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Team 2 - Time to have fun?

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 3:14pm by Lance Corporal Evan Griffin & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Lieutenant Vise [Sthilg] Kesahl & Captain Addison 'Rico' Leyton & Master Chief Petty Officer Chuck Finley [Reece] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Serenity Triannth

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach and Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD7 - 07h00
4555 words - 9.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The group of officers and enlisted gathered in the transporter bay where a pile of backpacks were waiting. An ensign stood there with a PADD. Once everyone was gathered, the Ensign began to speak.

“Welcome to your daily challenge. Grab a pack, they are all the same. You will be beamed down to a location on the planet, all land based. There you will spend the day as a group, looking around the area, taking scans, samples, hiking through the forests and the like. You will spend 8 hours planet side. Work together, listen to each other. Learn about each other. While you may wear different ranks, this is a working together exercise and one I want you all to do, without considering rank.” The ensign smiled. “So Speaks the Commodore. Please grab your bags and step onto the transporter pads.”

The ensign then added “Oh, the weather may be inclement. So be prepared to get wet.”

Savar picked up a pack and held it one hand. He noticed Lieutenant Scott Gregory also taking a back and putting it on his back. He stepped up on the transporter pad. The mention of possibly getting wet. Did not affect him. He had no control over it. Scott however groaned softly at the mention of inclement weather. He didn't want to spend eight hours being wet. He would check and see if the pack held a raincoat once they were on the surface.

"Time to have fun!" Evan Griffin thought to himself. He picked up one of the backpacks. It was super light too. Compared to what Evan normally carried when he wore a backpack for work. This was going to be a picnic. Literally. He was all smiles too. Hoisting the backpack over his shoulders. He picked up one and handed it to the person next to him, "Here you go" he said as he offered to help.

"Thanks, Corporal," Chuck said with a smile as he took the offered pack. After slinging it onto his back, the ship's CoB took his position in the transporter chamber.

Serenity was eager to get back down to the planet. She had spent a day with her children on the surface walking through the forest and on the beach. She was looking forward to this.

Emily was certainly hoping they wouldn’t end up getting wet as she picked up her pack and joined the others on the transporter pad. “Hey ho, hey ho, it’s off to work we go!” She grinned.

The white spotted trill cyberneticist smiled as she picked up a bag and stepped onto the transporter padd. " This should be fun."

Addison grabbed her bag and moved to the transporter pad. "It better be,* she chuckled.

They were beamed down.

When the transporter deposited them on the planet they found themselves on the side of a low peak, next to two cascading waterfalls that seemed to reach towards the sky. Their waters splashed into a clear pool mere feet from where the group beamed in. Bird song filled the air.

The spray from the falls kept the ground soft and vegetation wet as Addison took in the sight. "Beautiful," she commented.

"A most accurate statement Captain." Savar stated, coming to stand alongside Leyton and take in their surroundings.

Evan took in a deep, cleansing breath and savored the moment. With his eyes closed he heard the cascading waterfall and its white noise. He heard the bird songs and the buzzing of wings. He heard the small flying dragons as the flitted about with their calls. Sounding like little trumpets and yet behaving like a clowder of cats with their cleaning and yawning and their inquisitive nature. Evan opened his eyes and the reflecting pool of water was so clear here that he could see all the way to the bottom of the pools here. There, swimming in the flows of the water and in the deeper pools were some big fish. They had no fear of these newly arrived people. And they turned their bodies up to look at them from beneath the waters. The mists from the waterfalls sent an irridescent rainbow high above the churning water where it hit the falls. There was almost a perfect rainbow of color too. The trees were tall here, one side of them very moss covered. The other side not so much. And the trees seemd to cluster in areas and not in others. The only sound was that of nature. The natural world as it is.

He knelt down and ran his fingers through the green, lush grass. He reached for the pool of water and cupped his hand into the crystal clear flow. It was cold and clear and pure and....wonderful. "This place is a dream" he said as he rose back to a standing position.

Serenity nodded as she pulled out a tricorder. "Yet it is real to touch."

Emily smiled. “It’s totally amazing, the whole atmosphere just makes you want to relax and enjoy yourself.”

Serenity looked at her and nodded. "Almost too good to be true right?"

"Let's check the area out," Addison offered as she opened her tricorder. I'm picking up a cave formation just behind the waterfall on the right."

Chuck looked over to where Addison was indicating. "I think I see it." He pointed where the waterfall split on the right side.

