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Team 5 - Adventures

Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 4:33pm by Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Magnus ) & Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach and Transporter Room 5
Timeline: MD7 - 07h00
1263 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The group of officers and enlisted gathered in the transporter bay where a pile of backpacks were waiting. An ensign stood there with a PADD. Once everyone was gathered, the Ensign began to speak.

“Welcome to your daily challenge. Grab a pack, they are all the same. You will be beamed down to a location on the planet, all land based. There you will spend the day as a group, looking around the area, taking scans, samples, hiking through the forests and the like. You will spend 8 hours planet side. Work together, listen to each other. Learn about each other. While you may wear different ranks, this is a working together exercise and one I want you all to do, without considering rank.” The ensign smiled. “So Speaks the Commodore. Please grab your bags and step onto the transporter pads.”

The ensign then added “Oh, the weather may be inclement. So be prepared to get wet.”

Gunnery Sergeant Gami chuckled as she slung the bag onto her shoulder and slipping it onto her back. "All the better then," she stated as she stepped onto the transporter pad.

Neri grabbed her pack and joined Gami. The Andorian bounced on the balls of her feet. "This is going to be fun" she said.

Samaire, from Operations merely shook her head promising mentally to teach the Commodore a lesson as she grabbed her pack. She stepped up onto the padd.

After watching the rest of the team grab their bags, Mattias grabbed his pack, chuckling softly to himself. He was so gonna get Phee for her idea of this event.

Louis grinned as he grabbed his bag. ”Finally fun with some non engineers.”

Tate was also excited, but also a bit nervous. She was usually the one to organize such team-building events, but it had been some time since she participated in one. She was not one to throw her weight around by any means, but she was cognizant of how her rank and position may influence things perhaps initially. On the other hand, she was looking forward to getting to know more of the crew without the pressure of position.

She grabbed her stuff and got into position for transport.

The ensign waited for all to gather on the transporter padd. Then he beamed them down.


This group found themselves in what was obviously a caldera of a dormant volcano. It was covered with grasses and they could see the edge of the caldera easily, and a rough hewn path that led out of the small area where they had been beamed in. Insects buzzed around the grasses and birds sang in the trees on the side of the caldera.

Gami looked around, getting her bearings. She knelt down, feeling the texture of the soil. "Ooo, feels like volcanic rock. Hopefully this isn't active."

Neri walked to Gami. "Agreed, I do not feel like surfing Lava." The andorian replied as she pulled a tircorder out.

Samaire looked around. "Its massive really, I bet its eruptions helped create the island we are on."

Louis notice a spot where there was mud. He noticed the hot springs. “Wish my wife Lorelei was here. We could take a mud bath.”

Mattias had been scanning the area as soon as they materialized. "Not there, you wouldn't. I'm reading temperatures in the mid 200s Celsius. Plus, there's what looks to be similar to hydrochloric acid in the mud." He looked over at Louis. "Not good mudbath ingredients." He then looked around at the group. "While the volcano seems dormant, everyone keep your tricorders up and your eyes open. The last thing we need is for one of us to step onto fragile crust and possibly open a geyser."

Samaire wrinkled her nose. "I think that's our que to get out of here." She said and headed for the nearest edge which looked like it had a path up to the edge.

Gami followed Samaire towards the path. "Couldn't beam us down to a beach or someplace nice. Noooo, had to transport us to an inactive volcano," Gami joked.

Samaire grinned at her. "I think we can all blame him. It was his wife's idea" she jerked her thumb towards Mattias. She sent him a smile.

"Oh, don't you worry, Sam," Mattias replied with a grin. "My wife will be getting an earful when I get home." He chuckled softly as he finished speaking.

Louis sighed. “It’s okay. No fun if it was okay without your wife.”

"I'm good with getting a move on," Tate remarked, tricorder out and scanning. "Angry people I can handle, but an angry volcano? Not so much," she joked.

“I cannot handle either,” Louis answered.

Gami continued down the path that led off the dormant volcano following behind Samaire. She stopped as a small, grey, long-necked lizard creature crawled onto a nearby rock formation.

Mattias stepped up next to her and whispered, so as not to startle the lizard. "So, Gami, what's it called?"

"Beats me," she shrugged. "Grey long-neck lizard? I'm not a scientist."

“I am not a scientist either,” Louis interjected, “I am an Engineer and an Eagle Scout with over fifty merit badges, so if any of you want something built, just ask.”

Mattias chuckled as he reached out and placed a friendly hand on Gami's shoulder. "You don't have to be a scientist to name a discovery. We are the first people from the UFP to set foot on this soil. You, to my knowledge, are the first one, of us, to see that creature. That gives you the right to name it."

Gami looked at the lizard again that shot two tongues out, grabbing two nearby flying insects.

"Ok, that was just freaky," she stated. "Fine the Gami Tongue Lizard," she sighed with a shrug.

Samaire grinned "Perfect" She pulled a holocam out and took a photo of the lizard.

Neri laughed. "Maybe we should get Gami to stand beside it?" She suggested.

Mattias chuckled softly. "The Gami Tongue Lizard....I gotta say, that sounds either like a drinking game...or a sex toy." He grinned and waited for the punch to the arm from his fellow Marine.

Gami obliged, delivering a solid, yet playful punch to Mattias' arm. "Told you, I'm a Marine, not a scientist."

Samaire rolled her eyes. She was used to marine humour as she was married to one. "Okay lets keep going." she began to keep walking up to the top of the caldera.

**** Time Jump *****

Louis did as promised setting up each portable shelter for each crew member. He set up the place like it was a Boy Scout camp out.

Over the next several hours, the team moved about the area, scanning and taking samples of everything around them, learning more about this new world. As they did so, they talked to one another, getting to know each other more as well.

Mattias had finally suggested that they return to their little camp and have some food. While they were eating, they received a call from the ship, stating that it was almost time to return. As a team, they broke camp, ensuring they left no waste behind. When everything was packed up, Mattias looked to the group. "Everyone ready for beamup?"

"I'm ready," Gami stated as she stood and grabbed her backpack, slinging it onto her shoulder in one fluid movement.

Once everyone had given their acknowledgement, he contacted the ship. Moments later, a breeze rolled by, moving dust around where the team had just been standing.



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