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Ground Team - Moving on...

Posted on Wed Mar 6th, 2024 @ 4:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: K'ithai, M Class world, Owned by the Thaih'ae
Timeline: MD9 13h00
4449 words - 8.9 OF Standard Post Measure


M'Tuuri turned as she walked, looking back at their ship out of boredom more than anything else. "You seem tense." She quipped to Imik, her eyes starting to gravitate to something off in the distance, movement and subtle flickers of light only she could perceive with her feline vision.

"Or sssomething like that anyway." She added, inclining her head to glance at Imik before returning her gaze towards whatever it was she had spotted.

"M'Tuuri to away team," She announced quietly, cutting off Imik as she turned back to face the other ships while activating her suit's commlink. "Nobody rrreact, but I've just seen sssomething in the tree line... purrtentially humanoid... Over."

"But yeah, you seem tense..." She added with a toothy grin, looking at Imik.

"Understood," Rin replied through the coms. "We'll continue forward unless you call for backup." If there was ever a time to trust her team, it was now. This was part of M'tuuri's wheelhouse. Rin assumed M'ttuuri could deal with things unless she indicated otherwise.

Imik glanced at M'Tuuri, "Not tense Lieutenant, deeply confused and somewhat worried. As the Humans would say, I have observed something which should not be here." Pointing towards Miaji she spoke softly, "Ojnas do not subjugate other sentient beings, it is considered a crime against life. Yet there stands an Ojnas, with a large shuttle of a type used to move troops or people."

M'Tuuri swayed her head at this, not quite a nod of acknowledgement nor a dismissive shake, but something in between. "Rrremember, we're not supurrsed to be here either..." She said as she looked over to the unfamiliar Ojnas. "Can't hurt to say hello."

Glancing at M'Tuuri, Imik now spoke. "Do as I do, and do not speak until I tell you to do so." She then headed for Miaji, as she approached Imik held her hands open and out slightly to the side. "Peace and health to your family." She stopped around three foot away and waited for M'Tuuri to catch up and also for Miaji to acknowledge her, but Imik had spotted Calonis and she saw him turn and begin approaching the small group.

Tugging the hood further over her helmet M'Tuuri stopped a few paces behind Imik, content with simply observing the exchange from within her darkened visor.

Before Miaji could answer, Calonis arrived and spoke. "Imik of the Federation, why are you here? Did you not say you only sought safe transit?"

Imik looked at the Sinkahue and nodded, "I did indeed state that, but since my return to my vessel the situation had changed." She pointed to M'Tuuri, "This is a crewmate, we are here to gain information. But why are you here? Do the Ojnas here keep sentient beings?"

Calonis shook his head, "We are here to purchase our fellow Ojnas, it is how the Thaih'ea extract financial gain from us."

"Sssurely this means they have some sssort of code they follow..." M'Tuuri said with a frown that nobody could see. "Otherwise, why not just capturre everyone herrre..." She added, waving a gloved hand around at the gathered vessels in the distance.

Imik turned to look at M'Turri, "What did I ask of you? Not to speak, did I not?" She then turned back to Calonis, "But my comrade has a valid point, why capture Ojnas to then simply sell them back?"

Calonis gave M'Turri a casual glance then responded to Imik's question. "The slave trade does not bring the financial gains the Thaih'ea require, so other means have been sought. This is but one of them."

Imik now returned her gaze to M'Turri, "I think Commander Rin should be informed of this, it may hold some importance in our mission here. Lieutenant, if you would please find the Commander and give her the information. I will remain here with my people, until you return."

She stood there for a moment, staring at Imik, her eyes glowing from the light of the nearby ship. "Yeah whateverrr..." She huffed, rolling her eyes as she turned around while discarding the notion that splitting up might be a bad idea.

"Just trrry not to die purrlease," She added, already stomping away. "I rrreally don't want to deal with the purrperwork."

Hiding a smile, Imik nodded. "I will endeavour to stay alive Lieutenant, I would not wish to add to your admin work." She gave Calonis a quick glance, "I trust my remaining will cause no problem?"

The Ojnas Sinkahue shook his head, "None what so ever, providing you change out of those clothes."


Rin led the remaining three members of the team into the indicated bar. Even in the middle of the night, it had a handful of patrons, species she had only ever seen in Teevs digital records, and some she had never seen at all.

The place had an upscale air to it, although not presumptuously so. This was no back alley affair. The entertainment on the Station was meant for discerning clients with large bank accounts.

