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The Infiltration turned Oh Crap!

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 6:34am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Clara Lawson & Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Kyle Cragen [Reece]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Rigel X
Timeline: MD 13 - 20h00
4708 words - 9.4 OF Standard Post Measure

They arrived at the specified arrival time and joined the long line of guests being admitted into what was known as the Palace. Lily sniffed internally. It was a hovel really to her mind. But it was huge. A massive compex of buildings that Cragen had turned into h8s main place of business. And at the centre, an Arena.

She handed their invitation to the majordomo when they reached him.

He gave a stiff bow. And announced "Lady Karlyn Mortimer!"

The group moved into the large ballroom area. Lily in front, Clara behind and Mattias and Malakai flanking Kara.

The crowd glanced their way but made no moves to intercept. Around the room, booths filled with slaves for the later auction were displayed.

With the helmet that hid his face, Mattias took in everything he could without turning his head. While the slave trade sickened him. He knew that there was nothing they could do to bring the entire industry down. Slavery, unfortunately, has always been a constant of sentient life. It would never fully be eradicated. So, he turned his attention to the security presence, of which there was a ton of.

With both his eyes and the suit's passive sensors, he was picking up guards of just about every species, armed and armored to various degrees. Plus there were automated turrets, currently retracted into the ceiling, hundreds of cameras and directional mikes. They would need to be very careful. Over their ear pieces, he relayed all of this info to the group. All except Kara. For her role to work, she needed to focus.

Malakai walked on Kara's flank, his eyes scanning the area and picking up every detail. He knew Mattias was doing the same thing on the other side as was Lily in the front and Clara behind as the group entered.

Kara was feeling nervous, extremely nervous. She’d taken anti sickness meds for her morning sickness, but now she was wishing she could turn off her Betazoid senses. She had her mental defences up but she was still being pounded by emotions she didn’t want. Keeping up her role she strode through the crowd acting like she was better than everyone else, playing ignorant for all to see.

Mattias could feel his little sister's discomfort over their bond. Though he knew he couldn't actually send thoughts to her, instead, he tried thinking of some of the happiest memories he had of the two of them as children., especially when they played space empress, where he was her loyal guard, sworn to protect her with his life. He only hoped that she could hear him.

Of all the voices there was one that stood out loud to Kara, pictures of Mattias and herself playing when they were younger, she relayed back her thanks letting Mattias know that was what she needed. This place was horrific and the sooner they were done the better.

Malakai kept a close look on Kara, knowing this was tough for her but he had no doubt she was up to the task.


Arri was brought out. She did not resist. She swayed her hips to give her that much more sex appeal. Her eyes did not contact, josie's. She was a sex slave now, Arrianna was almost gone. All she wanted was to be purchased. Bought like the whore she was. Inside Arri was losing as she stood. Allowing her buyers to see the majestic curves of a well maintained Alindari body. She didn't speak. Slaves did not speak unless they were spoken to.. But for her masters... She would sell herself well. She flared her hips every once in a while just to interest a potential buyer, but if anyone.. Even a certain Captain in the woom could look into her eyes. They'd notice slight twitchin like a struggle for freedom in her mind. That was being lost to shame and the whore she wanted to be. She did not look at Josie. She was not in her life anymore. Slaves did not deserve love.

If Phoenix Lalor could see a small tear emerge, it would have happened by now before she smiled once again at her buyers.

'Yes... Sell yourself, Sex Slave Arrianna Salannis an Vantar. My greatest Slave yet.. I managed to break you so you can be remade.' the Viceroy repeated in her mind.

But then a familiar presence jolted something in her mind, she didn't want to look straight into her eyes, but it happened.

*Phoenix?!?!?!? What? No don't look at me!!!* Arri diverted her eyes and focused on the other buyers. Trying to sell herself yet again.

Bishop was in the room, watching both the slaves and the buyers. especially the buyers that no one got to friendly with the slaves to be sold. Unless they wanted to lose a hand...or more. He was interested to see just how much Starfleet brought. She was a fine slave and should bring top dollar.


In the back, in his office, Cragen had just finished enjoying himself with “Josie”. As he stepped away from his desk, where she was currently bent over, he pressed the call button. A few beats later, the three old women entered. "Get 'er cleaned up and ready for the party," he said, as he entered his private bathroom to wash her blood from his knuckles and manhood. A few minutes later, he stepped back out and got dressed. The suit he had been wearing was soiled, so a new one had been brought up. He then looked at the walk of monitors, looking over his guests for the evening. Many of them he knew. However, there were a few new faces.

