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News and Awakening

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 4:31pm by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Skylah McBride [Lalor] & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD11 - 09h00
1285 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassia got the call from medical to come down to see the chief medical officer. She was puzzled as she had, not had much contact with the Gorn CMO. AS she entered the medical bay, she was directed towards the back. It made her think that maybe they were waking Samaire and Skylah now they were out of Thaih'ean space.

She entered the room she was directed to, and found Liam, Nicholas and Sthilg waiting. "Sorry for being late" she said to the Gorn.

The gorn smiled as he turned revealing he was holding a small infant in his arms wrapped in a foil blanket. " Hello, my dear. You may want to take a ssseat thisss isss going to be quite the ssshock." He said calmly.

Nicholas moved over and embraced his love. Sthilg hadn't told him anything yet, but a part of him had started to have growing hopes, when he saw the CMO holding a tiny infant in his arms.

Cassia stared and sank into the chair. "Doctor?"

" Thisss isss going to be hard to believe, but thisss little girl is your daughter." Sthilg stated his white eyes looking down at the small child.

Nicholas stammered a reply. "W-what? is that possible?!" Even though he asked the question, hope started to blossom in his eyes as he looked down at Cassia.

She half stood and then sank back down. "The race... that attacked the Ragnarok... that... that was the Thaih'ea... They... they did ... they stole...." she couldn't speak. Tears were pouring down her face now as she stared at the baby in his arms. She had known about the loss of their child. It had broken her then. Her arms raised but fell. She was dreaming... "No... dream. Its a dream right?"

" No dream my dear. " Sthilg said as he lowered himself so she could get a better look at the little creature in his arms. " Would you like to hold her? "

Cassia nodded her arms coming up to take the child. "H-how old?" she asked as the doctor settled the baby in her arms.

" One year." The gorn said with a smile. " Ssshe appearssss to have been in ssstassis ssshe was taken."

Cassia's brain was overloading. "They brought her to term and then stuck her in stasis? Monsters" She looked down into the baby's face then up at Nicholas. "We should have nuked them to atoms."

" Belive me they've done far worssse. " Sthilg replied calmly. " Asss sssoon asss we get back I'm going to make assure ssstarfleet and every power knowsss about them. Maybe we can put a joint tasssk force to end them once and for all."

Nicholas could hear Cassia and Sthilg talking, though his brain wasn't registering what they were saying. His entire focus was on the face of the sleeping angel currently resting safely in the arms of the woman he loved completely. Finally, he spoke, breaking the spell that he was under. "You're sure she's completely healthy, Doc?" He knelt down next to Cassia and gently laid his hand on the side of the baby's head, softly cupping the side of her little head in his large hand.

" Completely healthy. " The gorn said reassuringly.


Cassia glanced towards Liam. "Why is Liam here though? Is something wrong with Sam and Skylah?"

Liam had been wondering the same thing. At first, he was all smiles when he saw Sthilg hand over what was apparently Cassia and his brother's child. He was heartbroken for them, when he heard about how the little one came to be here and now. Then, when Cassia asked if there was something wrong with his family, he got scared. "Is something wrong?!"

" Jussst a minor cassse of cryo sssleepnessss. " The gorn said giving Laim a reassuring smile. " It'sss very common affliction. They'll feel rather groggy when they wake up."

"When they wake up?" Liam asked, confused. "Aren't they still in cryo?"

" They're coming out of cryo asss we ssspeack. Given the age of your youngest i thought it bessst to bring them out ssslowly. " The old doctor explained.

A nurse stuck her head in and said "About 5 minutes Doctor until the Lieutenant is awake"

Hearing that he was going to be able to hold his family again, Liam's expression changed from worry, to excitement. "Can I see them?!"

Sthilg nodded as he led the way to the cryo bay. The pod containing Sam and Skylah beeped slightly as it worked it's magic. " Everythingsss going to be fine my friend." the gorn reassured Liam.

Practically bursting with eagerness, Liam nodded as his eyes were locked on his family. It had been a very long time to go without holding them both in his arms, to hear their voices, to look into their eyes. While he had agreed that this was the best thing for them to do, he hoped that it was not something they would have to do ever again.

The hatch slowly opened, but it took its time to wake the occupants.

Samaire was the first to wake, slowly blinking awake and trying to focus on the people around her..

Liam watched with baited breath as the time to hold his family again grew closer and closer.

" Easssy." Sthilg said as Samaire began to move. " Ssshort breathsss." He said holding up a bucket for her.

Sam did as instructed and then she was grateful for the bucket as the threw up. After a moment to compose herself she got out "I hate stasis"

Beside her, Skylah was stiring.

When Samaire got up out of the cryochamber, Liam moved to embrace her. "I missed you, my love!" He whispered gently in her ear as they made room for Sthilg to care for Skylah.

Sam sagged into his arms and clung to him. "Are.. we out of their space?" she asked softly.

He nodded and replied. "We think so. We haven't seen a single sign of them since we left their homeworld and arena station in chaos."

"Sounds like a lot. You will have to fill me in" Sam said softly as Skylah opened her eyes in the cryo pod.

Skylah looked around and then up at the Gorn. She had, never been afraid of him and she gave him a smile.

Liam nodded, kissing his wife's forehead and supporting her as her legs continued to wake up.

" Easssy little one." The gorn said to Skylah. " You and your mom have a cassse of cryo sssleepnessss. " The gorn said holding the bucket close. " Sssmall breathsss."

Skylah nodded and soon was throwing up as well but not as bad as Samaire. Once she had finished she looked around carefully.

By this point, Samaire had let go of Liam so she could get a drink of water, so he moved back to the cryobed and smiled softly down at Skylah. "Hey, Little Miss, how are you feeling?" He opened his arms to her as he spoke.

She climbed into his arms and said "Better." she gave the doc a smile. "Thank you doc."

Liam wrapped his arms around his little girl, kissing the side of her head as he did so. After she spoke to Sthilg, he looked over to the Gorn and asked, "Is it okay if I take my family home, Doc?"

" Off courssse. No ssstrenuousss activitiesss for either of them and keep a bucket around. " The doctor replied as he smiled at the Skyla. " If there ssstill feeling quisssey after twenty four hoursss call sssickbay."

Liam nodded. "I will, Doctor. And thank you, again. I owe you a debt for this." Then, before the good Gorn could refuse the offer, the young Marine gathered his family together, and took them home.



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