Crew Updates for January 2022
Posted on Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 5:01am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
New Players
No new players this month that made it to the end of the month. We also lost two players, bringing us to the number of 22 players.
Crew Awards

6 Months Time Served

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal, Assistant Chief of Operations
1 Years’ Time Served

Corporal David Tonelly, Marine
Highest Poster of the Mission

Corporal David Tonelly is awarded the Highest poster of the Mission Capetown
Highest Poster of the Mission

Corporal David Tonelly is awarded the Highest poster of the Month! - January 2022
Commander Gary Taylor
Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Commander Sthilg
All tied for this award!
Other Awards
Lieutenant JG Myne Redal is awarded the DeForest Kelley Humor Award -
In "Another Indecent Proposal", Myne cracked me up when she reacted to Miraj's statement that "all ships and shuttles are alive". Reading her hilariously terrified reactions really brought a much needed bright spot to my day. Keep up the great work!.
Captain Phoenix Lalor is awarded the Collaborative Post Excellence - For her excellent assistance in helping me bring Mattias's backstory to life, playing the lovely Saundra, I nominate Lily to accept the award on her behalf.
Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik is awarded the Collaborative Post Excellence - For her assistance in helping me flesh-out Mattias's past story, I nominate Kara for this award. Thank you so very much, "Little Girl" ;-)
Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi is awarded the Creativity Award - In her ongoing side arc for her character, this writer continues to level scoring and powerful gut punches of real emotion. For me, at least. The absolute disregard that Baeryn's own mother has for her daughter, her own flesh and blood, hits very close to home with me. Though it hurts some to read, it also feels a little therapeutic at the same time. Knowing where Baeryn ends up, makes these painful steps very much worth it. WELL DONE!! (Required excerpt...) [[Tora sighed and reluctantly made eye contact with her daughter. Obsidian meeting obsidian. “So he hasn’t told you.” “Told me what?” Disappointment coated her words. “I’m not coming back to Earth.” “What?! Why not? This is your home.” “No, it’s not.” “I don’t understand.” Tears started to collect in the corners of the teenagers eyes. “I don’t expect you to. Betazed is my home. It always has been. There is nothing for me on Earth.” “Nothing for you….” Baeryn repeated her mothers words with anguish.]]
Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi is awarded the Rose Award - Her devotion to David Tonelly is very believable. Watching the relationship continue to grow is very enjoyable to read.
Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea is awarded the Rose Award - How she cares for S'hib is both believable and touching. I am curious to see where their relationship goes :-)
Lieutenant Commander S'hib is awarded the Rose Award -How he cares for Naxea is both believable and touching. He also seems quite conscious of their size differences and he always seems to treat her carefully. I am curious to see where their relationship goes :-)
Commander Gary Taylor is awarded the Collaborative Post Excellence - For his perfect rendering of Mattias's oldest friend, Tim, and his outstanding assistance in helping me flesh out Mattias's backstory, I nominate Gary for this award.
Commander Aurelia Taylor is awarded the Creativity Award - After reading her wonderfully original and entertaining post, where her character attains awareness and speaks to us all, I feel she deserves this award, and look forward to where said character goes, going forward.
Category: General News