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Below decks

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2019 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Carter Smith & Petty Officer 1st Class Kaywin-Li Fray & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Crew Mess Hall deck 19
Timeline: MD5 18h
3034 words - 6.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The crew mess hall on deck 19 was crowded with crew on break or just taking 5. The tensions on the ship were growing as the clock continued to count down since the Senior staff went missing. People sat in small groups or alone at different tables.

The slim Andorian Nerinath entered and grabbed a meal from the replicator before looking for a table.

Kara and William entered the mess hall together. "Relax, Holt. You did fine, but you need to learn the maximum temperature that's all." She said, clearly they were in mid-coversation. "Oh shut up, chief. I know. I'll learn it." Holt replied, folding his arms and going to sit at one of the far side tables, as Kara headed to the replicator to get them both a solid black cup of coffee and croissants.

Carter walked in, headed to the replicator, got a bowl of hot chili, and a glass of milk, found an empty table, put down his food, and some padds he wanted to look at. Before chowing down, he looked around the room. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Kara headed back to her table with the two cups of coffee in one hand, and a plate of french croissants in the other. As she put them down, she noticed her assistant not too far. She waved to him. "Lieutenant Carter, why don't you come join us, instead of sitting alone. I promise Holt will behave himself. Isn't that right?!" With the speed of a nimble tiger, she batted the back of his head. "Now be a good boy and stay quiet so the grown ups can talk, ok?" Smiling once again to Carter from across the room, waving him over.

Gallia had come in looking for Kara, wanting at least some time with her; that had come at a premium as of late. She sighed to herself and shook her head as she saw not only Smith but that bastard Holt already at the table with Kara, Well, isnae that just lovely. she thought; she was growing so so tired of seeing all these men fluttering around Kara like bees during pollination season, that and she just plain didn't like Holt. She took a seat on the other side of the room, figuring four was a crowd.

Sami walked in right behind Gallia, she'd just dropped her paperwork for Academy admissions, and saw the Lieutenant shake her head and turn away from taking a seat with her fiance, making Sami wonder if that was still on. She thought about going to talk to Kara, get her to come to Gallia, but seeing Holt turned her stomach, so she went and took a seat by Gallia.

Savar entered behind Gallia and Sami. He noticed several crew members he was unfamiliar with. He would learn more about them when they showed up in counseling. He walked over to the replicator ordered a fruit drink and took a seat at an unoccupied table and silently observed the others.

Rhodes came in next, grabbing his meal and taking a seat next to a Vulcan in medical blue, nodding his head and saying, "Doc."

Savar turned his head to look at the individual seated next to him. He considered telling the Marine that though her held two doctorates he wasn't a medical doctor. Instead he took the simple way out. He nodded and replied "Sergeant."

Carter saw Gaillia walk in, but not come to the table. "How is everyone doing?"

From his vantage point, Savar noted from her body language that the engineer Lt. Norris seemed upset, annoyed and the object of her annoyance was Lt. Hoffman or perhaps those sitting with her. *Interesting* He thought to himself as he continued to watch.

Rhodes had noticed it, too, "Don't know for sure, but if it was me, I might want to go get things right with the little readhead." He commented, "They're fierce. But, I'm sure Lt. Hoffman knows what she's doing with her woman. Sure as hell doesn't need any advice from me."

Savar nodded, "Agreed Sergeant. You offer sage advice. Perhaps Lt. Hoffman is unaware of the level of annoyance Lt. Norris is currently experiencing. If so, them I suspect, she will find out shortly."

"It's not like military life is exactly conducive to happy, lasting marriages to begin with, Doc." Rhodes said, taking a bite of his roast beef sandwich, "Even when nothing is wrong everything isn't right. Don't know, maybe it's easier if your partner's also in, but I know from experience that it's never easy." He stopped for a second, reflecting on Janet and his family, his youngest son the only one he still had a decent relationship with, "Or maybe it's just me. Hopefully for their sake it's just me." ~Wouldn't wish the disastrous outcome of my marriage on anybody...~

"I think all relationships need work Sergeant. From friendships to more involved relationships. Time and sincere effort to want to be with your partner must be given." Savar answered.

Sami was more than a little worried, watching Gallia eating so angrily, so, even though the idea frightened her a little, she decided to say something, "Gallia, what's wrong?"

"Bloody everythin' is what's wrong." Gallia sighed, putting her fork back down in her lasagna, "Dinnae ya see that?" She groaned, pointing across the way to Kara with Smith and Holt.

"I do." Sami nodded, "What's the big problem though?"

"That's ma ship sinkin' is what." Gallia replied sadly, "She isnae gonna be with me much longer, Sami, she's gonna take off with some damn man an' I'm gonna be stuck workin' for my ex."

