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Question of Health

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2024 @ 9:37am by Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Commander Sthilg & Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Main Medical Bay
Timeline: Md5
720 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Samaire with Liam walked into the main medical bay and asked if they could see Sthilg. A nurse directed them to a bio bed where they stood waiting for Sthilg.

Liam stood on Samaire's right, his left arm around the small over back.

Sthilg gave the two the warmest smile that he could. The two had been through a lot. " Hello you two. What can thisss old sssawbone do for you today?" He enquired.

Samaire smiled slightly. "I would like to get a fertility check up please doctor."

" Off courssse my dear. You've come to the right lizard." The gorn replied with the confidence only an expert in his field could. " Take a ssseat and we'll get you ssseen to. " He added as he began pulling the curtains around the bed to give them some privacy.

Sam nodded and did as she was bid.

As Sam got onto the biobed, Liam stayed right by her side, holding her right hand.

"We appreciate it Doctor. Just concerned that those aliens did more than we know."

" I underssstand. " He replied in his most reassuring voice his reptile voice could manage. " I'll ssset up a deep ssscan. Jussst lay back and relax."

Samaire nodded. And she tried hard to relax as she lay there.

Seeing that she was a little tense, Liam whispered down at her. "Hey, look at me, honey. Don't think about anything but me." He lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed the inside of her palm.

Samaire nodded and kept her gaze on him..

Sthilg nodded as he switched on the scanner. It wasn't long before the results appeared on the screen before the lizard.

Samaire looked towards Sthilg as the scanner made a sound. She wondered what it showed.

Liam looked to the elder Gorn, hoping that he had good news for them.

The gorn began clicking his tongue agist his mouth. " Now thisss isss very very odd." he said out loud as he kept on typing on the computer.

"Oh that's comforting," Samaire quipped. "Go on Doc."

"Yes, please," Liam echoed. "Is something wrong?'

" There appearsss to have been an incisssion made on your ovariesss outer layer, but nothing ssseemsss to have been done inssside. " The gorn said generally confused by this situation.

"What does that mean?!" Liam blurted out, a mixture of concern for his wife and rage towards the Thaih'ea clear in his voice and mannerisms.

Sam took a breath. "They did something bad, right?"

Sthilg looked at them an honest look on his face. " I honestly can't tell. Everything ssseeemsss to be perfectly normal. It looksss like they made a simple incisssion into the outer tissssue, ssstoped and healed it up." His face returned to the screen. This truly was puzzling.

Samaire nodded slowly. "Maybe they got interrupted...might have been when the deal was struck."

Liam held his wife's hand protectively. "Doc, do you see any reason for us to be concerned about trying to have our own children?"

Sthilg looked further at the screen before looking back at the pair. " No my dearsss. I can sssee no reassson for you to be concerned, but I would like to keep you monitored, Sssamaire. Jussst in cassse."

Liam looked down at Samaire, a look of hope growing in his eyes.

Samaire took a deep breath. "Thank you doctor, I greatly appreciate it." She said to the CMO. "We appreciate it."

" I'll have sssome drugsss that can help sssent to your replicator." the gorn added.

Liam looked back at Sthilg, his eyes starting to fill with happy tears. "Thanks, Doc!! This means so much, to both of us!" He then helps Samaire sit up.

Sam nodded and got down off the bio bed. "Thank you for your time Doctor. This information is a real help." She gave the Gorn a hug with a smile.

After Samaire finished hugging Sthilg, Luan did the same, before he stepped back and grinned. "You keep taking care of my family, Sir. If you're not careful, I might ask you to be the godfather of our children."

" I appreciate the offer. " The gorn said returning the hug. " Now take care. If anything feelssss off contact me immediately okay?"

Liam nodded, then looked over to Samaire.

"Yes Sir" She smiled then the Reece's left the medical bay.


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