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A Time to Relax

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 9:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Tropical Planet
Timeline: MD3 1000 hrs
1620 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

The shuttle had landed and drop off a number of the crew for some well-earned and deserved R&R. Savar, Alicia, Soral, Connor and N'vea stepped out of the shuttle and into the warm breezes and sunshine. Soral wore a bright Hawaiian shirt of garish colors and sunglasses. Connor and N'vea were dressed in shorts and cute little shirts and hats to keep the sun out of their eyes. Savar had on a t-shirt that said, "No one likes a shady beach, a big floppy Hawaiian straw hat and sunglasses. Alicia wore sunglasses, a summery dress and a hat as well.

“Wow! They weren’t kidding when they said this place was a paradise were they?” She smiled the biggest smile ever. “I could quite willingly set up home here.” She smiled at their children, this was the first time most of them had been somewhere that wasn’t a holodeck representation.

"Indeed, they were not Alicia, shall we find a suitable site for us to set up house?" (he means camp out) "Then the children and ourselves can begin to enjoy our surroundings"

“Please do” Alicia nodded and smiled as she kept their family group together. “This is, as Vulcan’s would say, fascinating!”

Savar nodded, "Well said Alicia and accurate. This is fascinating as well as amazing." As the little family walked along looking for a spot they could settle down on.

“How’s about here?” Alicia motioned to a shaded spot under a large tall tree, with a view out over the bluest ocean she’d ever seen.

Savar came alongside Alicia; He nodded in approval. "This will do nicely Alicia. Well done. Connor and N'vea can play in the sand, Soral can swim, and we can watch everyone and swim."

“Plus I can spend some well deserved time with all of you, something that hasn’t been easy lately.” Alicia offered a smile.

"A situation that we need to take advantage of as well as make sure we all make time for each other." Savar replied.

“Exactly” Alicia smiled. “I will be making more time between my duties from now on. I’m forever bringing work home, that’s something I plan to stop doing.”

"An excellent idea Alicia. However, it may prove difficult to carry out. Some work depending on the nature of the case and patient may need to be brought home." Savar answered.

“Very true” Alicia nodded. “I just seem to be doing it a lot lately” she shrugged her shoulders before laying back on the beach mat under the shade of an umbrella. “Now this is paradise.”

Savar laid down beside her and in a totally unVulcan moment, leaned over and kissed Alicia. "It is paradise Alicia and being here with you and the children makes it perfect."

“Anytime with you, and the children makes it perfect for me” Alicia smiled as she lay looking into Savar’s eyes. “I think I’d be perfectly content to stay right here forever more.”

Savar gazed down at Alicia. " A very true and correct statement Alicia. One I share with you. However as agreeable as that thought is, I do not believe the Commodore intends on us settling here. So, we should make good use of the time we have here in this paradise."

“I know” Alicia nodded. “Just call it wishful thinking” She grinned. “How’s about some fun in the water, then we can build sandcastles!”

"I think that is an idea I can fully support Alicia and I believe the children will also enjoy this endeavor."

“I’m sure they will” Alicia nodded. “I’ll grab some shells to decorate the castles once they’re built.”

"Excellent we will have the best decorated sand castle on the beach." Savar agreed as he got the small buckets they had brought with them.

“Do Vulcans build sand castles?” Alicia looked at her husband curiously. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen Vulcan’s enjoying themselves doing anything.”

"You are correct in your statement Alicia to a degree. Vulcans also must relax but we do it through meditation and there is no enjoyment it is a need that must be met. However, you are my wife Connor, N'vea and Soral are our children. I must involve myself in your and their lives and one way to do that is by building sandcastles. Which gives them and you enjoyment."

Alicia nodded. “I look forward to spending any time with you, whether alone or with our family. As for meditation I have missed several sessions with you lately, I’d still like to learn to meditate it would be of great benefit.”

"Our time together is always special and of great importance to me Alicia. As for meditating with me and learning more. I shall be most pleased to show you." Savar answered.

