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Meet the Rev

Posted on Wed Apr 29th, 2020 @ 3:00am by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Maxmillio (Max) Solanga MA, Rev., & Ensign Lunara Hol

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Chief Counsellor’s Office
3983 words - 8 OF Standard Post Measure


With the arrival of Max, Alicia decided to call the members of the Counselling department together for a meet and greet as well as an update on how everyone was progressing with their appointments with the crew. She’d sent out a message requesting everyone’s presence in her office just over an hour ago and now sat waiting for everyone to arrive.

'How Quaint', thought Max as he watched Alicia informing the entire Counseling department to a department meeting. Max was now sitting in a relaxed state, as he sat there, and looked at her office carefully.

The office was tastefully furnished, the office was painted in Alicia's favorite pastel colors, and as a creature of comfort so soft furnishings like cushions and soft blankets draped over the chairs and sofa. Plus a nice fake fur rug that covered the typical Starfleet issued deck rug

Two nice easy Wingback chairs, sat in front of her desk. On the walls, Max could see were her awards, degrees, and several commendations from Starfleet Command, and Starfleet Medical. But what caught Max's eyes were the most important part that every Counselor/Psychologist had; it was a..

A box of toys for the Children of crewmen or the civilians, who had been sent down to the Counseling office for a talk.

Seeing this Max felt more at ease being in Alicia's office than he had seen in many other Counselors/Psychologists offices.

Now sitting there reading several texts from the Office of the Chaplaincy, he continued to read as he waited for the rest to come in.

Savar entered Alicia's office next. He stopped just inside the door way and greeted her formally as this was on duty and others were present, "Lieutenant Salik." He then glanced at Max. "I am Savar and you are?"

Getting up and greeting the tall Vulcan Counselor with a big grin and a warm smile, Max said' I'm Lt Maximillio Solanga, I'm the ships new Chaplain or what they are now calling a "Spiritual Counselor", but I rather prefer the old Title of "Chaplain", and you can address me as Reverend Solango in public, or just "Max" in private away from the general population, and how should I address you in private or in public.. Commander?

Savar glanced at Alicia, his hands behind his back before returning his attention to Max. "Indeed, very well Reverend. You may address me as Commander Savar in public and Savar in private or non official duties."

Also replied Max. as he smiled by saying "We're here to serve" Watching the Tall Vulcan.

"Indeed Reverend. However I also find the snacks Lt. Salik usually has in meetings such as this are quite irresistible." He answered in an attempt at a joke.

Knowing that Vulcans never make jokes, Max wondered how much of a problem it was for the tall Commander to even make a joke, so Max just laughed with the Commander, as he watched the Commander return to his general stoic expression.

Maddy, fresh from babysitting Taya so Gallia could hang out with Anje, was next to enter. She couldn't believe that they were actually bringing a chaplain onto the ship, to her it was a step into the past, but she resolved to be nice to the new guy, the way she wished more people had to her when she started. She walked over to the man she assumed was the Rev. Solonga, since he was the only one she didn't know in the room, and extended her hand, "Rev. Solanga, Ens. Madelaine Masters, PhD, counselor here and graduate of the Elysium academy."

Smiling and with a warm hearted hand shake, Max shook Maddy's hand, and said I understand you you're the musical one of the group, any particular instrument you would love to play, then Max said, I believe you love to play the guitar, replied Max in a very sincere way.

"I'm not as good as my mother was, but thank you." Maddy smiled, the gentlemen was definitely a charmer, "Maybe later I'll get it out and play something for you. Got a favorite song?"

Not really replied Max, but how would you like to play the guitar during one of my Sunday or week night services? I promise it won't be like a regular one that you' may have been used to. And you can forget the fire and brimstone sermons, those went out with the first Warp drive engine... Oh in case you're wondering how I knew you played guitar... Well your fingers were calloused, so after shaking your hand, I just put two and two to get four, replied Max.

"Playing since I was six." Maddy laughed, now at ease with the reverend, "Really struggled to get it at first. The Chief Engineer, she's supposedly really good at it, teaching her daughter with the Chief Ops Officer, that little girl will be better than me at guitar by the time she's ready for pre-K."

Laughing Max said "I imagine the daughter is a handful" replied Max who was smiling as he heard that there was a little girl in her life. Perhaps we should have you present maybe an 'original' work or two on your guitar, during one of my services through the week. Continued Max, by the way "children are always welcomed in my chapel" at any time. replied Max who was now waiting for the rest of the department to arrive...