Evan opened his backpack and took inventory of it. He removed a tricorder and flipped it open. Scanning the area of the waterfall and the cavern behind the curtain of water, he read off, "Rockface is shale" he said as he bent down and picked up a piece of the rock shale. Then looking up at the waterfalls he speculated, "This river has been here a long time. Look, you can see that the water has been eroding the face for a long time." His tricorder beeped, "Here we go, follow that shoreline on the right? It'll take us close to the falls. Maybe even behind the falls?"

“Good idea” Emily nodded as she looked at her tricorder. “Maybe we should gather a few samples as we go along, Flora and fauna, especially fruit or foods that we could perhaps grow ourselves?”

"An excellent idea Emily. Smaller teams would allow us to explore areas and collect more samples as you suggested." Savar replied.

Scott was looking over the area. "Emily, why don't you and I explore the pool at the base of the waterfalls. See what life may be there and collect samples of what we find."

Emily nodded. “Sounds good to me Scott.” She smiled warmly.

Vise pushed as she let the fresh air and sounds fill her soul. " This is truly beautiful." She said thinking about how she was the first trill to stand on this spot.

Evan closed his tricorder and returned it to the backpack, "Well, I'd like to get some hiking in. Looks like here, one could get to the top of this ridge and then, "Sfffppptt! Right over the top and get to the source of the falls. Prolly just take ninety minutes? Two hours tops to get up there. Anyone want to come along?"

"I'm going to check out that cave system if anyone wants to come along," Addison said as she moved towards the path Chuck has indicated. She always enjoyed exploring caves back on Earth, especially in her native state of Virginia.

"I'll head out with you, Addison," Chuck replied , a friendly grin on his face.

Scott looked to Emily, "Emily let's go check out the pool."

Emily smiled and nodded as she took a moment to get her tricorder out of her pack. “This may look like paradise but we don’t know anything about the flora and fauna, so everyone please be careful. Any injuries or medical needs please let me know.”

Scott nodded at Emily's advice. "Good point Emily. Thank you for reminding everyone to stay safe and not get lulled into a false sense of security."

Emily nodded. “Just being practical.”

"Never hurts to remain people to be safe." Scott pointed out.

Addison was already moving behind the waterfall. "Everyone keep in contact using communicators." The spray from the fall here was drenching as she and Chuck made their way into the cave.

As they entered the cave, Chuck pulled out his flashlight and activate it, playing the light over the cave walls. He stopped when he found what looked like cave etchings. "Look at this, Addison," he said as he stepped closer to the wall. "Someone definitely used to be here." He pulled out his tricorder and started to scan the carvings. "These were made almost ten thousand of our years ago!"

Addison moved to study the carvings closer. They seemed to show a group hunting various animals. "So what happened to these people?" she asked.

Chuck shook his head as he continued to scam the surfaces. "That's a very good question. Perhaps some kind of natural disaster occurred that they were unable to survive?" He glanced at the waterfall before continuing. "As there aren't any prey animals large enough to hunt, nor the land to do hunt them on...perhaps there was a flood? The planet is dotted with islands afterall..what if these islands were the mountain tops of their time?" He tipped his head towards the carvings.

"It's a good theory but an entire planetary population wiped out by a flood. No survivors? What could cause such an extreme change so suddenly?" Addison wondered.

He shrugged and grinned softly. "I'm more skilled in damage control. Geology was always difficult for me." He responded, then paused briefly, before continuing. "Melting ice caps? Perhaps there was some kind of natural, or extra terrestrial crisis, that caused them to melt much faster than would've been normal?"

"Something doesn't add up. We may have to have the Elysium study this plenty closer from orbit." She said as she scanned the carvings to record them on her tricorder. "Let's see what else is in here."

Chuck nodded in agreement with her. As they continued to search the caves, he asked allowed, "I wonder if the Thaih'ea took the populous as slaves? That could explain why no one is here."

" Could have been numerous medical causes that led to an extinction event," Vise added.

Chuck looked back at the Trill, a surprised look on his face. "Heya, Doc! I didn't hear you approach. You walk pretty quietly." He grinned at her as he finished speaking.


The incline was not too steep, and the footing was sure. And the rock shale was almost as if nature herself had carved the mountainside into steps. There were flat places that were plain and easier to navigate. Then there were places with narrow outcroppings of rock that made the going easier. The sun was shining bright, and it was set to be a gorgeous day. The vista, from all along the trail and up the ridge was supremely grand. There wasnan especially steep bit here. Then, after a bit, he arrived at the top of the ridge.

