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Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2022 @ 1:33am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Deanna Kelea & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Various
Timeline: MD3 - 0130 - 0200 hrs
1807 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

~ One of the Cargo bays ~

Kara stifled a yawn as she rifled through the Cargo in the medical storage area of the cargo bay. She’d been fast asleep until someone had called with the stupidest of excuses about not being able to find the medical supplies they wanted. Too tired to complain now she’d made up her mind to put in the complaint in the morning.

She had just located what she needed when all hell had broken loose! Tossed around amongst the Cargo she’d managed to grab onto something heavy, before another lurch had sent her and more cargo flying. Thrown up against something hard she’d been knocked unconscious, then pinned and buried amongst a pile of cargo.

~ De La Rosa Quarters ~

Heather too stifled a yawn as she sat feeding baby Cody, it wasn’t unusual for him to be awake several times overnight. She had just finished winding her son when the two of them were tossed off the sofa. Rolling into a ball she’d protected Cody way using her own body as a protective shell.

Items and furniture were being tossed everywhere as she kept Cody rolled up in her arms, she wasn’t going to let anything happen to him. Her thoughts went to Fernando, was he alright? What was happening?

~ Quarters ~

In her quarters Emily had been dreaming of her time away in Niagara Falls with Harper, the sudden lurch of the ship threw her unceremoniously out of bed, landing in a heap on the floor up against the wall. The momentary impact knocked the wind out of her, but as she had been asleep the motion of being tossed like a ragdoll had meant she’d suffered very few injuries.

She grabbed onto what she could wondering what in the hell was happening, something bad that was for sure.

She knew Leilani was on bridge shift, but what had happened to George? To Hendor? She needed to find out but right now she was concentrating on not getting injured by flying debris.

~ Sthilg family quarters ~

Deanna awoke to the sudden disasterous lurch of the ship, trying to hold onto the bed she held out her hand to Sthilg. “Imzadi! What’s happening!!?”

Sthilg had fallen out of bed thankfully landing on his artificial arm. Staggering to his feet he gripped his Imzadi'sss hand just as the emergency lights flicked on bathing the room in it's red glow. Looking around his quarters his heart sank at the mess on the floor. " Sssomething'sss happened. Get dressed we need to get to sssickbay." He said opening his wardrobe and pulling the emergency medical bag from the bottom.

Deanna nodded quickly grabbing her clothing. Once dressed she gave her hair a quick brush before looking to Sthilg. “What about Alicia, Savar, and the children?”

" We'll check up on them on are way to sssickbay. I need to collect the other medical kit I have ssstored in their room." The gorn said as he activated his hand into scanner mode.

Deanna nodded. “I’m sorry! I don’t mean to sound so demanding, I’m just worried about them.”

" I understand my love, but I know sssomthing terrible has happened," Sthilg replied

“I know it as well, there’s a lot of people in pain on this ship. I can feel it.”

~ Alicia and Savar’s Quarters ~

Alicia had been up feeding N’vea when all hell had broken loose, stumbling to Connor’s room she’d managed to protect both her children from harm at the price of her previously broken arm, which was now severely broken once again. She was sitting on the floor, nursing a compound fracture which had torn through her skin when she heard Savar calling her name.

“In here Imzadi...”

Savar came into the room and his eyes fell to Alicia's arm. He saw N'vea and Connor were with her and unharmed. He moved to her quickly. "Are you otherwise uninjured my love? He looked at her arm, the bone sticking up through the skin, " Your arm needs to be reset Alicia. I can do it and then fasten a splint to hold it in place."

“It’s got to be done.” Alicia offered a brief smile even though she was in severe pain thanks to her arm. “I think it’s just my arm, it’s hard to tell right now.” She looked towards their children. “Are the children alright?”

"The children are fine Alicia. I can lessen the pain for you, by pressing on the nerves and deadening them temporarily. It will allow you to think better as well as function better." Savar replied as he was already making preparation to splint Alicia's arm.

Alicia nodded. “Please! There’s only so much I can... block out using the teachings you taught me.”

Savar placed his hands on Alicia's temples, "There is no pain, pain is an illusion. I am stronger than the pain." He said slowly as he worked to numb the nerves in Alicia's arm through mental training. To have Alicia's mind not to react to the pain impulses it was receiving.

Alicia breathed a sigh of relief as the pain started to subside, grateful to have Savar there to help her. “It’s working...”

The door slowly slid open as Sthilg's hand crept through. " Hello everyone alright?" The gorn called through as he pulled the door open.