As Max would chit chat with the other along with Maddy, he would get bits and pieces, some of which was "why a Chaplain since the Federation had long ago decided that religion was out of the question, when dealing with Aliens who came from a different spiritual background"

As Max continued to pick up the bits and pieces, he remembered in his comparative religion classes that the majority of problems with the world during the late 20th and up to the mid 22nd century stemmed primarily from the religious right who decided that fundamentalism was the cornerstone on how governments either used excerpts from the bible to foster their own prejudices, that led to discrimination for many classes of people such as brown skinned folks, to the issue with Gays/Lesbians, and the entire LGBT community. Even the use of passaged taken out of context was used to force governments to do their biddings. saying that theirs was the only 'true' religion, such as the Roman Catholic Church, or the radical religious right who would say that they were right because "God wrote the bible".

But after the War religion became extinct due to the scientific breakthroughs, education, and a non belief in a being that created the world. But mostly people were tired of the religious wars. So the Federation banned all forms of religious training, which would only be found on some fringe colony or planet on the Federations Fringes.

However it was after the Third World War, that the idea of "Secular Humanism" began to grow, overthrowing the shackles of the old religions. The ideals of Secular Humanism is the Philosophy of Reason, Ethics, and Justice, and since that time, this single Philosophy began to replace the old notions of Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic, or Buddhist based religions in dealing with Aliens who did not believe in a God Arc type. With the philosophy of Secular Humanism, where it exposés the goodness of everyone, through education, science, and the determination of man.

Which is something like the Vulcan IDIC in which there is "Infinite Diversity, Infinite Compatibilities, and this is what the Chief of the Chaplaincy Corp had determined to all of the Chaplains that would be coming forth from the Theology Schools, and Divinity Colleges. That the new Starfleet would not consider a religious tone in observing its old religious holidays, but one that considered the goodness of man, and a celebration of life. Also the Holidays which were once considered Holy days of observance would be replaced by a celebration devoid of any religious overtones.

And so Max found himself walking to the refreshment replicator, this time he ordered a specialty of his..' Brandy & Coffee, heavy on the coffee and light on the brandy, then he found another seat between Maddy and Commander Saver, as he sat down between the two; to see who else was coming down for the meeting.

Lunara arrived shortly after. Looking around the room, she quickly found the unfamiliar face. "Ah, hello!" She smiled, making her way over to him. "You must be our new chaplain."

Excusing himself, Max got up and said with a warm smile, and you must be Lieutenant JG Lunara Hol. My name is Lt Maximillo Solange, but to everyone you can call me either Max or Reverend Solange, then he let go of her hand and sat down watching Lunera trying to find a chair to sit on.

Seeing Lunara having problems finding a chair, Max got up and said Lunara, why don't you take my seat, and I'll stand; for I do a lot better standing and addressing my new colleagues than having to get up and down to say a few words replied Max

Lunara waved her hand. "Oh, no! That's all right, I'll find a place to sit. Thank you for the offer though, it's very kind." She moved to take a seat in another place.

Tate arrived a moment later, an apologetic smile gracing her features. She could see everyone mingling about and easily spotted their new chaplain. "My apologies everyone. I got a little too bogged down in my paperwork before noticing the time." Out of respect for Alicia, but not wanting to ignore their new addition completely, Sullivan offered, "Hello, Reverend. I'm Tate Sullivan and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Moving away from the back of the pack, Max came forward and shook Tate's hand and said... My name is Reverend Solanga, you can call me Max, and I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about replied Max who was now the only one standing...


Once Everyone had arrived Alicia called the gathering to order. “Thank you all for coming, as I’m sure you’ve realized by now we have a new member of the Counselling Department. I for one am pleased to welcome Max to the ship.”

Alicia sat on the edge of her desk. “Max will be working closely with not just the crew but with each of us as part of our department. Does anyone have any questions they’d like to ask?”

Max who was still standing greeting everyone who came into the meeting, said without a pause..."Lt. My work is never alone, I will work with anyone from the lowest crewman to the Captain, and yes even counselors have issues that they may not want to speak to another colleague of, but generally I work in serving the spiritual side of a crewman.

There may be time I can help one of the counselors with a few problems, and according to a Psychologists/counselors Standards of care and practices... A counselor/psychiatrist who treats themselves even though they may be more experienced is going to be a fool or a failure in their own diagnosis. You always have a second opinion, even though you may not like the outcome..

I hope that helps you Lt. Salik, replied Max who had this look of concern on his face...