With a forged credit chit, she procured 4 havesi ales, something else she had familiarized herself with from Teevs records. Something they were likely to have, nothing exotic, and nothing that was going to slosh her team.

"If nothing else, get a sense of people's mannerisms," Rin quietly suggested as she returned to the team's table with drinks. "ears open for anything of interest."

Taking the offered ale, Nicholas took a careful sip, then nodded approvingly. "They've got good brew here at least. Might want to grab a few barrels for the road." He was joking, mostly. He then lowered his voice so only Rin could hear him. "Boss, I'm going to continue the cover as your bodyguard. So you should probably play into it as well."

"One of these days we're going to need to see which of us can kick the other's ass," she replied, mostly good naturedly, even as she nodded in agreement.

This caused Nicholas to grin. "Between my size and your augmented strength, it might be fun to find out, Rin." The more time he spent with his department chief, the more he grew to like her and respect her.

Unlike Rin and Nick, N'vok was deliberately standing out with a garishly multicolored outfit, cloak, and hat making him highly visible. Leaving his teammates to talk, N'vok circulated through the bar, looking at decorations and people, accepting any invitation to talk.

Suddenly, from the bar, a large being, that could only be described as a humanoid rhinoceros, waved N'vok over, it's deep voice booming. "You! Here come!" Though it sounded brusque, the creature was making no threatening movements.

N'vok drifts over. "Greetings, new friend," he said. "Have you eaten today?" Taking a seat next to the Rhinoian. "I am Rhovan, merchant and showman. This is my first visit to this exciting place. Have you advice to a new buyer?"

The large alien snorted, then grinned broadly, his mouthful of rounded teeth showing that he was more than likely a vegetarian. "Friend! Me name Dronto. What merchandise Rhovan sell?" He seemed to focus more on the first bit of what N'vok had told him, and not the question.

"Entertainment! Clothing, customs, toys, games, music, anything to entertain and amuse," said N'vok, doing some basic slight of hand tricks, producing coins and scarves. "And yourself, Dronto? What brings you here? What is your business?"

The Rhinoid looked amazed by the apparent magic tricks. "Oh how! Friend is powerful magik user!" He laughed and sounded the bar, drawing the attention of nearby patrons. "Me here for pleasure slaves. Weapons my business. Anything you want, I get!"

"You must be a very important person, Friend Dronto. Are you a king? A warlord? Where is your home? Perhaps I could bring my entertainment troupe on a tour?" said N'vok while idly doing trick shuffles with a card deck. His inward revulsion at treating someone who actively sought to acquire slaves was completely locked down by the Vulcan's training and he did not let it show through.

The Rhinoid laughed again, reaching out and slapping Rhovan's shoulder playfully, though his increased strength caused the disguised Vulcan to flinch some. "You good humor, friend! Dronto not king, Dronto crimeboss! Me kill many who try to stop. Me enjoy thought of group entertainment by you." He reached into a pouch on his belt and pulled out a beautifully cut green gemstone, roughly the size of a plum. "Advance payment for show. You come to coordinates given in ten cycles. If crew enjoy, then payment more." He then handed over a data chip that contained the coordinates he spoke of.

N'vok takes the chip but leaves the gem. "I already have a show scheduled for that time but I will do my best to reschedule it. I suspect you would be a much more welcoming host but, like you, I live on my reputation and I cannot go breaking my contracts willy-nilly." He smiled. "Besides, I would like to learn more of your tastes to ensure the entertainment lives up to your expectations, friend Dronto."

When Rhovan refused to take the gem, Dronto slammed his fist down on the bar. "You call friend, but not take payment?! You think I not be able to pay?!" He stood up from the bar, straightening up to stand several centimeters taller than N'vok. "You dishonor Dronto!"

N'vok sighed internally, why do not people listen? "Friend Dronto," he said stepping back and opening his arms wide, "you misunderstand me." With his left hand, he simultaneously ignited a piece of flash paper and activated both of his stun gloves at maximum. As Dronto looked at and was momentarily dazzled by the flame. N'vok stepped in for right cross to the chin followed up by a left to the gut, each additionally delivering a heavy stun charge, easily enough to drop an elephant, let alone a rhino.

He stepped back, switching off the gloves and let Dronto fall, heavily, to the floor. He looked to the bartender. "Sorry about the mess."

As soon as Drolto collapsed, three more Rhinoids stood up, surrounding N'vok at the bar. Each one brandished a different weapon: one a vicious-looking knife, another what may have been a stun baton, and the third, an unmistakable energy pistol.

