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Wounded Warrior

Posted on Mon Aug 29th, 2022 @ 10:12pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Episode 4: Reef
Location: USS Elysium, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 1 / 1437 hours
1497 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

As soon as the Runabout was within transporter range to the ship, Mattias and the other wounded Jefferson survivors were beamed over, directly to sickbay. As soon as they started to materialize, the Elysium's medical staff began to triage and treat each one.

When Mattias was beamed over, he was still unconscious, and it was clear from his vitals that his body was starting to suffer from severe decompression sickness.

Sthilg was over at the wounded warrior's side in seconds. Running his scanner over him he knew was wrong in an instant. " He'sss sssstarted to go into the bendsss we need to get him into a decompression chamber. Ussse ward two. " he barked calmly to his medical team.

Kara was on duty in Sickbay. Seeing her brother brought in she froze wide eyed as she watched Sthilg, for a few moments nothing else existed as she focussed on Mattias. Sthilg’s orders snapped her out of her stupor as she rushed forward to help with the rest of the team. She took hold of Mattias’ hand holding it gently as they moved him. “I’m here Matt!” She wiped away a few tears. “Don’t you dare leave me! You’re going to make it, you hear me!? You’re going to survive!!”

If Mattias heard his sister, or felt her touch, he gave no outward notice. Instead, his face continued to swell and started to bruise heavily, especially around his eyes.

Sthilg followed the trauma team into the ward bringing up a forcefield around Mattiasss." Running presssursssing program. " he said calmly as he typed the command into his wrist computer.

All Kara could do was watch as Sthilg did his work. Shaking off the shock she tapped her comm badge. “Kara to Captain Lalor & Commander Starr... you’re both needed in Sickbay right away!”

On the bridge Malakai heard Kara's urgent call. He motioned his relief over and he headed for Sickbay, knowing the Phoenix had heard the call and would be headed there as well.

Phoenix's repy was "Okay. I will be there." Though she sounded distracted due to the fact thay there were other things happening.

As the Sickbay doors opened Kara rushed over to her husband for comfort. She took a moment to compose herself before explaining why she’d called.

“It’s...Matt, he’s in the decompression chamber!”

Mal hugged Kara tightly and took a step back, releasing the hug. "What?! What happened? I thought he had an EVA suit on for the away mission. Do you know what happened Kara?"

Kara paused to take a deep breath. “His suit was trashed! It saved him from drowning, but that’s all it did. He’s suffering from severe decompression sickness, as well as other injuries.”

Mal nodded as he took in the information Kara had given him. "Okay." He said. "Kara listen, Matt couldn't be in better hands with Dr. Sthilg, you and the others attending him. However, you need to keep your wits and stay focused on helping him and I'll help you."

Kara nodded. “Right now all we can do is wait.”

Mal gripped Kara's hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. "Matt's a fighter Kara. He's not going to let this beat him. He'll come out of this."

Sthilg said nothing as he got to work. Working in a pressured environment was never present, but the old doctor could put up with unpleasantness to save lives. One of his eyes was fixed on the monitor which was thankfully showing his pressure was stabilising. " May need to replace his liver." He added as he worked on many of the Marines's internal bleeds.

Phoenix entered looking harassed. "Kara? Doc?" She had to get back to the bridge. She had people to rescue.

Malakai spoke even though the question wasn't directed at him. "Matt was injured Phoenix." He said using the captain's first name. "The Doc is working on him now."

"Oh" was all the Captain could say as she stopped dead and stook for a moment. Shock crossed her face and her hands opened and closed for several seconds. She could not be Phee in this moment. She had to be Captain Lalor. "Doctor Sthilg is the best. He is in good hands. "

Mal took a step towards Phoenix, he had known here a long time, not as long as Matt but close and he considered a good, close friend. "Phoenix.' he said softly, " Are you sure don't want to stay here? I can return to the bridge." He offered.

Phoenix shook her head. "I.. have to go back to the bridge. Crew still missing and such."

Kara looked towards Phoenix, “I’m staying here until I know Matt is alright, I don’t care how long it takes!”

