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I Don't Think Chicken Soup is Gonna Work

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 2:30am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
1400 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain Gary Taylor lay on a biobed in Sickbay. He floated in and out of consciousness. His body wore a sheen sheen of perspiration, and he was warm to the touch. He had been rushed to medical center by crew members where he was currently being examined by Dr, Sthilg and Kara Starr where a series of tests were being run.

Kara was standing outside the quarantine field that surrounded Gary’s biobed. The field was just precautionary to stop any possible infection. “Biobed readings are all elevated Doctor.” She looked at Sthilg. “Body temperature is reaching fever point.”

Sthilg was running his scanner over Gary a concerned look on his face. " Let'sss get him ssstarted on a combination of anti viral drugsss while we take a look at the resssultsss." he said turning to look at Kara. Even in the quarantine suit he remained calm.

“Yes Doctor” Kara headed over to the tray of hyposprays, picking up a wide spectrum anti viral. Returning to the quarantine area she administered the hypo. “Anti virals and are in Doctor.” She picked up a cooling gel pack and gently laid it across Gary’s forehead. “Don’t worry Captain we’ll get you sorted out.”

Gary groaned softly as kara gently ran a cooling pack across his forehead. His eyes flickered open and he looked up at Kara. "Kara." He whispered before his eyes closed again.

Kara offered what support she could, with Lia not being there to be at her husband’s side Gary had no one for support.

Walking into Sickbay Alicia quickly headed to put on a quarantine suit, she and Gary had become good friends since they gained ‘their’ son Connor from the mirror universe. She smiled at Kara and offered her father a warm smile as she walked up to Gary’s bedside gently taking his hand. “You’re not going through this alone Gary, I’m going to be right here.”

Hearing a familiar voice a concerned and friendly one, Gary's eyes opened and after a few seconds focused on Alicia. "Alicia? What are you doing here?" his voice raspy and ragged.

Alicia gently released Gary’s hand. “I’m here for you, Lia can’t be here with you so I will be.” She smiled warmly. “Besides Connor was worried about Uncle Gary.”

Gary nodded sadly at Alicia's comment about Lia., "Such a good boy." He replied. "What about...." he began to cough. After a few seconds he settled down to finish his question. "Little Lia?"

“She’s fine, she’s worried about you, but I reassured her you’ll be home as soon as Doctor Sthilg says so.” Alicia smiled at her father before looking back at Gary. “I’ll be right here for you, and Lia will be staying over with us until you’re better.”

Gary's eyes closed for a moment at hearing Alicia's statement. The magnitude of it overwhelming him. Reopening his eyes, he looked at Alicia. "Thank you, Alicia. Thank you for everything." His voice was weak. "I need to be on the bridge, my place is there. Assisting Phoenix."

“It’s my pleasure” Alicia smiled. “Right now your place is right here, you can’t help Phoenix in this condition and you know it. Concentrate on getting better first okay?”

Sthilg walked over with a glass of water and a cloth. " Here you go my boy let'sss sssee if you can drink thisss." He said offering him the glass of water.

Gary started to protest but stopped, knowing Alicia was right. He nodded slowly and answered "Sage advice Alicia." As the Doc handed him a glass of water he started to sip and then stopped as he began to cough. When he stopped he said, "Feels like my throat is constricted Doc."

" Lay back I'll ssstart you on a drip. " Sthilg said taking the glass. " We have you on a courssse of anti viralsss while we run your ssscan resssultsss. " he explained.

Gary nodded at Sthilg's instructions and lay back on the biobed. The effort leaving him weak. "So, Doc, care to venture a guess what is wrong with me?" Hoping the CMO had an idea of what was wrong with him.

Kara was still monitoring recording the readings to keep a complete record. She had no doubt if anyone could help Gary it would be Sthilg.

" Mossst likely an unknown viral infection. " The gorn replied honestly. " I'm running a ssscan on your vitalsss ssso we ssshould know more sssoon."

Gary managed a weak nod and closed his eyes. He was physically spent. He felt like a rag doll, and he didn't know why. There had been no warning to the onset of whatever it was he had one minute he was fine, the next thing he was in sickbay. "I know you and Kara will find the answer." He replied, his voice a whisper.

Alicia offered both her father and Kara a smile. “You just rest, don’t worry about anything. Right now you need to concentrate on getting well.”

Gary didn't speak but he did nod his head in agreement to Alicia's statement. he was concerned about Little Lia, his young daughter. He had to get better for her. He turned to Alicia, his eyes focusing on her. "Tell Little Lia, I love her." He rasped.

“I have, and I will again” Alicia smiled warmly. “Once you’re feeling better I’ll bring her to see you.”

Gary nodded gratefully to Alicia and her offer. "Thank you, Alicia."

Sthilg was over-checking on the results. The good news he was stabilising at least. Now they needed to start cycling them to find out which one was having the effect.

As he lay there, Gary felt at a loss over his inability to fight whatever it was that landed him in Sickbay. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and he didn't like it. He was use to being able to analyze a situation, develop a plan of action then take control over a situation and defeat it. Now he had to rely on the Doc and his staff to find the answer and take control of the situation.

Alicia was feeling Gary’s emotions she offered a warm smile as she looked at him. “Try not to worry, my father will do everything he can to get you back on your feet.”

Gary turned his head to Alicia. "I know he will Alicia. I have no doubt about that. I just hate not being able to anything myself."

Sthilg was still looking over the program as the results began to come in. " Looksss like the mx14 is having the bessst effect. " he said as he typed in the command to make it the primary anti-viral agent. It would work until he could come up with a customer agent to kill it for good.

Alicia offered a warm smile. “Trust me Gary, I understand how you feel. Just try and enjoy the rest while you can.”

"Thanks Alicia." Gary replied with a sigh. "I'll do the best I can in taking your advice though lying around stinks."

“Tell me about it!” Alicia grinned. “There’s nothing worse sometimes!”

"Truer words were never spoken Alicia. It is the pits, and I can't wait for this to be over and out of here and my strength to come back." Gary answered as he lay in the bed, looking at Alicia.

“It’ll happen in time, don’t you worry” Alicia smiled warmly. “If anyone can make you better it’s my father.” She gave Sthilg a big smile. “Just relax and enjoy your time off.”

Gary nodded as Alicia spoke. "I'm sure he can and will Alicia. I'm just impatient." He sighed, "I'd enjoy this more if I was doing something relaxing and enjoyable." He gave a weak smile.

“Is there anything I can get you? A PADD, Some reading?, anything else?” Alicia gazed at Gary curiously.

"A book would be nice Alicia, maybe a crossword puzzle as well." Gary replied. "Anything is better than lying here." He still felt weak but Alicia was here and he enjoyed talking to her and her company.

“Okay” Alicia smiled. “I’ll go get everything and I’ll be back, in the meantime you get some rest.”

"Trust me Alicia, I'll be right here when you come back." Gary replied, a weak smile on his face.


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