The one with the knife growled. "Villian! Attack without warning, you did! Now pay you!"

"Gentlebeings," N'vok said drawing his cloak about him with an air of offended dignity, "I am not a villain, I am an Entertainer!" His glasses polarized to almost black and his cloak lit up with a riotous display of shifting colors, bathing the entire bar in rainbow patterns for a second.

He threw himself back first against the gunrhino, triggering his stun gloves. Two blasts from the energy pistol slammed into the bar before N'vok grabbed the gunrhino's forearm with one hand and slapped its upper leg with the other. The pistol clattered to the floor moments before the gunrhino did.

The other two thugs had stuck where N'vok had been a moment before but only hit air., their vision totally blinded. "Wacth where you is shooting!" said the stun baton wielder.

"Your friend cannot hear you," said N'vok as he leapt to the left avoiding the baton, but the knife grazed his forearm.

"Ha!" said the kniferhino just before a stun gloved fist smacked into the side of his head. N'vok pulled the stunned kniferhino forward and danced behind him. The kniferhino's unconscious form brushed by his ally whom promptly set to beating his compatriot with the baton.

N'vok landed two body blows and the baton-wielding rhinoid fell across his, now deeply unconscious, compatriot. Putting his back to the bar he survived the room to see if there were any other threats. Seeing none, he switched off his right glove and reached behind him to slide the gem to the bartender, "That should cover the damages and pay," he raised his voice so that all could hear, "for a round of drinks for everyone on Dronto! Thank you for attending this performance of the Beligerant Patron and his three Thugs."

He looked to the bartender, "Can you arrange for these unfortunates to be transported back to their ship?"

The bartender simply grunted. It reached out a tentacle and gathered the gem, then another produced a blaster of some kind. Without hesitation, it vaporized all for Rhinoids. It then looked at the one with the gloves and gurgled a reply. On the bar, a speaker emitted a robotic voice
"Next cleanup will cost triple."

N'vok looked shocked and was indeed so. "That seems excessive," whether he is referring to the mass murder or the triple cost is unclear. "I do not think further cleanup will be needed." He swirtched off his other stun glove and reached down to pick up the dropped knife and energy pistol. noting as he did so that he was bleeding.


An androgynous figure sits down across from Rin and Nick, they are slim wearing an armored bodysuit and jacket. Their hair is a close-cut pale blue and their skin a light grey but the most striking thing about them is their eyes, which are solid silver and obviously artificial. They hold their hands palms up to show they have no weapons. "Peace be with you, travelers," they say. "I am Malred Jost, a humble student of sentient augmentation. Yours are new to me. Are you willing to discuss them?"

When the individual sat down, Nicholas moved to put himself between them and Rin. "You address Mistress Rinalda Budapest. Mind your tongue, or I will remove it."

J'Air, keeping herself to herself and just sipping her beer quietly rested back in her seat, at the rear of the table, acting as if nothing was happening, but keeping watching all around the room, making no sudden or unusual movements at all.

Rin had been watching N'vok with amusement and more than a little admiration. That was definitely not how she had envisioned him portraying himself, but it seemed to be working, and she suspected he was kind of enjoying it.

Now this new person, Malred Jost, stole away her attention. Rin's hand went to the blade at her belt as the stranger made themselves at home at the table, but relaxed as Malred spoke. She did find the gesture of demonstrating no weapons amusing. Depending how cybered this person was, they could have a gun hidden in their arm for all Rin knew. And, well, you can do plenty of damage without a gun.

She held up a hand in Reece's direction. "It's all right. I'm sure they didn't intend insult with their interruption. And I always enjoy talking tech, especially if someone knows where to get the good stuff."

Rin held up her left hand, the one with implants still visible. "I've had the rotten luck of my last engineer dying before he could finish his work."

Dipping his head respectfully, Nicholas backed off slightly, though remained in his seat, his eyes continuing to roam the room, always starting and ending each circuit with the new arrival.

"What about yourself?" Rin asked Malred.

Malred, slowly to as not to alarm Nick, rolled back the sleeve on their left arm to reveal a pair of ports. "Direct neural interfaces, used to pilot my starship among other uses made by Nuraki. My eyes replaced with sensors covering a wider range of wavelengths than my natural eyes produced by Zeizz," they said. "Yours are bespoke?"

"Not really. Just made a mess of me is all. The point is improvement, right? You have someone you can recommend?" Rin really didn't want to give the impression she had something special, less someone try to gack her for them.