“Excellent!” Alicia grinned. “Did I say my mum and father are planning on marrying while we’re here? They want to be married before the twins are born in a few months.”

"You did not mention it Alicia. However, I am glad your mother and Dr. Sthilg are getting married here. this is a quite beautiful location. I take it you will be in the wedding party." Savar inquired.

Alicia nodded. “Matron of honour. Which means I’ll have to leave you to babysit all the kids until I can join you. Plus I think Gary will need us to look after Little Lia as well.”

Savar nodded,. "You will make a fine matron of honor Alicia. It will be most agreeable to watch Little Lia. She and Connor should get along fine. She will be no problem at all."

“Thank you” Alicia smiled warmly. “I can hardly believe my mother is remarrying and that it’s to Sthilg! I’m so excited!!”

Savar quirked an eyebrow at her. "Your mother is marrying your adoptive father. How often has that happened I wonder? What is not to be excited over?" His voice even his eyes twinkling with delight.

“I have no doubt it’s a first.” Alicia grinned. “I’m looking forward to having a brother and sister as well.”

"Yes, there is that to look forward to" Savar admitted. "It is quite the story. I am pleased your mother and Dr. Sthilg found each other. May their love be as rich and deep as ours is my wife."

Alicia smiled. "I have no doubt it will be Imzadi, I've never seen my mother so happy as she is now, not since we lost my father a lot of years ago."

"I am glad she is happy and found love again Alicia. Being alone is a terrible thing for one to endure." Savar answered quietly.

Alicia nodded. “I know Imzadi.” She offered a gentle, caring smile. “Let’s go take the children down to the water, let them enjoy themselves while they can.”

"An excellent idea Alicia," Savar replied as he rose to his feet and then extended a hand to Alicia to help her stand. Next step gather the children.

Alicia smiled and took Savar’s hand. “So whose up for going down to the water? She looked between Connor and Soral, N’vea was too young to answer for herself. Connor stood up clapping his hands with excitement. “What about you Soral?”

Soral looked towards the water. “I confess a certain curiosity to entering into the water. So, I will satisfy it by going in."

Savar moved to Connor and picked him up. "Come Connor, Soral, we shall all go into the water while your mother gets N'vea."

Alicia smiled it was good to see Soral joining in with the fun. “We’ll be right there with you.”

"We will wait for you Alicia." Savar Answered as he, Connor and Soral walked down closer to the water without going in.

“I’m on my way” Alicia smiled as she caught up with N’vea. Carrying their young daughter down to the water so she could paddle her little feet in the shallows.

"Excellent." Savar answered as Alicia arrived with N'vea. "Now let us all enter the water." As he took hold of Connor's hand. "Soral, stay close. You are proficient in swimming?"

Soral nodded, "I am. I scored at the top of my group in the swimming tests."

“Excellent” Alicia smiled as she held N’vea in the shallows. Holding out her hand for Connor as well she gave him encouragement to have a go.

Connor was the daredevil of the children. He smiled and laughed then jumped down into the water, completely submerging himself only to pop back up like a cork shot out of a bottle. Laughing with a huge smile on his face.

“Connor be careful” Alicia looked towards her son, at two years old he was more outgoing than most toddlers his age. Sometimes a little too quick without thinking first.

Connor grinned at his mother and dropped back under the water before popping back up. "It is settled." Savar announced. "Connor is going to be a marine biologist with his love of the water."

Alicia grinned. “Whatever he wants to be, I’ll support.”

"I agree completely Alicia. I was attempting to make a joke." Savar offered by way of an explanation.

I know” Alicia grinned. “I love your sense of humour Savar, you know that. Now let’s have lots of fun!”

"Thank you Alicia. My love for you is all encompassing." Savar replied then added, "A most excellent suggestion Alicia, it is what we came for is it not?"

“It is indeed Imzadi” Alicia smiled warmly, This was family time she was going to enjoy for as long as she could.




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