"I really don't think that's going to happen." Sami reassured her, "I don't see Lt. Smith having any interest in her, and nobody would want to be with Holt, he's a dick."

"Aye, ya cannae deny that." Gallia agreed, forcing a fake smile onto her face. Aye, he's a dick alright, Sami. But he's over there, an' I'm over here... She looked down on her food again, wrapping it in a napkin and replicating a box for it, "Think I'll take this one to go..." With that, Gallia walked out of the mess, she needed to be alone.

"And another one bites the dust." Rhodes shook his head; at the rate romances were imploding around here it would be hard to staff the ship soon, ~Damn fleeters...~

Feyth Railli cautiously entered the room, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. River had suggested that she come so that they could talk about how Sedi was progressing. She hadn't thought it was a good idea, but he had insisted that she didn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter; he was the father after all. And, if nothing else, this was neutral territory. They weren't likely to start screaming at each other in front of so many people. At least probably not.

The only problem was that he clearly hadn't shown up.

With a sigh, the Bajoran woman hugged her arms to herself and made a slow walk of the room toward the nearby replicator.

Walking into the mess hall, Kaylee looked around at the crew deep in conversation. Choosing not to disturb anyone, she made her way over to the replicator and ordered a coffee.

Feyth stood to one side, waiting for her turn. Some part of her dared her to venture conversation, and she decided to follow that instinct. "No matter how quickly it replicates my order, I still get impatient. It's funny how used to these things I am now."

Orin walked in, grumbling low with head down, dabbing gingerly at a bruise forming under his left eye. He took a place in the replicator queue, and waited.

Kara had seen Gallia leave, ~God damnit, this again? Alright, it's time to put this to rest.~ She stood up quickly, ignoring absolutely everyone and everything in her way, as she chased after Gallia like a raptor on the hunt. She twisted and moved through people with incredible agility, barely touching them, if at all; as she exited through the door Gallia left by.

Sami saw Lt. Hoffman exit, thinking for a second she might need to stop her before things got worse, but changing her mind. Maybe this is what they need...

Gallia heard the door behind her swing open then closed, wondering who it was, though she didn't really need to wonder for long, her smell was a giveaway. She turned around and waited for Kara, "Hi..."

Kara was infront of Gallia in moments, without hesitating kara gently pulled Gallia into her for a hug. "What's going on Gallia. Let's talk, but not here. "

Okay, not wanting to do this in public so I dinnae make a scene, must not be tryin' ta dump me yet. "Right." Gallia nodded, "Let's go home, hey?"

Smith looked at Holt after Kara took off. "Just you and me now, I guess."

Holt smirked. "Bah. That's why I don't have a partner. Waste of energy, too much trouble." He said, picking up a padd next to him and reading it. "Now my warden is gone, i can finally do whatever i want."

Neri took a seat off to the side. She listened to the conversations.

"You know, she knows everything that happens on board the ship, so if I was you, I'd watch the "warden" comments, cause as sure as a star is hot, she'll hear about it. I should be going. Night." Smith stood up and headed towards the door.

Sami had heard Holt announcing why he didn't have a partner and was now almost literally having to hold herself down to keep from walking over there and telling him the truth of the matter. She desperately wanted to walk over to him and say, 'No, the reason you don't have a partner is because you're a raging dick, the same reason you no longer have your second pip.' But, she knew she couldn't, because if she did her academy application, which was still under consideration, would be shot out of the airlock when he put her on report, and he would put her on report. Lt. Holt had always made it clear that as far as he was concerned the chains of command were for whipping the enlisted.

She stopped eating and looked Holt over for a minute; he was handsome, intelligent, came from a good family and a privileged background, ergo a catch by any standard. Yet, somehow, with all those pluses he had that one huge minus that negated everything else. She'd never admit it, especially not now with her whole future at stake, but there had been times when she was working in the tubes with him and he was chewing her out like she was a dog who just pooped in his shoe that Sami had given serious thought to just shoving him off of the ladder and letting him fall to his death. There were no cameras in the tubes and she was usually there alone with him, getting away with it would be easy, but, fortunately for Holt, that just wasn't her, Though if he keeps pushing it, who knows?

Rhodes had been thinking a lot while he ate, especially about the last thing the Doc had said, it had lodged in his brain and was now eating at his thoughts, "So, tell me, you got kids, Doc?" The grizzled old Sergeant asked, "I've got three and an ex-wife, makes life.... interesting."

Savar turned to look at Rhodes. "No Sergeant, I have no children and I am not married. However, I am intrigued by your comment that having three children and an ex wife makes life interesting. How so?"

