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Well this is Interesting Part 4 - The Conclusion"

Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2019 @ 6:50am by Lieutenant Commander Jaeih t'Noramei-McKinley & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Commodore Evelyn Mountbatten [ADMIN NPC] & Commander Sthilg & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor] & Riov S’Tokkr tr’Noramei

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: USS Elysium - Various
Timeline: MD9 13h00
2371 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

"Advise we offer assistance from aft torpedoes on the fly by, we can track the paths these Warbirds took here to find their base." Anje offered, she knew from the scans of the Warbirds that they would be putting down a very heavy trail.

Evelyn listened and then hit the comm. "Commander McKinley to the bridge." She looked at Anje. "Hail the New vessel."

=^=Commander Romulan Vessel, this is the USS Elysium..=^= Anje opened, hoping like Hell that she didn't get the same result she got the last time she was hailing a Romulan vessel.

This time, she got a response. An older looking Romulan male appeared on the view screen. "Elysium. This is 'Enriov tr'Noramei of the Romulan Star Empire. We are not here for you. We are here to destroy these traitors to the Romulan way of life."

Evelyn studied the man on the screen. "And by doing so you will most likely destroy any link they have to people we are searching for."

"I am aware of your hunt Commodore Mountbatten. I am very much aware of everything. My role here is to bring these traitors a dishonorable death." His hand waved and his ship fired again and again and one of the three attackers lost shields.

Evelyn narrowed her gaze. "very well but we want answers from them."

"Those we can give you. once the battle is done." he broke off, looking over Evelyn's shoulder.

Behind her, the door to the bridge slid open and Jaeih stepped onto it. She had a phaser rifle over her shoulder and three cadets with her. "Commodore?" she asked as she did so. "Sorry I am late but we were patrolling deck 14."

Evelyn looked at the commander behind her. "Did you have something to do with this?" she asked waving at the screen.

Jaeih shook her head. "nope. not me."

The Romulan cleared his throat and continued to issue orders to his crew off screen in Romulan.

Evelyn however looked at her Security officer. "Help destroy those warbirds. And someone get our fighters into position to assist."

Jessica spoke up from outside the ship. "Okay, this is new. Would someone please tell me the warbird I should be firing upon?"

Jason continued his assault of the enemy with the different firing archs trying to use up the Romulan shields faster and faster.

"Fighters attack the inital attackers. " the commodore ordered. "We have assistance from the Romulan star empire. Lets not waste it."

From the XO's chair Garrett's eyebrows went up at the name tr'Noramei. Yet he remained silent. He however turned and looked over at Percy to indicate this was of importance.

Percy returned the look, nodding imperceptibly. He closed the distance to Jaeih in several long strides. Giving the woman a sidelong look, he spoke quietly. "Commander, are you associated in any way with the commander of that vessel -- tr'Noramei?"

Jaeih stared at Percy. "tr'Noramei?" She got out in shock. Her gaze swung to the man on the screen. "Fvadt!" She cursed in romulan. "I may be related. But I have never met anyone from my biological family, well those who are not within the Federation. "

Arrianna shot a wicked stare at Percy that said without words. 'Don't you start.'

Evelyn had no time to deal with her niece's supposed family issues. "Commodore, Once this is over, we will talk further. And I will hand any surviving enemy combatants to your care."

The Romulan man nodded and the connection was severed as both ships turned to take on the remaining attackers.

Percy turned pointedly to Mountbatten. "Sir, under the circumstances, I strongly urge you to order Commander McKinley be confined to quarters under guard until we have adequate time to ascertain the full extent of any conflicting interests in this matter."

Arrianna finally spoke. "I disagree, Commodore. We have seen no proof the Commander is linked to the warbird. And the fact that the Warbird's Commander is a relation to Commander McKinley is entirely irrelevant to this situation." Arri was beginning to get tired of defending the crew from these two fools.

Evelyn sighed "No. I am not having Commander McKinley arrested or confined to her cabin, Commander Albright." She straightened. "One is beginning to think you have a vendetta against my niece who, my brother and sister in law raised from newborn. I suggest you rethink your words here Commander."

