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Early Arrival

Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2024 @ 11:49pm by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Commander Sthilg & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 3/3/2398
1145 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been along night but in the early hours of the morning Heather & Fernando had welcomed their daughter Caitlin into the universe. After an exhausting labour Heather had slept like a baby, giving Fernando bonding time with his newly arrived daughter.

Opening her eyes Heather smiled as she watched Fernando cradling their tiny newborn. “She has your eyes.”

Fernando looked up from where he was sitting with Caitlin, singing to her. he beamed at heather's compliment. "Thank you love but she looks like you."

Heather smiled. “That Ginger hair is definitely like me!” She winced a little as she moved position. “Can I hold her?”

"You most certainly can." Fernando replied as he got up and walked the short distance to Heather's bed, and hand her Caitlin. He saw her wince, "Are you in pain Heather? Do I need to call a nurse?"

Heather offered a shake of her head. “I’m just sore, it’s tolerable Imzadi don’t worry.” She gently accepted their tiny daughter looking down into her beautiful eyes. “What should we name her? I think I had Paige on the shortlist, what else did we have?”

Fernando relaxed at Heather's assurance that she was okay. "Let's see, there was Caitlin and Cassidy, Cora, Jan and Jessica." He rattled off. In his opinion they were all excellent names for their daughter.

Heather looked at their daughter, “How’s about Caitlin? Caitlin Paige De La Rosa, it has a nice ring to it.”

"Caitlin Paige De La Rosa." Fernando repeated. "I like it. It does have a nice ring to it. Sounds regal." He added with a smile.

Heather grinned. “Regal huh?” She gently kissed Caitlin’s small head.

“Congratulations” Emily smiled as she walked over to check Heather’s readouts. “She’s absolutely gorgeous.” She looked at the PADD she was holding as she entered the readouts from the biobed. “Your readings are a little elevated, not surprising after what you’ve been through but I’ll let Sthilg know.” She offered them both a smile and went to talk to Sthilg.

“Excuse me Doctor” Emily smiled warmly. “Heather’s readings are looking elevated, not surprising given she’s not long given birth but I thought I’d let you know given Heather’s history with her heart murmur.

Sthilg was sitting behind his computer looking at the results he'd taken from the newborn. " I know it'sss all on her file. Everything looking good ssso far."

Emily nodded and smiled. “I’d like to recommend we keep Heather in a Sickbay for tonight? Given that it was an early delivery.” She gave Sthilg a smile. “Just tell me if I’m overstepping my bounds, I’m probably just being over cautious.”

" Not at all and it'sss a sssensible recommendation," Sthilg replied.

“Thank you” Emily smiled. “I’ll relay that to Heather and Fernando, at least it’ll give Heather a chance to get some rest this evening. I’ll gladly help with the little ones as will the other nurses and no doubt the medics too.”

Emily returned to Heather and Fernando. “I’ve spoken to Sthilg, we’re going to keep you in Sickbay tonight. Nothing to worry about, just slightly elevated readings that I’d like to see come down.”

Heather nodded. “If that’s what you think is best, I’ll need to let the nursery know that I won’t be picking up Cody though.” She looked at Fernando.

"No need to do that Heather, I will pick Cody up from the nursery, bring him by to see you and his new sister, then take him home and we'll have man's night. It will be great." Fernando replied happily.

Heather grinned. “Thank you Fernando, I don’t know what I’d do without you!” She stifled a yawn, but was so enthralled by their new daughter that she didn’t want to let go to sleep.

Fernando nodded, "I will go and get Cody before you fall asleep and once we're done, you and Caitlin can go to sleep"

Heather nodded and smiled. “I’d like that, I want Cody to meet his little sister and know that he’s not forgotten.”

Fernando leaned down and softly kissed Heather. "Your thoughtfulness is just one of your many attributes that I love about you Heather. I'm sure Cody knows he isn't forgotten."

Heather couldn’t help but smile. “If I fall asleep just give me a nudge when you come back okay?”

"I won't be long love but if you are asleep, I will give you a nudge or Cody will give you a sloppy kiss." Fernando replied as he turned to leave and go collect Cody.

“I’ll look forward to it” Heather smiled as she watched Fernando go, before turning her attention back to their precious daughter.

Fernando hurried to the nursery to get Cody and get back to Heather before she did fall asleep, not that he could blame her, she had a long night in delivering Catlin.

Collecting their son, Fernando talked to him on the way back to see Heather. "You are a big brother now Cody, yes you are. You have a baby sister you will need to watch over and show what to do but I know you can do it." Fernando said proudly to which Cody just cooed and laughed.

They were at Heather's room in no time and as they entered saw Heather was still awake. "Look Cody! There is mommy and your new sister." Cody clapped and held his arms out for Heather to take him.

“Hey little man!” Heather smiled as she gently cuddled Cody, it was going to be a juggling act between her two little ones now. “Thank you Imzadi” she smiled as she looked up at Fernando.

Cody cooed and giggled happily as Heather cuddled him. "You are welcome my love. You should rest while you can, So, Cody and I won't overstay our visit. You've had a long day."

Heather nodded. “Thank you Imzadi, as much as I’ll miss you both I do need some sleep.”

"We will miss you as well Heather. When you and Caitlin come home, we will have a our first meal as a family. It will be special."

Heather nodded. “I’ll look forward to it Imzadi” Heather smiled.

"As do I my love." Fernando replied warmly gazing into the face of his beautiful and lovely wife.

Giving Cody a hug and a kiss Heather smiled as she let Fernando pick him up again. “Mummy will see you soon little man.”

Fernando took Cody. "Come on my man, we have work to do. We have to get our cabin right for mummy and Caitlin for when they come home as well as you and I having man's night," Cody giggled in joy at Fernando's words.



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