Meanwhile, a lone man at another table had caught Nicholas's attention. He was trying to be casual, but Nick could tell he was him, Rin, J'Air and Malred out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes, but not on-planet," said Malred. "My condolences, improperly installed enhancements almost negate their purpose."

As Rin and Malred spoke, the bar suddenly exploded with action as, at the bar, a large alien stood and yelled at N'vok, who then incapacitated him, only to have three of his buddies stand up and draw weapons. "Mistress?" Nicholas spoke, seeing what she wanted him to do. His hand was on his phaser and he was ready to draw if ordered. Silently, he cursed to himself. What was N'vok thinking?!

Rin gave a slight nod to Nicholas and inclined her head toward the commotion.

Malred watched the confrontation with a passive interest, the bright lights from the cloak having no apparent effect on them or their perception. "Very entertaining."

Rin sighed. "An hour on planet and already shooting. Should I be worried about any more of Dronto's friends?"

"First time here?" asked Malred. "The customers here are a violent bunch. Hooligans such as Dronto bring their petty feuds with them. I have seen seven murders and twenty-three fights on my visits here. Our hosts seem to enjoy pitting us against each other." they point to various points around the room. "They enjoy watching the fights so they have eyes all around the room."

Rin nodded idly. Made perfect sense they enjoyed pitting people against one another. Weakens everyone else. Chaos drives slave trades. Had to wonder how often a previous patron ended up on the block. Not often, she reconned. That would be too disruptive. Drive people away. But the occasional incident? That was entertainment.

"Yeah, first time," Rin admitted. "Life is...dull, you know? Not much of one for repetition. Life's too short, right? So, what can you recommend around here? Besides the sales, of course."

"The sales are the core of the event," said Malred, "but there are many things on sale, captured ships, weapons, all variety of things. The technology is what I am interested in. The slave trading, it is a terrible waste of people, but our hosts do not care. They have all they need and more." There was a note of bitterness in Malred's usual monotone.

"And yet we both paid our tithe," Rin replied, mirroring Malred's bitterness. "So what is so impressive that brings you here?"

"The lure of new technology, new knowledge," said Malred. "Our hosts are uncurious about many such things. Occasionally something can be purchased that expands our understanding of technology."

J'Air's heart began to beat faster at this last admission. ~new technology?~ she thought, unconsciously checking that her medcorder was still at her waist without actually moving but by trying to tell if she could actually feel its weight and shape whilst staying totally still. Her eyes sought round, watching Nick to see if she could take any cue from him, but trying not to look as if she were worried.

It seemed like a stick of dynamite stand off. The fuse felt like it was lit and yet the stick stayed between them as if to challenge someone to make the first move. J'Air wondered if she could break the stalemate by offering to get more drinks, but she also felt like there was some kind of hairsprung trigger loaded around the table waiting for anyone to trip it and perhaps if she stood up to get drinks that would be enough.

She decided to stay still but it wasn't the comfortable option.

A few moments later, Nicholas returned to the table, N'vok in tow. He dipped his head to Rin. "I have brought the troublemaker back, Mistress.

"Feeling better after all that?" Rin asked N'vok.

"Not in the least," N'vok replied. "How will I get bookings if my potential employers get incinerated?"

He looked to J’airesh. "It seems that one of the thugs managed to cut me, could your mind binding it up?" He kept his wounded arm, and the green blood, below table level and out of sight of anyone besides J’airesh.

"Effective work with those gloves," said Malred. "Useful item. Would you be willing to sell or trade them?"

N'vok looked to the alien, having not noticed them before. "Perhaps on our way off-planet. Until then, I fear I may have use of them again."

Suddenly, the doors slid open and the bar patrons quickly started to quiet down, and moved away from the entrance in fear.

Standing in the doorway, was six foot tall, powerfully built, bipedal wolf. It had salt and pepper fur covering every part of his form that was wasn't covered by clothes and weapons.

The bartender's dark purple skin had faded to an almost light pink. It gurgled a few words, and the robotic voice translated. "Alpha Tanlo, you honor my worthless establishment with your presence. Your usual table is ready for your use, Sir."

The wolf, Alpha Tanlo, merely growled, then entered the bar, followed by two younger males and a female

As the quartet moved through the bar, the other patrons stayed clear, lowering their gazes, so as not to seem to be challenging in any way. Finally, Alpha Tanlo and his group reached the single, empty booth, located at the rear of the bat. As soon as they sat down, the ambient noise of the bar started to pick back up. Someone turned the music back on and the wait staff started to move from table to table again.