Jaeih stared and shifted past Percy to stand off to the side beside security.

Percy set his jaw, his voice low, but urgent. "Commodore, I strongly urge you to --"

"Cdr. Albright, I could use your assistance here, please." Anje called, bailing out the most misnamed man in history yet again. Hissing into his ear when he got close enough, "Percy, I thought we'd agreed you were going to leave Jaeih alone? I'm not feeling like you're keeping up your end of the bargain here, starting to feel just a little betrayed. Do you want me to feel betrayed, Percy?"

"But the proper course of action in this situation is painfully clear!" he insisted. Catching Anje's look, he reconsidered his tone. "I do not want you to feel betrayed."

Jaeih narrowed her brown eyes at Percy. She heard him, her hearing was perfectly fine, thank you very much.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Anje replied, changing her approach from angry valkyrie to sweet and sexy vixen, her aunt had always called it an unbeatable combination. She was right.


Naxea fired a three round burst from her pulse rifle, with one pulse striking a Romulan in the shoulder before taking cover behind the corner of the corridor to avoid the retaliatory disruptor fire. Despite the misses, she could feel the heat from the impacts against the bulkhead where her head had been a moment before. She and her Marines were reinforcing the area while Security reinforcements flanked the Romulan Assault Squads. She had to admire their dedication and tenacity--they were seemingly willing to fight to the last man. "This is Marine Captain Azhul! Lay down your weapons and surrender! You will not be given another chance!"

A disruptor beam struck the bulkhead near her. "There is your answer, Starfleet!" came an angry Romulan voice.

"Fine by me! Die a worthless death!" she taunted before returning fire again.

"That is enough!" Maddy hissed, returning fire while screaming, "Stop it! Stop it now!"

She still wasn't hitting anybody, but at least she had become an active participant in her own survival, leaving Rhodes rightly impressed with Granola as he snapped off a few shots of his own.

Fernando and Milla meanwhile had moved stealthily until they were flanking the Romulans and were now in position. "Now, just like shooting ducks, we will rid our ship of these invaders." With that he brought his rifle up and sighted on the rear Romulan who promptly fell when Fernando's shot caught him square in the chest. "Fire on the rear Romulans, Milla that way the ones in front won't realize what is happening until it is too late."

"Right." Milla nodded, unleashing hell on the enemy. She was a much better shot than Maddy and quickly knocked two of them out.

From the other side, a second team approached in an attempt to catch the boarding party in a pincer movement. "Shoot what moves", Mona ordered, herself firing her phaser rifle at anything in front of her. It was set to stun, so she wasn't worried about friendly fire. If they got one of their own, it would be a headache for them, and cost her an expensive bottle of their favourite alcohol, no big loss in the grand scheme of things. "Private, flashbang, round this corner", she indicated where she heard Romulan disrupter fire, which was distinct from the noise Starfleet weapons made.

Darwin covered Mona, firing into a squad of Romulans who quickly found themselves looking for cover, "We got 'em on the run, Mona! Should we try to push them to the others, encircle them?"

"Don't push them too hard", Mona said. "Leave them an out, nothing more dangerous than a caged beast. Just make sure their out is covered where they don't see it. And remember, their blood is green. And more green on the walls is a good thing."

"Right." Darwin nodded, turning to the others, "Okay, guys, let's paint this place green!"

As Naxea got through firing a burst, she heard the unmistakable sound of a flashbang going off. She swung her rifle around the corner at the ready. She was greeted by hard punch to the fast, that sent her reeling against the bulkhead. She reacted on instinct, delivering a hard blow to the side of the Romulan's head which seemed to barely stun him as he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the bulkhead hard, causing her to drop her rifle."At least I will die, having killed the Marine Commander," the Romulan snarled as he tightened his grip.

It felt as if the Romulan's fingers would rip into her throat as it became almost impossible to breath. "Like I said," she managed to say before drawing her Ka-bar and drove it into the Romulan's chest and into his heart. The Romulan dropped Naxea as he gasped desperately at the last remaining breaths of life. Naxea drew the blade from his chest and in one motion sliced it smoothly across the Romulan's neck. "Die a worthless death."