Then he paused. Rewinding the feed on one of the screens, he caught sight of a stunning blonde, in a long red gown that had twin slits up to her thighs. She was beautiful! And, he assumed, she must be a new player on the field. The jewels around her neck alone would be enough to buy most of the slaves on the floor. He also noticed her muscle. Two women, one an attractive blonde Bajorian, a human male who looked like he worked his muscles more than his brain, and an Andorian in full battle armour. It was an impressive group to see, to be sure.

"Bishop," he barked into his comm. "Find out who the blonde in the red dress with the strike team around her. Invite her to my private box. I'll be there in a few minutes." He cut the channel, not caring to hear Bishop's reply. He would either follow the orders or he would die. Simple as that.

Bishop heard the comm click off and knew Cragen would want to know who the woman was. He strolled casually up to her, aware of her security detail but not overly impressed. "Excuse me Miss? My employer would like to invite you to his private box. Who shall I say his joining him?"

Kara paused long enough to give the man in front of her a disdainful look. “You can tell him Lady Karlyn Mortimer and her party” She motioned to the others. “Will be happy to join him.”

Bishop nodded, "Certainly ma'am." He turned away for a moment clicked on Cragen's private comm line and said. "Lady Karlyn Mortimer sir. She and her party will be happy to meet you."

Stepping out of his office, he saw the the cleaning ladies had made Josie presentable again. Looking to his two guards, one a Nausican, the other Gorn, he said, "Let's go. I've got a meeting to get to." He then led the group to the nearest lift. A few minutes later, he was in his seat, at his private table, his drink already in his hand, waiting for his guest. His pet was on her knees, on his right, his guards stationed outside the opening to his box.

Following Bishop to their destination Kara could only hope her cover would be good enough to fool Cragen. She had to play her part to the hilt.

The Blond bajoran was the first through the door, but she did not move fast, in fact she moved slowly, watchful. The group filed in behind her. The Blonds eyes flicked around, she spotted the slave and gave no recognition, but inside, Phoenix Lalor gasped. Josie. Oh gods...

Mattias saw the muscle as they approached the small private box. In his armor, there was no way he would be able to fit inside, told the team that he would wait out here on the balcony, which would allow him both the space to move, if attacked, and to use the bulky suit as a barricade of sorts, keeping others out.

Cragen's lips twitched when the Bajoran entered first. Seeing her full lips, he had an instant thought of how they would look wrapped around his manhood.

Kara entered the room picking up on Cragen’s interest in Lily. “Your reputation precedes you Cragen!” She walked around his room like she owned it. “Don’t go thinking that you can lay a finger on any of my people!!” She stepped toward him lowering her voice a fraction as she stood perilously close. “One finger in the wrong place and you’ll lose it!” She stepped away again. “I’m here to purchase, and there’s no limit on how much I spend.” She sat on the edge of the table. “So the question is... what kind of arrangement we can come to.”

Cragen was quiet for a long few beats, his El Aurian gifts telling him that Lady Karlyn was hiding something. What it wasn't sure. However, anyone who walks around with that much wealth on their gorgeous neck...well, they were bound to have some secrets. 'Lady Karlyn," he began, the slight grin never wavering from his face as his eyes stared straight at her. "I meant no disrespect. I was merely admiring you staff. Good help can be hard to find. Good, beautiful that's almost impossible." Dismissing the thought of the bodyguard's luscious lips, he turned to give his full attention to his guest. "Before we talk business, let's have some refreshments. Please," he indicated the empty chair on the other side of his table. "Have a seat."

Malakai took up a position opposite Lady Karlyn so he could watch the entire room and get to his 'boss' in a second if need be.

Bishop had also entered and staying quiet took up a place behind Cragen and to his right, watching the proceedings but making no comment on them. He left that to Cragen.

Clara examined the chair and nodded at Karlyn. "Clear, My Lady" The Brunette said. The Blonde stayed close to Karlyn and followed her every move. That said, her eyes were flicking around watchfully. And her mind was churning, if Josie was there, where was Arri? They were never far apart.

