June 2022 - Monthly wrap up!
Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2022 @ 3:50am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
New Players
Consul Andrinn Orin - Chief Diplomat
Removed one player - Ensign Olivia Voight

The Following Chief role is open:
Fighting Tigers - The 45th Tactical Wing - Group Commander: Rank: Major
The Following Assistant Chief roles are open:
Assistant Chief of Flight Control: Rank Ensign
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer: Rank Lieutenant JG
Assistant chief of Medical: Rank Lieutenant JG
Wing Commander: Rank Marine-Captain
Crew Awards

Highest Poster of the Month

Captain David Tonelly is awarded the Highest poster of the Month! - June 2022.

Captain David Tonelly was promoted to Marine Detachment Executive Officer, and transferred from Enlisted to Officer with the rank of Marine Captain.
Lieutenant Myne Redal is promoted from Lieutenant Junior Grade to Full Lieutenant!
CREW Awards
Captain David Tonelly
is awarded:
Rose Award - The Role of "Kyle" - For the romantic fantasy series about the lives of a couple of El Aurians in feudal Japan, "Life Never Ending" is definitely the most recent "chick flick". Its a beautifully crafted tale that shows the evolution and discovery between two lost souls who find each other and start to have a life together. Tastefully done and worthy of a nomination. Thank you for the enjoyable read.
Commander Gary Taylor is awarded:
Crew's Choice Award -For the Role of Commander Gary Taylor - For the post, "A special night for the Taylor's". There is a sweetness and sincerity to this recent post which I like. On the surface it's "just" a dinner scene. But its more than that. One gets a sense that there is genuine care and concern for each other in these characters. And it doesn't come off all "Ozzie n' Harriet" of the stars either. In particular is the little nudges that Lia gives Gary to just go to the conference. Which, I am sure, that many married folk can relate to when the spouse needs a push now and again. Thank you!
Collaborative Post Excellence -This writer has been very busy, and due to outside conditions could have slowed his input. But he in fact requested more to do, so I would wish to reward that get up and go with this award. Lia Taylor (aka Ayesha) Chief Security Officer USS Elysium
Commander Aurelia Taylor is awarded
Collaborative Post Excellence -As my frequent partner in so many JPs, Ayesha never fails to constantly shine and impress me with her creativity and imagination. This latest post (A Special Night for The Taylors) was no exception. Jeff aka Cmdr Gary Taylorett and Lia. Even the bit of humor where the holographic snake gets its holographic head blown off. Classic.
Crew's Choice Award - For the Role of Commander Lia Taylor - For the post, "A special night for the Taylor's". There is a sweetness and sincerity to this recent post which I like. On the surface it's "just" a dinner scene. But its more than that. One gets a sense that there is genuine care and concern for each other in these characters. And it doesn't come off all "Ozzie n' Harriet" of the stars either. In particular is the little nudges that Lia gives Gary to just go to the conference. Which, I am sure, that many married folk can relate to when the spouse needs a push now and again. Thank you!
1st Leiutenant Samuel Woolheateris Awarded -
Meritorious Newcomer Award - In the short time that he has been a part of our little family of misfits, Samuel has jumped right into the action, giving wonderful back posts, giving us a look at his character's life leading up to the Elysium, to writing great interactions with they other characters here, in our sandbox of fun. Keep up the great work! Am so looking forward to where the journey will take Mister Woolheater. Bill - aka - Captain David Tonelly
The Kramer Comedy Award -For his slapstick comments on posts. He cracks me up!
DeForest Kelley Humor Award - For his undying funny bone, and wonderful comments that he writes after reading the various jps that are posted, which have helped to bring a smile to my face and a giggle to my throat, I wish to nominate my old friend for this award. Bill -aka- Captain David Tonelly
Captain Phoenix Lalor
is awarded - Rose Award - For the romantic fantasy series about the lives of a couple of El Aurians in feudal Japan, "Life Never Ending" is definitely the most recent "chick flick". Its a beautifully crafted tale that shows the evolution and discovery between two lost souls who find each other and start to have a life together. Tastefully done and worthy of a nomination. Thank you for the enjoyable read.
Commander Sthilg is awarded -
Golden Heart - In the post "Yet a long day", Commander Sthilg has recently had a very trying few days with his own family. When we see Sthilg, he is exhausted. Yet, the Commander is kin enough and cares enough to see yet one more patient. He has to deliver more bad news and he does so with compassion and concern for another being. Certainly worth nominating for the Gold Heart Award. Thank you Dr. Sthilg
Consul Andrinn Orin is awarded -
Meritorious Newcomer Award - This player has jumped into writing with our crew and is showing their skills in great detail.
Sim Statistics
Players: 22
On LOA: 4
OF Post Count: 227.78 - WE ARE BACK over 200!
Post Count per player: 12.65
Category: General News
by Captain Samuel Woolheater on Fri Jul 1st, 2022 @ 10:49am
Wow, over 200 posts!! That's so awesome everybody! And each one of them is of such quality and character. I'm so impressed.
I would also like to associate my compliments and congratulations to my fellow players who earned awards this past month. What a privilege it is to have such talent here on the Elysium.
Thank you for generous comments here for my contributions as well. I feel privileged to be here. Thank you.