"A little longer Alicia." Savar said as he continued to work on deadening Alicia's nerve endings and blocking the pain of her arm. Once he had reached the level he wanted for Alicia. He looked at her, "I need to reset the bone Alicia. I will be quick." He told her.

“Father?” Alicia looked at Savar “In here!!”

Hearing Alicia’s voice Deanna rushed past Sthilg into the children’s room, gasping as she saw the situation her daughter was in. Grateful Savar had been there to take care of her. “Hurry Imzadi, Alicia’s hurt!”

Savar heard Deanna's voice as well as Sthilg's but he was focused on Alicia. "I will reset the bone on three Alicia." He told her. "One, two...." He announced as he reset the bone pushing back through the skin and aligning it with the other bone. He heard Alicia's gasp as he quickly placed a gauze bandage over the wound site. He then placed Alicia's arm on his heavy uniform jacket and pulled it arm her arm to hold in place as he took his silk ties and tied them around the jacket to make a splint. It would keep Alicia's arm in place until she could get to Sickbay.

Sthilg was in the room in a flash having retrieved the other medical kit from the main room. Checking his son in laws work he gave him a nod before looking to Alicia. " Can you walk?" He inquired

Alicia nodded. “I think so, with the pain from my arm it was hard to tell if there was pain anywhere else.” She looked to Savar for help getting to her feet. “Mum will you look after Connor and N’vea for me?”

Deanna nodded. “Of course I will, let’s bring them to Sickbay with us.”

Savar gently lifted Alicia to her feet. Letting her lean against him for support. "How is your pain now Alicia? It should be considerably less now. Use me to support yourself when you walk."

Alicia nodded. “The pain is... manageable, thank you.” She looked at her father. “As if you aren’t going to have your hands full enough! What I’m sensing isn’t good.”

Sthilg said nothing merely giving her the look that only a trauma surgeon knows just as he's about to enter the battlefield. Tapping his combadge Sthilg spoke calmly. " Thisss isss Sssthilg to anyone on thisss channel. Doesss anyone know what happened?"

Alicia gave her father, and Savar a worried look as there was no response. “Comms must be down, what in the hell happened to us!? What’s happened to this ship?”

"Alicia, I do not know. I only know this, we are alive, and others are as well. We will find out what happened to the ship and deal with it. However right now our immediate goal is to get you to Sickbay and keep the family together and safe." Savar replied calmly.

Alicia nodded. “Let’s get going, the sooner we find out what happened the sooner we can help sort it out.” She offered a wry smile. “Once I’m fixed up that is.”

Sthilg lead the way heading for the nearest jeffries tube shaft. One of the bulkhead doors was down and sealed tight. Thankfully ever senior officer in that section would have been on duty. Opening the shaft he looked down. Intact thankfully. " Okay Sssavar can you help Alicia down. I'll get the children." the gorn suggested

"Of course." Savar answered as he got into the tube first and then turned to hel Alicia enter the tube. "Go slow Alicia, I am here as is your father to help you, everything will be fine."

“Wait! Where’s Tux? We can’t just leave him here!” Alicia looked around wondering where the large sehlat was.

"I will go and find him Alicia." Savar replied, climbing out of the tube and going back to their quarters to look for Tux. "Tux? Tux? Come, we must leave." Savar called to the sehlat as he moved slowly through their quarters, weaving around upended furniture and the floor littered with objects off the wall along with books and destroyed bookcases. "Tux." He called again and this time he was rewarded with a plaintive cry. He moved to where it came from and he saw Tux had his leg caught under Alicia's China cabinet, pinning him there. "Easy Tux. I will free you." Savar told his pet,and lifted the cabinet off Tux's leg. Once free Tux scampered out, licking Savar as he did. "I am glad you are well Tux, now we must get to Alicia and the others." As the pair made their way back to Alicia and the others.

Sthilg had rigged his shirt and jacket into a sling to carry his grandchildren as he waited for his son-in-law to return. He'd scanned the surrounding cabins which were thankfully empty. Drawing a small hypo spray from one of the kits and giving her a cough in warning he injected it into his daughters neck. " That ssshould help." he said calmly.

Alicia nodded and smiled. “Thank you father.” Her gaze went down the other end of the corridor where she could see stars through an open hole in the hull. “Thank heavens for emergency forcefields!” Her gaze changed again as she saw Tux and Savar returning. “Let’s get the hell out of here!”



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