Kara took the seat, sitting down opposite Cragen, she did her best not to show that the fact she couldn’t sense him disturbed her. Question was, could he sense her? “I see you’re a man with... particular choices.” She motioned to the woman on the floor beside Cragen. “Do you treat all your... women this way? My buyers will be looking for women in prime condition.” In the back of her mind, Kara could feel that Lily was shocked by something, though she didn’t know what. There was also a whole host of powerful emotions threatening to break through an intense sense of shame. Extreme violation. Hopelessness, resignation. Massive amounts of pain and submission. Whoever it was, was terrified. She clamped down tight as she kept up her cover.

Cragen gave Lady Karlyn a slight grin, but there was nothing innocent about it. As he continued to stare at her, he replied. "You've seen my stock, out there on the sales floor. They're all clean of any disease and broken to the point that anyone who wishes to buy them will be able to program as they choose." His grin turned more feral as he looked down to Josie. "As for my pet here," he gently stroked her head. "She's not for sale. She and I have a long history."

Turning his eyes back to Lady Karlyn, he explained. "You see, I'm El Aurian. My pet and I met a very long time ago, though I'm sure she doesn't remember me. I was quite different then. But I remember her. I've been looking for her for over seven hundred years. Now that I have her, I will not let her slip through my fingers again."

Josie leaned into his touch and turned adoring eyes on him.

“Seven hundred years, now that’s a long time to look for someone” Kara nodded. “This... operation of yours is very impressive. As you can no doubt tell I’m in the market for something special.” She crossed her legs giving Cragen a nice view of her thigh. “What do you have that’s... particularly special?”

"I've got a few high end items, what in particular were you looking for?"

“Her for one...” Kara pointed towards a booth that was just in vision where a woman was flaunting herself for all to enjoy. “She would please my buyers to no end! Ohh and are you sure I can’t persuade you to part with your little toy there?” Kara smiled. “Everyone has a price, and I can meet any price you ask for her.”

Looking to the booth in question, he saw Arri and thought about her current auction price, which had jumped very high in just the past few minutes. Then, to hear Lady Karlyn asking for Josie as well, that seemed suspicious. "You aren't interested in any others? I've got several more that are even more highly trained than these two."

“Ohh, I’m interested in them all” Kara stood and moved around the room. “How do you think I’ve come to possess the people I have? Some I purchase to sell, others become my personal guard. I take the best of the best, and I make it worthwhile.”

Sitting back in his chair, Cragen thought of just how much money he was about to make. He signalled Bishop to come over and bend down so he could talk to him.

Seeing Cragen signal him, Bishop walked over to his boss and bent forward so Cragen could talk to him. "Sir?" He questioned.

Speaking softly into his subordinate's ear, Cragen told him to get the accountant, get him the current total price of tonight's inventory and quietly bring up more guards. Something didn't feel right about this whole situation.

Bishop nodded, rose, excused himself from the others. He went and found the accountant, got the figures Cragen wanted as well as ordering more guards to the auction floor. That done, he returned to Cragen, bent forward and whispered in his ear. "Sir, the accountant says the market value for the slaves on the floor which is fifteen would normally be 225 thousand credits but due to the fact one is a former Starfleet officer. Her price alone is 35 thousand credits."

Cragen nodded slightly and then waved Bishop back to his spot. He then considered his next move. Turning his attention back to Lady Karlyn, he gave her a slight, lop-sided grin. "For all of tonight's inventory, you can have them for...750 thousand credits."

“750...” Kara nodded as she walked across the room giving Lily a raised eyebrow look when no one was looking. “I’ll make you a counter offer of... 730 thousand.” She turned back to Cragen. “I will make no further offers until I’ve inspected the merchandise for myself.”

"You saw the merchandise when you walked in. The price is now 760 thousand." He looked totally relaxed, like the king on his throne. He knew that he was master here.

“740 thousand” Kara stood looking at Cragen, her eyes never wavered as she offered her new price.

Cragen grinned slightly. "750 thousand, and you have dinner with me tonight, alone."

This was just what they needed, a chance to get to Cragen alone. “How can I say no to that” Kara nodded. “745 and I am all yours.”

"All mine?" He gave her a very sultry grin. "Careful how you word things, darlin'." He stood and extended his large right hand. "You have a deal."

“I agreed to dinner, nothing more” Kara extended her hand hoping she wasn’t making a big mistake. “I will have the funds sorted for you by this evening.”

Cragen took her hand in his. He brought it up to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles. As he did so, he could feel a build up of energy from the bag of meat in a tux. This made him smile to himself. "Until tonight then, my dear."