Alicia looked at Max with surprise and curiosity and simply nodded.

Tate spoke first. "Reverend, I was wondering if you would share how you see your role here? I was pleased to see your assignment here, as I acknowledge not everyone struggling with personal or emotional problems is immediately comfortable reaching out to a clinically trained counselor. I also recognize the importance of faith for many people as a way of coping with their challenges. That said, it's still quite important to me and I expect many of us here, to make sure there is a positive collaborative relationship between yourself and the rest of the staff so that for those who need additional help beyond spiritual counsel can get it. I am wondering, do you have any personal reservations about breaking confidentiality if a member of the crew needs psychological support but is perhaps reluctant to reach out to one of the counseling staff?"

Smiling Max who was now standing at the side waiting for others he assumed were still arriving, spoke and said...

Well replied Max my role here on the ship is one of nurturing the spiritual side of the crew,

There is an old Biblical passage from the works of Jesus who was asked this type of question, but phrased differently... All Jesus said "Give to Caesar what is Caesar, and Give to God what is God.

In other words, 'Tate' if you don't mind me calling you by your fist name here among your fellow colleagues,

That if confronted with an issue that requires more training than I have, then would surely recommend that person to the Counseling Division, but if it only pertains to one of Faiths mysterious issues, then I feel that with my training, and experiences as a trained Minister/Catholic Priest; that I have much more training in these matters than you folks. My counseling could be just a simple word of hope, or maybe a held hand in which I just say nothing, or maybe a question on sex that the person is ashamed to ask you all, and which does not require me to violate the sanctity of the confessional. Plus my work aboard the ship shouldn’t affect the nature of your work.

Now we all know that the Federation has rejected all forms of organized religion, since after the third world war; I respect the Federations humanist ideals of a non-religious scientific and exploration community of scientists, where the Federation admits to its fold, member planets or systems who have a Warp Ready civilization, but is that all there is to the Federation, or is a matter of faith in some higher power that allows the individual to draw up power from somewhere in their body to react to a threat, or to come up with a plan that works for that time frame.

Scanning the room, Max could see the eyes of many of the people there beginning to roll around in their heads, or were busy with their PaDD’s. So continuing forward Max said…

But how do you deal with some of frontier colonies, or those few hundred mining asteroids where the populations not only believes in a particular god, but a particular religion that was banned by the Federation? Do you just tell the Federation that you all believe that they are all sufferings from some type of correctable, and medicated fallacy of the established scientific community? OR, do you look for a person who has experience, and the experience who can wade through the myriad of conflicting issues of faith?

How do you talk to a Vulcan who believes in their own religious convictions, or a Klingon who believes in the after life of "Sto- va-Kor-", or a Bajoran who is a firm believer in the ideals of the Prophets, without getting into a morass of Christian/Protestant teachings that may certainly lead to more headaches? as Max continued to scan the room.

"And" just how do you deal with a medium to large group or a single person who has believed for years that the ideas of a God in Christianity includes the teachings of the Prophets, the Vulcans, and their IDIC, or countless others?? So you see Tate, my work is just as important to the spiritual side of a crewman, just as counseling is there for many problems not related to faith, and sometimes both spirituality and counseling can be a powerful means to help someone who is crying inside for help.

Now I bet you're wondering about patient confidentiality, well we too have our own 'penitent/confessor' professional relationship, which is the same as the Protestant faith. And it is almost the same as the patient confidentiality between a therapist and a patient. If a pertinent tells me something about a sinful act done in the confessional booth, there is no way that I can even tell the authorities, not even a court martial under Article 32, or a direct order from the Commander of Starfleet or the Federation President can force me to talk about a crime committed by a junior or senior Starfleet commander.

However i was during the 21st Century the last Pope allowed priest to speak, I believe Pope Paul, did the unmistakable confess to a priest outside the confessional which seemed to break the chains of absolute sacredness of the confessional. Now 'ONLY' if the confession was performed outside the sacredness of the confessional booth. In other words, if it is in public, then whatever is said is open for discussion to where I would be more inclined to judge the merit of this issue, based on many conclusions to form an opinion of whether it is better to inform higher ups of a possible crime that may or may not occur not in my presence. However, I am still prohibited from naming certain individuals, as for divulging who the person is, it will be up to the authorities to discover the culprit.

Plus as a Secular Humanist; I do believe in a god or gods, while atheists' do not believe in a god.

Now are there any other questions from this fine bunch of professionals, asked Max who was now beginning to get back into form...