"Ah, the Galatonians have arrived," said Malred quietly. "They are dangerous, unpredictable, best to leave them alone. Let them have their food and drink, then they will probably kill someone to prove their 'dominance' so make sure it is not you."

"Anyone carrying that many weapons is compensating for something," Rin quipped.

"Have we not had enough fights for one visit?" said N'vok quietly, setting his glasses down to watch the Galatonians.

Malred nodded slightly.

"Oh, I expect your fight won't be the last we see here," said Rin.

"I suspect the barkeeper is regretting his hasty action with the disruptor, now" said Malred. "Dronto and his thugs were just the sort of meat the Galatonians prefer. Now the bartender has just set up a larger possible conflict."

Nicholas stood behind Rin's left shoulder. Leaning down, he whispered in her left ear, "Perhaps the bar is getting a little too hot, Mistress?"

"You mean be the only table that clears out after their entrance?"

Realizing his error in judgement, Nicholas dipped his head respectfully. "My apologies, Mistress. I was only thinking of your safety. Forgive me."

M'Tuuri meanwhile stood outside, staring at the interface on her wrist that indeed indicated Commander Rin was inside. "They haven't fffucking left this purrlace since they got here... the hell they been doing?" She growled before pressing forward and marching inside.

"Drinking... of course." She thought silently while throwing back her head.

She paused for a moment, glancing about as her thumbs engaged the pressure release latches on either side of her helmet, venting what little atmosphere was inside before removing it entirely.

Rin caught sight of M'turri... without Imik. Which was not the biggest surprise to Rin. Both of them were headstrong, and Imik had given Rin the definite impression of not being a team player. And there was only so much she could do about it, considering Imik wasn't Starfleet.

Still, she needed to know what was going on.

"Excuse me a moment," She said to the table at large, adding a "stay put," to Nicholas, as she didn't want to leave N'vok and J'air on their own.

She moved to the front door, motioning for M'tuuri to follow her outside.

"Great." M'Tuuri thought, noting with obvious contempt across her features that everyone else gets to sit on their ass.

She stood there a few more moments as Rin walked by, her padded tail flicking irritatedly to one side as she made a brief note and threat assessment of those in the bar. "That explains the smell..." She muttered quietly, her feline eyes drifting onto the booth where Alpha Tano and his pack resided before turning and following Rin outside.

"Yeah... I know what you're gonna sssay," M'Tuuri growled loudly once outside, throwing her helmet around in dismissal of any wrongdoing.

"And before you sssay it... ssshe told me to come find you."

She shrugged, leaning her face forward and slightly to the side as if daring Rin to chastise her.

Rin moved them both several paces away from the door. "The bar is filled with cameras," she explained.

"Is she alright?" Rin asked.

"Of course ssshe's alright, I wouldn't have left herrr alone if ssshe wasn't."

It was obvious Rin was pissed, but from the way she kept throwing her gaze down the path toward the ships, her ire was not with M'tuuri.

"So...what is it that she felt was so important?"

M'Tuuri eased up a little, feeling the tension between her shoulders melt away. "We uhh... well, no... Ssshe got talking to her purrple... and I made a purrssing comment during that conversation, asking why they don't just capturre everyone here."

Again she shrugged but far less confrontational this time, pausing somewhat as crew from another ship wandered towards the bar.

"Well, it turns out," She continued after they had left earshot. "They need the money more than ssslaves, so they're ssselling the Ojnas back their purrple... kinda implies they have some sssorta code, even if it is a bit fucked up."

"If they enslaved all the buyers, there would be no one to buy. No one would come," Rin said, mostly to keep herself from saying something like that's what Imik thought was so important to be worth breaking up their pairing?!? Or perhaps she couldn't bother to come herself?

"Imik's not really interested in cooperation, is she?" Rin asked. "What is it that you would like to do?"

"A drink would be nice," M'Tuuri huffed before taking a moment to process the question she had already answered. "If that's um, If that's ok with you, Commander." She added, seemingly confused all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry," Rin said, sincerely. "Can't risk you with your helmet off. Try and play nice with Imik, but if she's not going to reciprocate, I'd still like you to check out what you can about the other ships, if you haven't already. You're not her errand woman."

"No..." M'Tuuri agreed as she begrudgingly placed her helmet back on, twisting it gently to either until the latches snapped shut. "I'm just everyone else's." She added before throwing her hood back up and walking off, heading deeper into the port.


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