“Until then” Kara needed no further invitation to leave the room, she snapped her fingers for the others to join her before exiting gracefully from the room glad to be away from Cragen.

Watching he stalk out of the private box, Cragen smiled a predatory smile. Tonight would be one to remember. Of that, he had no doubts.

Seeing the group leaving the box, Mattias turned around and acted as an icebreaker, forcing everyone to move for Kara to pass through unmolested.


Arri was brought to her booth. There she showed off her flared hips and presented her naked breasts. Her interest in Josie looked to be destroyed,,, but deep inside her there was a small ember of the love she once had. She presented herself expertly. whoever bought her, they were going to have an incredible evening with a perfectly conditioned sex slave. Unconditionally loyal. She had to be sold to destroy what was left of who she was. She had to be property. She shifted her perfect body several times to increase her value for her masters.

Several buyers were crowded around Arri's booth as they admired the nude slave and her magnificent body. They walked around her taking in her nude body from every angle. He hands were bound behind her encased in some sort of case that she couldn't be free of or break out of. Her mouth was gagged to better show of her full sensual lips. Cuffs adorned her ankles, so she could walk but running was out of the question. Comments many unsavoury were made about what Arri had between her legs and what they would like to do her if she became theirs.

"In some way, she was flatted by the attention. She showed off her shaved personal area proudly. But inside she sought a way to keep the faint presence she felt out of her mind. The collar made telepathy difficult but an entire room of mental voices." Arri then to perhaps Phoenix's horror began to strip dance as much as her shackles would allow. Giving her potential buyers a seductive glance.. Closer inspection of her eyes would note the loosing struggle in her eyes. She had to keep her seductive glances consistent. She hoped the faint presence, Phoenix would just give up on her and let her be sold as a perfect slave. She wasn't her Second anymore. If she had her hands, she'd stroke herself, even pleasure herself for her potential new owners. If Bishop was watching, the endless torture he gave her never made a more submissive slave.


Making their way back out to safety Kara cursed as she turned to face the others. “SHIT!! What in the HELL did I just get into!?” She looked at Lily. “I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to say... all I could think was it would get time with Cragen!” She paused. “Other point being do we have 745 thousand credits?”

Lily merely nodded "we have the money but that deal you made, did not include his 'pet'." She had been unable to stop Kara, things had moved to fast. "You will not be meeting him." She added in a soft voice as Clara moved to watch Lily's back. "That is a risk too far and one you should never have agreed to. And picking out the lone starfleet officer in the room did not help." Though deep down Lily had almost died when she had seen Arri in that state.

"okay plans change." Lily pulled out the bottle of Erisian wine and a credit chip. "I will take the payment to Cragen with your compliments. And the rest of you keep her here. Cause she is not going back in there."

Kara breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at Lily. “Just be careful... I felt the way he reacted when he first saw you, if you’re not careful he’ll have you as his next pet! I’m sorry for fouling things up.”

"Yeah if he does I am haunting you for the rest of your life" Lily replied. She did not look at Mattias, knowing there would be protesting coming. Instead she swept Kara a respectful curtsey and turned to head back with the payment. Her face was still the passive look she had worn the entire time, and she did not even glance at the slaves on display. She had shown no interest in any of them, so none was shown now.

Back with the group Kara gave both her brother, and her husband an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I fouled up.”

Mattias was about to say something to Phoenix but, knew better. He just hoped she knew what she was doing. Turning his attention to his sister, he gave her a reassuring grin. "It's okay, Kara. Things like this happen all time in the field. All you did was see an opening, and you took it. It's fine. No battle plan ever last past the first encounter with rhe enemy."

Kara nodded and smiled, she wasn’t sure if Malakai would have more to say on it given she’d nearly put herself in harm’s way. Mattias knew nothing about her pregnancy... yet, whereas her husband did.

"Kara, you need to think about what your doing but Mattias is right we'll get through this and you did good real good." He said honestly.

Lily came to the foot of the stairs where she noted the man who had been in the room with them was standing guard. "I have the monetary payment as agreed." she said to him

Bishop nodded. "I will let Mr. Cragen know and you can pick up your 'merchandise.' "

"My lady insisted I present this gift and the payment directly. "Lily stated.

"Bishop sighed, "Very well. Follow me." As he led Lilly to Cragen's suite. "Mr. Cragen, the Lady Karlyn has sent the money and her representative is here."