Jessica spoke into her helmet. "Squadron, the only sound I want to hear from those last two warbirds is the sound of their hulls collapsing. Press the attack."

"Aye El-Tee!!" All of the wings pressed their attacks on the last warbirds. Jessica targeted one of the warbird's warp nacelles and launched a torpedo at it, the explosion blew the nacelle off its pylon. "You're not going anywhere pal."


Down in the medbay the ships medical officer was in his usual place knee deep in his work as his staff busy moving about him. He'd just finished fixing up one of the security team from a heavy disrupter blast when out of the corner of his eye he spotted the sign of the transporter. More of his shipmates needing his care. " Right get them up and let'sss get them ssseeen to." He yelled to his staff as they hurried to help their crewmates. This was going to be a long day.


The two warbirds were out gunned and definitely out matched. As the fighters and their romuman ally bombarded one, it shields fully failed and its hull ruptured, cracking open like an egg before exploding into a mass of molten metal.

Tha third and final warbird began to turn tail when a well placed shot from Lieutenant Morris took out the engines and life support.

"The Second Warbird is breaking up, the third is turning to run." Jason said outloud as a status report. Again he fired his arch of phasers to disable the ship and to his joy it worked better then he wanted."Sir, the third warbird is disabled and life support is failing." Jason said looking up from his console.

"Destroy it" Ordered the commodore. "And someone get me a report on the enemy combatants on this ship!"

Jason fired a full spread of torpedos at the warbird and watched as the ship simply exploded from the screen.

=^=Bridge to tactical teams, report.=^= Anje called over the comms, hoping to hear back from Rhodes or someone with good news.

=^=This is Cadet Brett, Bridge.=^= Milla answered back, =^=We've engaged the hostiles, one casualty for us, dozens for them.=^=

~MILLA!!!~ Anje's mind went into an instant panic knowing her sister was somehow in the thick of the fight, but she had to remain professional, somehow... =^=Cadet, what's the status on enemy combatants?=^=

=^=We've got them in a crossfire, I think Capt. Azhul is going to give them another chance to surrender.=^= Milla answered, pretty sure they would accept it since they were now down to less than a squad's worth of soldiers, =^=Will advise more when new information is available, Brett out.=^=

Fernando not knowing Mona was on the other side of the corridor found his thoughts drifting to her. He hoped she was safe and out of harms way but then realizing the situation the Elysium was in he'd settle for safe. He fired again and again in a rhythmic pattern taking down another Romulan soldier. "Milla. do keep your head down." He admonished the cadet. "Fernando will not always be here to protect it and Anje would be very upset with me if any harm came to you."

"Thank God you're cute." Milla laughed, pegging a Romulan as he tried to get into a better firing position, "If you were as smart as I thought you'd know Russians never keep our heads down. We look right at the enemy, then dare them to do something about it." With a wink she snapped off another shot, dropping yet another Romulan, "Like that."

Fernando shook his head and suddenly pulled her toward him an instant before a Romulan disruptor shot would have removed Milla's pretty head. Fernando fired in one swift motion bringing the Romulan down. " Ay Carumba! At least TRY to keep your head down."

"Right." She nodded, firing back at the offending Romulan, hitting him in the chest, yelling, "ASSHOLE!"

Fernando sighed, *At least she is a good shot* He thought as he continued to fire and the Romulan ranks kept dwindling.

=slight time jump=

The fighting was done, repair crews swarmed the Elysium and the dead romulans were beamed to the Dhivael, their new ally. Evelyn looked at the data sent over it would take two days at top warp to get to where their ally stated they would find their missing crew. She hot the shipwide comm. [["Attention crew of the USS Elysium, we have with help from the crew of the Romulan vessel Dhivael, got a lead on our missing personnel. It is two days at top warp. Engineering you have 12 hours to get major repairs completed because then we are getting underway. Mountbatten out."]]



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