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Checking in - Teevs and Sthilg

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 5:20am by Kerilia Dosivi & Teevs Dosivi & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Teevs' Quarters
Timeline: S6E4 MD7 - Afternoon
1434 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The footsteps of the gorn slowly echoed down the corridor as the ship's reptilian doctor made his way through he quest quarters. Most were empty at the present other than some which had been used for extra storage space.

Stepping up to the occupied quarters the gorn waited patiently for it to open. Time to see how the ship's guests were doing.

A moment passed before the door opened. Teevs was rubbing the back of his neck when he looked up to see the doctor. The stress of the last few days, with the news that he would be part of the away team in a couple of days, left him with tension in his shoulders and head. "Greetings, Doctor," he said, sounding a little surprised. "What can I do for you?"

" Just checking that your sssettling in. " The lizard replied with a warm smile on his face. " May i come in?" He asked

Stepping aside, Teevs gestured into the quarters with one hand. "Considering the closeness to Thaih'ea territory, we are doing alright," he answered. "Can I get you something to drink?"

" A refill of my coffee would be appreciated." The gorn replied reaching for his flask at his belt and holding it up.

Taking the flask from him, Teevs walked over to the replicator and said, "coffee, please."

Sthilg took a seat on the couch. " How are you finding the quatersss?" He enquired.

While the computer processed the request for coffee, Teevs turned his attention to the doctor. "They are very comfortable, sir. Both of us are settling in well."

" And how are you breathing?" the gorn added.

"We have adapted, and it is much easier," was the response. The coffee ready, Teevs made himself some tea before bringing both beverages over. He was rather fond of the Earth teas, namely something called 'eucalyptus' with the slightly minty flavor. He offered the coffee to his guest before also taking a seat. "We have only needed the breathing device rarely now, usually after estensive training."

" That'sss good. How is the crew treating you?" the lizard added as he took the coffee with a smile.

Teevs gently blew on his tea to help it cool. "Very well. They have understandably relied on my knowledge of the Thaih'ea, so sometimes I feel nervous to let them down somehow."

" That'sss good." The crew were acting just like Starfleet should. "Any other thing you think your doctor needsss to know about?" He asked

There was a pause as Teevs considered his question. "It has been a couple of days since the recurring nightmares stopped, but Kerilia's been having trouble getting to sleep. Do you have any recommendations to help her? We have tried teas, doing some sort of exercise before bed to tire her out..."

" May i take a brain ssscan?" Sthilg asked.

Teevs gave the Gorn a nod. "You may, doctor. Thank you. She is currently playing with the other children on board, but we can visit sickbay when she returns. Or, I am not sure if you brought your supplies with you, but you are welcome to do it here if she gets back before you depart."

The gorn smiled as his artificial arm began morthing turned into a medical scanner. " I alwaysss come prepared," he said holding it up before it began to shift back into it's standard arm mode.

It came as a surprise to Teevs when the Gorn's arm morphed into a scanner, then stared curiously as it returned to its normal form. "What interesting technology... and useful," he commented. He didn't get a chance to see it when he and Kerilia first visited him, and someone else implanted the tracking chip. "I suppose I should mention that I have also been having trouble sleeping. I suspect it's due to stress, but it's been difficult to fall asleep for the last couple of nights."

" Hold ssstill I'll give you a quick ssscan." The gorn said as his arm remorthed and he got to work. His face said everything as he ran his scanner over him. " Your definitely over ssstressed. I'll give you a medication for some sleeping tablets." he said as he began typing on his wrist computer

Teevs did as he was told, not that surprised by the results. How could one not be stressed right now? "I appreciate it, doctor. I can't really help it, we're in such a dangerous part of space."

" We're all feeling stressed. If the pillsss don't help come and sssee me asss sssoon asss you can." The reptile replied with a friendly smile on his face.

Teevs gave the doctor a nod, giving the doctor a rather unconvincing smile in return. The nightmares kept his worst moments in life at the forefront of his mind, leaving a fear that he'd return to those moments if he shut his eyes. The door behind him hissed, and he turned to see Kerilia enter.

The young Lonian's eyes widened when she saw the friendly doctor. "Doctor Sthilg!" Quickly taking off her shoes, Kerilia ran up to the Gorn and gave him a hug. She liked the doctor enough to warm up to him, and seeing him was certainly a surprise.

The gorn returned the hug. " Hello there Lonian how are you doing?" he asked with a smile on his face.

Kerilia pulled back to give him a smile. Of all the people on board, she took a special liking to Sthilg. Perhaps it was his kindness, or the way he showed her how his medical stuff worked. "I'm alright! Some friends and I were having fun in the Promenade. We got to watch the people in 'Galactic House of Pancakes' make these flat sweet breads!"

Teevs couldn't help but smile at that. It was nice to see her opening up more and showing that bubbly side of herself that she often kept guarded. Spending the last few months on the Elysium was good for her, and he was glad that she was making friends. At the very least, it helped distract her from the stressful week.

" I'll have to ssshow you my cooking sssome time." Sthilg replied. " How are you sssleeping?" he added.

The excitement over an invitation to a meal faded slightly at his question. Briefly glancing to Teevs, Kerilia answered, "not great. I'm... afraid to fall asleep because I don't want the bad dreams to happen again."

" Asss are a lot of people on the ssship my dear. " Sthilg replied calmly. " I can perssscribe you sssome herbal teasss that could help."

"My dad and I tried some teas from the computer." Kerilia counted on her fingers as she recalled what they had tried. "Lavender, eucalyptus, and mint. The computer also suggested lemon, but it has, um... a thing I can't have. Citrus, I think?"

" I can give you sssomething a little ssstrong that could help my dear. " Sthilg replied with a smile. " Don't worry I'm assure it will help."

The teenager nodded appreciatively, returning his smile. "Thank you, Doctor Sthilg!" The possibility of getting a better night's rest, perhaps with no dreams but ideally with good ones, gave Kerilia hope that his remedy would work.

Teevs looked at Sthilg and gave him a silent 'thank you.' It was difficult trying to get her to sleep on his own, especially when her mother was the one who knew exactly what Kerilia wanted, and his own nightmares didn't help. "When can we pick up the sleeping aids?" he asked.

" I'll have them sssent to your replicator. " Sthilg said gesturing with his head. " The wonders of federation technology. "

"Oh, thank you!" While Teevs knew such a thing was possible --it was very common on space stations-- but sometimes the walk was nice. It did mean that he didn't have to rush while he was making dinner.

" No need to thank me. Isss there anything else you need the old sssawbone'sss for?" The gorn asked with his usual smile.

A momentarily look of confusion furrowed Teevs' brow at the 'sawbones' reference, taking a moment to decide what he meant. "I don't think I need any bones sawed, but thank you, Doctor," he eventually responded, a weak smile giving away the silent hope that he guessed the term correctly.

"it'sss and old human ssslang for a doctor." Sthilg replied with his usual happy face.

A faint blush colored Teevs cheeks as the realization made him chuckle. "Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification, Doctor. I don't think we need anything else from you." With that, Teevs watched the Gorn leave before turning his attention toward making food.


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