Lily stood impassive behind Bishop waiting the signal to be let in.

Cragen looked up from Josie's oral pleasuring of him. "I told you not to disturb me!" He bellowed.

Bishop answered in a cool, unruffled voice. "Yes sir, I am sorry to disturb you. However, I thought you would like to receive payment for the merchandise."

Inside, Cragen growled then shoved Josie off him. When she didn’t move out of the way fast enough, he backhanded her out of the way as he stood. He quickly pulled himself together, by the time he reached the door, he had a smile on his face. Though there was a dangerous feel to it. "Yes?" He asked calmly as the door slid open.

Sephine or Josie as others believed her to be flicked her tongue over her lips and stayed where he had pushed her. He would finish with whoever it was and return she was sure of it.

Bishop turned to indicate Lily standing behind him, "The payment for the merchandise." He repeated.

Seeing that it was the blonde Bajorian from earlier, his smile turned to a hungry grin. "Well, 'ello, deary. If your the payment, I might have to rethink my bargaining skills." He stepped back, allowing the woman to enter his office.

After giving the room a once over look as she stepped in, Lily gave the man a polite curtsey, though hardly as deep a one as she had given her Lady. Her violet gaze focused right on him, no where else.

Bishop moved aside to allow Lily to enter. Once she had, he moved back into position to block the door.

"My Lady has authorised the Payment. And instructed me to gift you with this." She held out the bottle of gleaming wine.

The wine was Erisian Huey Wine. Made from ch'amhuey. An extremely alcoholic drink. Spicy and well balanced - 2250 Vintage. Highly valuable and extremely hard to get. And exported to only a few vendors in the federation.

She gently placed it and the credit chip with payment in Cragens hands. "My lady enjoys this beverage after making deals, she believes in gifting it to those who have made the deals with her."

"Then let's drink it together, you and I." Cragen stepped closer to her, his eyes moving over every inch of her body, wishing desperately that she was nude.

Lily gave him a polite smile, but didn't move back from him. She was not intimidated. "My Lady forbids it. She is rather pleased with tonight's events and is hoping for further deals in the future. She is currently discussing the slaves with her head aide, and wanted me to inform you that she is looking forward to dinner with you."

Though disappointed, the last thing Cragen would do is ruin a deal. Especially as he was going to profit as much as he was. "Very well. You may go. Tell your mistress that I look forward to tonight as well." He gave Bishop a nod, to allow the Bajorian to leave.

Bishop moved aside, giving Lily a polite nod. "Good day to you ma'am."

Lily dropped another curtsey, with the elegant grace of one who had been doing it all her life. "Good evening Sir." Thus saying she swept from the room.

As Cragen came back around his desk, Sephine merely raised an eyebrow at her Master. And waited.

Flossie smiled at Bishop as he approached. "Do I have a new master?" She asked seductively. "I do want to meet them, so I can.... show them the goods." She said muffled.

"You do and I know you are going to make her happy Flossie. I'll miss you, you were an exceptional slave."

"Thank you for my new life, Bishop, I'll think about you when I'm climaxing tonight." Arri shot him a glance.

"You do that Flossie. Make sure you enjoy yourself." He smiled at her as she stood before him nude, bound and gagged.

Clara had signalled Xavier and Joshua, both dressed in black armour like Mattias, to beam down. They beamed in right beside Karlyn and Clara took Joshua with her to tag the slaves with transporter tags. They moved through the room, one by one tagging the purchases. When Xavier and Clara got to where Bishop was standing, they paused.

Bishop looked at the pair and then back to Flossie. God she was magnificent! Her charms on full and open display. "Flossie you go with these people, they will take you to your new owner. Be a good slave." As he gave her naked breasts a final massage before turning to Clara and Joshua, "Okay, you can tag her."

Flossie turned to Clara and walked forward. Loyally, willingly. She had put her heart into enslaving herself, and now they were looking at the Perfect Slave.

Showing no sign.of any emotion, Clara resched out and tagged the woman.

"Flossie huh" Joshua said "Werid names people have"

Clara rolled her eyes. "Enough. Our Lady has instructed us to prepare them for transport." She looked towards the group still waiting. "Bring Flossie here over to the rest. Once payment is confirmed we will beam them to holding."

Joshua nodded a smirk on his face as he lead Flossi towards the other slaves, that were being herded into a group by disguised Gwynn and Anna.


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