"Helps me keep my edge up." Rhodes chuckled, "It's almost like combat in a way. My youngest just enlisted, we're on good terms. My oldest son and his husband, they don't understand me so there's a gap, have to wrestle with that every so often when they feel like they're doing me some damn favor by calling me on my birthday or on holidays. My daughter, she's one of those over educated, nose in the air types like my brothers, she doesn't even bother with the calls, which is fine by me. My ex, she understands me, maybe too well, why she took off. Whole family's a clusterfuck, so it gets interesting when you've got to try and hold it together as best you can."

"I see. You equate your three children along with an ex wife to being in combat. An interesting and unique analogy. I can see where having to deal with four different personalities that you are so closer intertwined with would help you keep your edge up. You must adapt to ever shifting scenarios and demands. However do you not wish that you didn't have the conflict that seems rife with those you are closest with?"

"I definitely do." Rhodes shrugged, "I hate having a daughter who tells people I'm dead. I hate having a son who refers to me as poison. I hate not seeing Janet in the mornings. Too late to do anything but move on though."

Fernando walked into the mess hall , he had just come from the holodeck where he had been practicing with his rifle. Seeing Sammi, he made his way over to her. "Hiya Sami Sam." He said with a smile as he sat down next to her. "What's up?"

"Oh, hi, Fernando." Sami said after a second's delay, she'd been too lost in the thought of what she wanted to tell Holt, "Nothing much, just lunch. What are you up to?

"Just came from the holodeck. I was doing some target practice." He looked around. "Did you say lunch? I don't see any tray and may I join you?

Sami looked down and realized that she indeed had forgotten to get herself a meal, "Oh, crap." She laughed and shook her head, "Yeah, join me, please, seems I haven't even started."

Fernando smiled and laughed . "You did seem wrapped up in thought. Is everything alright? If Fernando is prying you can tell me to mind my own business. Of course if you do, do it gently. Fernando has sensitive feelings." He finished with a laugh.

"Everything is good." Sami half lied, the way things had turned since Cortic there was no way everything would ever be good again, but things were okay for the most part. She ordered a couple of chicken tacos, deciding to turn the conversation to other topics before Fernando question her too much, "What about you? How are you doing?"

Fernando eyes her for several seconds before answering. "That is good Sami. I glad to hear that. You are young, pretty and smart. You have your whole life ahead of you. Never forget that especially on those days things don't look so great."

"Hopefully I'll be on my way to Frisco soon." She smiled, receiving the tacos from the replicator, "Academy paperwork is officially in."

"That is good Sami. I'm sure you will accepted. However I wish you were staying onboard and going to the Academy here on the ship." Fernando replied. "I will miss not seeing you and your smile along with talking and participating in Lt. Norris, tank simulations." He sighed, "It is selfish but
true. I will miss you a great deal."

"I'm going to miss you too, Fernando." She replied, she was going to miss a lot of people, but now it was time for Melon Head to quit being stupid and find a new life.

"As well you should, my turtle dove." He joked before turning serious. I am sure you have thought this over most carefully as well you should. However is this truly what you wish? Do not make a decision my friend because if a spur of the moment incident."

Spur of the moment incident? Sami wondered, now curious, or terrified, about what exactly he knew, "I've been thinking about this for a long time." She stated, "Only reason I don't regret going right after high school is because I wouldn't have met Liorga that way."

"A most wise decision Sami. Meeting Liorga helped you gain valuable engineering experience as well as on the job training. That can never be duplicated. You would be wise to continue to have her mentor you and attend the academy here. However I am sure you have taken all of this into consideration. I apologize if I am stating the obvious to you." Fernando replied.

"No apologies." Sami replied with a smile, "You're speaking honestly and from the heart, that's a good thing any time you do it. I appreciate your concern for my best interests, Fernando."

"You are my friend Sami and I only want you to be happy and make the right decision. However that is something only you can truly answer."

"It's a lot to think about." Sami nodded, taking a deep breath before taking another bite of her tacos, it was a lot to think about indeed.

"Take all the time you need Sami. There is no time limit on something of this importance that affects the rest of your life." Fernando answered solemnly.

Holt stood up, tucking his padd under his arm, as he headed for the exit. Although by karma, or just bad luck, he had failed to notice a small fork, which was on the floor at his feet. As his foot touched it, the metal slid as if it were on ice. Within moments, Holt was on his back looking up at the ceiling. He quickly picked himself up, scoffed and let out an angry growl that no human should be able to make. He scooped his Padd up and stomped out of the Mess hall doors.

Sami finished the last bite of her tacos, whispering, "Serves you right, you bastard."

"Tsk, tsk Sami. For shame." Fernando replied with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Though I do agree with the sentiment."


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