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Well this is Interesting Part 2"

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2019 @ 9:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Jaeih t'Noramei-McKinley & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Cadet Sophomore Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Commodore Evelyn Mountbatten [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Riov S’Tokkr tr’Noramei

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: USS Elysium - Various
Timeline: MD9 13h00
1194 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

"Well this is Interesting Part 2"


From the comms station, the ensign reported. "Sir, picking up a Romulan transmission. Its.. Sir, they are ordering kamikaze strikes for their fighters!"

As if the words themselves sparked it, the ship rocked as two fighters crashed into the Elysium's hull.

Avalon appeared. [["Hull breaches Deck 10 and deck 35. We are being boarded"]]

Evelyn spun to Morris. "Morris, dispatch your security teams and contact Captain Naxea to get her marines out into the halls!"

The ship shook again. [["Hull breach, deck 44."]]

"Squadron, this is Valkyrie. I want you to use your tractors to deflect incoming Kamikaze's One fighter pulls, the other takes them out." Vaii noted.

"Commodore. The Romulans are attempting to disrupt my sensors," Arrianna noted. "This is a delaying tactic. It is possible they are buying time for the group that may be holding Captain Lalor."

"Well they are definitely delaying us." Mountbatten said calmly.

Jason tapped his console and changed some of the alert signs to intruder alert. Then tapping his com badge. =/\="Morris to all security and Marine personnel. We are being boarded decks 10,35 and 44."=/\= "Avalon lock-down any deck with an intruder on it, only security or marines have full access to the areas." Jason looked towards the Commodore,"Commodore request permission to vent atmosphere in areas of the ship boarded by the enemy to take them prisoner?"

Evelyn nodded. "Do it Lieutenant."

==Deck 10==

Having received the call from the ship's Chief Security Officer, Naxea immediately began to dispatch her Marines to patrol the corridors near the reported boardings and to aid the Security forces. "Lieutenant Edith, take a fireteam with Corporal Lott and help secure Main Engineering. Gunny Rhodes, you're with me, let's make our way to torpedo storage."

"Right behind you, Sir." Rhodes nodded, "Want me to call up a couple squads to back us up?" The squads were for the new Captain's benefit, Rhodes had a phaser and the Marine's best friend, the Ka-Bar, he was good to go, ~Let those green blooded bastards come.~

"Yes. Have Second and Third Squads proceed with us."

"Gunny Rhodes to second and third squads, report to me, we're moving out." Rhodes growled into his communicator, his style of motivating his devil dogs to move their asses.

First LT James Edith, in the Marine barracks, grabbed his gear, and readied to head to Engineering.
He was ordered to proceed to Main Engineer with Corporal Lott.

“Hey Corporal, you ready?” Edith asked.

"Of course", Mona replied.


"Valkyrie, this is Sparky." One of Jess' rookies spoke up. "That old G-12 Warbird is equipped with a hanger module. It may be where the Kamikaze's are launching from."

"Alright folks here's the plan. Beta wing will break off from the fighter shield and make a high speed flank, now these warbirds are designed for ambush attacks, they usually have all their weapons and shields forward, but there is an array covering the flanks. I want to Lull the G-12 Commander into considering Beta the most immediate threat. When he dose break, Alpha and Gamma will hit the underside hard."

"We might open a hole in our fighter screen, El-tee."

"And if this keeps up, we're going to have another Kamikaze wing launch. We defended against one suicide run, now they'll send three until our base ship is dead in the water. The best defense is an offense. Get ready for your run Beta. Elysium Actual, your thoughts?"

Anje was quick to answer, "Valkyrie, have your fighters focus on heat signatures during their strafing runs, especially if they see anything spiking above normal." She began, "Anything beyond the red on the thermal scan might indicate overheating and thus a weakness in the engines. If your people see anything white or blue we might be able to blow the bastards out of the sky if we hit 'em hard enough."


Edith and Lott arrived at Main Engineering. They didn't see Hoffman but they saw Lieutenant Carter at one of the power relay stations. Edith stepped up onto the station platform and spoke.

“Lieutenant Carter, I’m First Lieutenant James Edith, this is Corporeal Lott. We have been assigned to protect Main Engineering and it’s crew.”

"Yea, fine, good to meet you. All I ask is to please try and stay out of the way." Carter kept his eyes on the console in front of him.

“You got it.” Edith said and gave a smirk to Lott standing next to him. Edith walked over to the main entrance of Main Engineering and walked about watching the activity in the room.

Mona took position between two consoles. That way, she wasn't in anyone's path, and could use the consoles to either side of her for cover if needed. Anyone wanting to storm into the room through the main entrance would get some phaser fire in the face.

Gallia, already in her EVA suit, passed by, turning her attention to Edith and Mona, "So, are ya jarheads comin' or not?" Her voice was glib, but her expression to Mona said 'Please come watch my back.'

"You want me to go outside with you?" Mona wondered. "There are no enemies walking the hull, and nothing this little phaser of mine will do to a starship." She didn't know what Gallia expected of her.

"The suits aren't for goin' outside, ya crazy lass!" Gallia laughed, "They're in case we run outta atmosphere. Got one fer ya, too. All you gotta do is shoot any Rommies before they shoot me. Simple."

"That I can do", Mona said, taking the respirator unit out of the suit and slinging it onto her back. "I'm not fighting in that suit, though. I can't move like that."


"Commodore, we have reports of incoming wounded. Medical has been notified and is ready." The Comms officer called out.

Evelyn gripped the handles of the center chair. "Acknowledged"

Jaeih slipped onto the bridge and without stopping slipped down to the Intelligence Blister to hand Wyn a padd with the comm channels for the Romulans. "Most commonly used according to ... my family." she said softly to him. Then she left and headed for the academy.


Miran sat with the rest of her school mates in the civilian bunker on deck 11. Teachers gathered at the sealed doors, talking in soft whispers.

Triston sat beside her and slung an arm around her shoulders. "Its going to be ok Miri."

She nodded "Hope so. This situation is getting worse. First Phoenix vanishes, and now we are under attack." The deck shook with yet another impact.


Avalon looked at the Commodore and her aides. "We have now got breaches on Deck 13, 5, 40 and 26."

Lovejoy heard Avalon address the Commodore and the latest damage report. He tapped his com and redirected damage control parties to the most critical areas to contain and seal off the damaged areas in an attempt to stop the damage from spreading.

Jason tapped the communication buttons on his console."Security lockdown on decks 13, 5, 40, and 26 shelter in place and defend yourselfs, teams are working to repel boarders." Jason said as he continued to fire like crazy at the enemy ships.



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