Lunara didn't expect that question at all. She looked first at Tate, then at Max. Wouldn't he be expected to keep confidentiality as part of the counseling staff? Didn't most faiths demand that the clergy keep things in confidence?

"I think you're going to make an invaluable member of this team Max" Alicia smiled warmly. "As Max asked does anyone else have any questions?"

Hearing Alicia's statement, Max hurriedly sat down before his short speech turned into a raging symposium of religious mumbo jumbo, that would bring up issues of faith from many of the counselors. Better to allow each person to allow themselves to seek out their own faith issues, and leave it at that.

Tate could certainly see and appreciate Max's passion for his work, as evidenced by the lengthy answer he had given. His soliloquy had veered into territory she hadn't expected and hadn't inquired about, and she couldn't help but smile inwardly at how reminiscent of an actual sermon or lecture it had sounded, but she supposed that was an occupational hazard for chaplains.

Replaying his words in her mind, he hadn't directly answered her question, but he had done so indirectly by focusing on confidentiality pertaining to "sinful acts." Sullivan was less concerned about the morality of any particular action and more concerned about how it affected the crew's psychological and emotional well-being and related impact on their ability to function.

She didn't deny the sanctity of the relationship between members of the clergy and those they served, but any chaplain in Starfleet had to appreciate the professional obligations that came with serving a crew that depended on one another to accomplish a specific mission and depended on counselors of all types to help ensure the entire crew were mentally fit and safe. Certainly, she would hope if one of the crew confessed to committing murder or some other act of violence, Max would see the risk to the entire crew in that and reach out for support. Counselors in Starfleet of any stripe didn't have the luxury of only focusing on their duties as helping professionals. Like it or not, they offered help in the context of military service.

She wasn't quite sure if Max would be inclined to see something like murder committed by a member of the crew as merely a "sinful act" that required confession and penitence, but hopefully, she wouldn't have to find out anytime soon. She could also tell she was going to have many more questions about all of this, but decided they would best be managed in private for now so as not to cause the meeting to be any longer than planned. In response to Max, she simply offered, "I look forward to seeing what this ' rendering unto Caesar' looks like in practice. As I stated earlier, I see the value in what you offer to the crew and expect we will get more comfortable working with one another over time. I acknowledge the Federation doesn't endorse one particular organized religion as a whole, but as you indicated, the practice of individual and various organized religions is alive and well." Sullivan looked around the room, curious if anyone else had anything to add.

Savar sat quietly as was his want and listened to Max present his views on what his role was as a 'Spiritual Counselor' he spun a good tale but Savar would reserve judgment until he saw the practice in action. Further while he admired Max's views they were on the whole illogical. They sounded good in theory but in practice they left much to be desired.

As Savar thought to himself, a thought also came to Max, just how do I balance my spiritual vows, and teachings when everyone thinks that they have a better grasp on the issues of faith, thought Max to himself as he finally found an empty seat.

But for now, He'd go and see how his own values on Faith, religion and Humanism would clash with which he perceived as a close minded set of Counselors who for many years had to deal with the issues of faith from a Counseling issue, and they were right to wonder about his own duties on the ship. But as the Federation found out that not even a Counselor has all of the answers, and since this was a first time that a Chaplain was assigned to a ship, with the official duties of Ships Chaplain, a lot of minds would have to change for him to be accepted as one who could work with the counselors...

Which to Max was another challenge that he would face, and also his faith in Humanism as the most important part of the new Federations ideals of being an exploration and scientific arm of the Federation. after the disastrous episode of Wolf 365, where Starfleet found that its gung ho, conquer all, in the name of the Federation had gotten them in trouble, now with the new Starfleet they decided to change the way they did things, and the position of Ships Chaplain to help the Captain with delicate issues was now a moot point. There had been too many instances were the Counselors could not provide an answer if it pertained to Faith. Such as "Is there a god" who makes things work, or is there a god or gods that was born with various powers that seemed to overwhelm the counselors own training..

Well thought Max; ("I'll just let them stew in their own bowl of rice") as Max would say; and with that Max seemed to smile to himself as he listened to the others in the room discussing various client cases, and department issues.

Alicia called the gathering to order. "Thank you all for coming, I think it's time we all got back to work. Max if you'd stay for a moment please?"

Alicia smiled as she turned to Max. "Max we have a group of people onboard who've recently gone through the hell of slavery. I'd like you to see if any of them need to talk, they might be more open to you than they would to a counsellor."


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