Phoenix took a step back as if backing away from Kara's words. "I want to stay Kara but I cannot."

Kara nodded. “Phee...” she paused. “I’ll tell him you were here.” With that she turned back to watching what was going on.

"I can go to the bridge." Malakai repeated. "I'll keep you informed of what is going on and if you need to return to the bridge. You and Kara are family. I'm just a brother in law." He joked weakly.

Kara gently reached out her hand to touch Malakai’s face. “You’re family too you know, but thank you.”

Phoenix took the opportunity to leave the medical bay, taking a quick glance to the Doctor as she did so, before bolting for the bridge and stuffing her feelings right down. This was not the Black Watch, she was not Lilly Kass anymore She had to play the part of Captain Phoenix Lalor and she could not let the crew see her break. Not in public.

Malakai kissed Kara's hand and gave her a smile. "Thank you, sweetheart." He said gratefully as he noticed Phoenix had left Sickbay. "I'm going to talk to Phoenix, see if i can change her mind." He explained as he left Sickbay to return to the bridge and talk to Phoenix.

Sthilg was still arm deep into his patient. He'd managed to stop the bleeding but was now waiting on the pressure to equalise before he could start working on Mattias organs. " Give me twenty five mili grams of Megetaine." He said to his attending nurse as his other arm was collecting parts of broken bone.

Being a surgical nurse Emily quickly took over from the junior nurse who had been working with Sthilg, she quickly fetched the hypospray. “Megetaine going in now Doctor.”

" Good keep an eye on hisss vitalsss." The lizard stated his eyes darting over to the pressure indicator. Slowly falling.

Emily nodded. This was her speciality, she was a surgical nurse and she enjoyed her work. “Vitals are starting to look more normal Doctor.”

Outside Kara was on tender-hooks as she waited for Mattias’ surgery to be completed. She’d never felt so helpless, knowing there was little she could do except be there for him.

It took many hours before Sthilg was finished. He'd need more work before Mattias would be up and out again, but he was stable. " Okay everyone go and get sssome ressst and sssomething to eat." He said to his team.

Emily was as exhausted as Sthilg so she was looking forward to getting a rest, exiting the surgical bay she offered Kara a warm smile. “He’s out of the woods Kara, Doctor Sthilg will be with you shortly.”

Kara nodded as she breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you Emily, I appreciate everything you’ve all done.”

The heavy footsteps of the gorn stepped through the door as the tired doctor emerged. Walking to a replicator he replicated himself a large water jug which he poured over his head. Feeling refreshed as the cold water flowed over his head he turned to his team smiling. " Hasss someone told the captain he'sss out of the danger zone?" He inquired.

Kara shook her head. “I was waiting to see what you had to say first.” She looked at Sthilg. “How is Matt? Emily said he was out of the woods, but what does that really mean given the severity of Matt’s injuries?”

" He's going to need a few more operationsss to replace sssevreal organsss and plenty of ressst. We got him here jussst in time. Any more and the pressure would have been to much for him." the doctor explained.

Kara nodded. “I’m just thankful Matt had you as his Doctor Sthilg. I’ll give Phoenix a call while you get some rest, update her on Matt’s progress.”

TAG Sthilg

Watching Sthilg go Kara tapped her comm badge. “Kara to Lalor, please report to Sickbay when you’re free. I’ve got an update for you.”

"Lalor to Kara, thank you I will be there shortly." Came the reply but there was the echo of voices in the call.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 8:04am

Oh dang this was an intense post.

Sthilg is one of them bad-ass doctors huh. "Arms deep in the patient" was so gross and so cool at the same time. Yuck and Ewww and Cool all at the same time. Are you sure that that liver is OK? I heard it was the galaxy's hardest working liver?

The scene where the Captain finds out is tough. Especially when she's standing there opening and closing her hands. One can just imagine the choice she has to make. The wretched choice to do what everyone else gets to do, but she can't because she is the Captain. That is tough. But played well and played as I would imagine a starfleet captain would be. Totally in line with the character. A fun read for a Sundee afternoon.