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Getting to Know You

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 6:07am by Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Deck 11 Conference Room
Timeline: MD 7
769 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Anna stood near the front of the conference table, waiting for her staff to arrive. She had held her post for a few days now and had actually intended to do this a little sooner. Still, in operations, there was always work to be done and, now, people were mostly enjoying shore leave on the planet below. Still, it wasn't something she really felt she could leave. It was important to have good working relationships.

Scott came in next; he saw Anna at the front of the conference table. "Lieutenant Morgan is right behind me. I'm Lieutenant Scott Gregory." He said in greeting.

"I'm glad you could make it, Scott," Anna said, offering her hand.

"Thank you." Scott replied as he took and shook the offered hand.

The next two entered. Samaire was reading a padd as she and Sapphire came in.

Sapphire looked at the new chief as they entered and smiled. Once Scott had released the officers hand.

"Lieutenant, I am Sapphire Morgan." She introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you, Sapphire," Anna said, offering the other woman her hand as well.

Sapphire shook her hand with a warm smile. Then she looked to the other officer.

Samaire gave a lopsided smile. "Samaire MacBride-Reece." She said. "Welcome to the Elysium."

"Thank you, Samaire," she said, offering the woman her hand as well.

After she'd greeted everyone, she took a seat and gestured for the others to do the same. "You're all welcome to call me Anna," she said. While she was the head of the department, the other officers were the same grade as her. There was no real reason to stand on ceremony. "So what do I need to know that I won't find in anything official?"

Sapphire took a breath. "Well, we like other departments are low on numbers due to the event that got us here. We have been stretched thin. Not as bad as Flight Control but still thin. We have been leaving the battle bridge unmanned during day shift, and then only skeleton during the night shift hours."

Anna simply nodded. "That's unfortunate, but, if it can't be helped, it can't be helped."

"Sapphire is right. We just don't have the people to properly man the stations around the clock. I usually went to battle bridge; it was my station but not after the encounter with the filament." Scott added.

"Where are you now?" she asked Scott.

"Monitoring and upkeeping the power distribution grid. Most days its lit up like a Christmas tree. Due to the strain on the system." Scott answered.

"We have sealed off unused cabins, and try to keep parts dark, but we have only just got back Warp 5." Sapphire said. "And we have a number of crew in stasis, due to injuries and such that require more medical than we can give with limited supplies."

"Well, we have one more person now," Anna said.

"I think I can safely speak for all of us when I say we're glad to have you." Scott answered with a smile.

"Thank you," Anna answered. "Is there anything that any of you need from me?"

Scott looked at the others then to Anna. He waited to see if anyone else spoke before he said anything.

"I would like to get some of the cadets on board brought up and given some training in case we need them sooner rather than later" Sapphire said to Anna. "We have lost a few trainers down there so, it would work for both them and us."

Anna considered for a moment and nodded. "Done."

"Great!" Scott exclaimed. "The extra hands will come in handy in maintaining and watching the systems."

"But I meant more if anyone needs anything individually?" Anna continued.

Samaire shook her head. "No all good from me"

Sapphire nodded. "Same goes"

"Might as well as make it unanimous. All good with me." Scott added.

"All right," Anna said. "I had wanted to make it would feel forced after all of that. It does seem things are rather dire."

"Not as dire as what you went through." Sapphire said, "But we lost over 30% of our crew in the crossing, its going to take time for us all to get anywhere near normal. Though we do have hope we will get home soon."

"We all will just do what we've been doing. Working together and helping each other every chance we have." Scott spoke up.

"Hope..." Anna said, pondering. "Yes, we have hope. Hope is a good note to end on." She smiled. "It was nice getting to know you all. Dismissed."


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