain those who’ve left the ship since the mirror universe have been arrested as well. I think there’s more to it than that somehow, but who knows!” She shrugged her shoulders. “In the meantime we have a ship full of crew who aren’t happy, and who are struggling with this change of command. That’s where we end up ... well and truly stuck in the middle.”

"I believe as you do Alicia that there is more to this than meets the eye. Have you talked to Commander Taylor? Perhaps he has some insight into this affair." Savar pointed out.

“I haven’t yet but I need to. If only for my own sanity!” Alicia offered a smile.

"I agree, it doesn't make sense," Tate replied, "but to be fair, this wouldn't be the first decision the brass has made that any of us have disagreed with. For the sake of the crew's emotional well-being, I think we have to remind everyone that even though this is a development we disagree with, we are not lost. There's a chain of command for this very reason. In the meantime, I think it would be wise to talk to Commander Taylor to see if he knows anything."

“Agreed” Alicia nodded. “I plan on going to speak to him, to see if I can shed any extra light on what’s going on. In the meantime we have an entire crew to reassure, and recommend they do their duties. Captain Carrington assures me she’ll put up with no messing, she wants us to discourage people from going against her."

"All we can do is advise the crew Alicia. The final decision is theirs. I do hope they listen to our recommendation." Savar spoke calmly, "Otherwise I fear the situation could become more volatile."

Alicia nodded. “That’s what worries me. Emotions are at an all time high at present. High levels of emotion can be unpredictable at the best at times.”

"Very true. We must do out best to relieve the stress of the situation. Perhaps a cooling down period for both sides?"

Alicia nodded. “That’s my plan, we need to ensure everyone in the department is on the same page. With me being on maternity leave, most of the weight is going onto the two of you as main leads for the department. I’ll do what I can during my shorter hours.”

"I have every confidence that between Tate and myself as well as yourself helping when and where you can Alicia, we can stay atop of the situation and stop anything major before it starts." Savar replied.

Alicia nodded. “In the meantime I’ll go and see Commander Taylor, see if he can shed any light on the situation.”

"Hopefully he can." Savar agreed. "This whole situation is most unusual."

Turning to Savar, Tate offered, "What do you think of the two of us setting up one-on-one informal get-togethers with the department heads? We could share the workload, but use the chats as an opportunity to check in with each department and see who may be having a more difficult time with all of this? Perhaps we can help turn down some of the heat before it starts."

"I believe that is an excellent idea Tate. We must do all we can to keep this from boiling over." Savar replied.

“I whole heartedly agree” Alicia smiled warmly. “Let’s get back out there and try to diffuse what we can.”

Savar nodded in agreement. "A most logical idea Alicia. It is time we got back to work."

“Very well, in that case meeting adjourned” Alicia smiled and did her best to stifle a yawn.

Savar rose and moved to her, "Perhaps you return to our quarters and lie down Alicia."

Alicia smiled and nodded. “I think you’re right, I need the rest.” She offered Tate a smile. “If you need me for anything you know where to find me.”

"Your input is always welcome, but right now, just focused on resting. We have this," she added with a smile.

Alicia looked back at Savar. “Do you have time to walk me home?”

"I always have time for you Alicia." He said honestly as he offered her his hand to help her stand up.

Taking her husband's hand Alicia stood ready to head back to their quarters.


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