Before him lay a flourishing meadow. Tall grass and flowers gave way to a carpeting of greenery and trees. He smiled broadly and tapped his comm badge,

=A= Griffin to Elysium? I am ready for you to transport Fenrir to the surface at my coordinates =A=

The transporter operator responded,

=A= Acknowledged. Initiating transport. Here she comes!

The whine of the transporter sounded and then the shimmer. Technically speaking, the matter stream arrived first creating a stable coulmn of electron and matter-free pocket. Insert some 'spooky physics', an energy to matter conversion stream, a dash of subspace to tunnel through and some fantastic calculations and a blue shimmer and voila! Fenrir the dog materialized a few meters away and in front of him.

She jumped for joy and rushed to him, "Hey girl!" he said as he pet her and hugged her.

Tapping his comm badge once again, =A= Thank you Elysium. I got her safe and sound =A=

Her tail wagging, a smile as wide as the sunshine, she danced for joy when she was reunited with her handler. Her bubble-gum tounge hanging out of her smiling mouth. "Good girl! Yeah. I didn't forget you. OK? Ready? Let's go girl!" She whined with happy joy at his side.

She leaped forward. Her tail, as tall as a masted sailing ship from long ago and she plunged into the grasses and the flowers. She always kept Evan in sight. But Fenrir was a dog again! Sniffer going at full boar, smelling a "no pooch" world and what did that smell like? Rushing and playing, running and peeing on everything until her tank was empty. They hiked up the ridge a bit more towards the trees and the sound of the rushing water.

Evan could see and hear the river now. It wound up and back into the hills, its source unknown to him. The birdsong above him in the trees, a most excellent choir if ever there was one.

Eden's Reach how long had it turned in its orbit before these strange creatures from Elysium ever set foot on her plains? These wide open skies, open and free, wide with welcome and promise. The seas, bound to their place by Nature's law, the deep oceans kept their secrets all these long years. The life that was in such abundance here. Infinite diveristy in infinite combinations. Everything cherished here and in harmony. A great symphony of life.

The mountains, hills, and pastures in their silent majesty; arrayed in splendor and clothed finer than Solomon himself. The stars in their orbits and all the heavens, sang out in joyful echo at this paradise. Evan gazed up and shielded his eyes from the sun, there was a light mist; for rain and thunder, for the seasons’ harmony, all of this life and all of their collective problems seemed...almost insignificant with how truly small they all were. What is our life but a drop in the bucket; a moment in time. The whole wide world, rocks and stones, waters and sky, plants and animals, creepy crawly things. In perfect harmony.

Fenrir came by and wanted petting. She smiled up at him. Her grey eyes, brilliant against her darker coat. Her ears perked to listen to him. She looked into his eyes with unfathomable trust and love. Evan knelt down and gave her a hug. "Good girl. I'm glad you're here Fenrir. I am glad you're here. It's you and me girl. This place, this Eden...this Garden in Heaven." He scratched her ears and under her jaw and said to her, "What is heaven without you in it girl? Ay?" He asked and rubbed her head. Fenrir adored him and she was a good sapper too.

Seeing this noble and verdant paradise; Evan longed for home. For the world that he knew, for the friends and loved ones he missed. He added his voice to the song swelling all around him. "We'll get you home Fenrir. The Colonel and the Commodore; they will get us home. Funny thing is; you're home now. Home is where the heart is. And I can't imagine you not by my side." He looked up and admired everything about this place. And still he said a prayer for home, "For Earth we raise our voices, For the home that gave us birth; in our joy we sing returning, Home.

To our bluegreen hills of Earth."


Fenrir stopped at the water's edge. Evan caught up to her after a moment of walking. They had reached the top of the waterfall. The rushing water spilled over the edge with a mighty roar. The water pooled up here a bit away from the edge. That is where Evan checked in with the others.

Taping his comm badge, =A= Griffin to away team? How's everybody else doing? I'm at the summit of the waterfall. And its beautiful up here. I wish you guys could see it. =A=

=/\=Finley here, Addison, Vise and zi found some ancient cave etching, and a cave system, behind the waterfall. There is evidence that was some form of bipedal, humanoid life here, as early as ten thousand of our years ago.=/\=

Evan listened to the Master Chief and set his tricorder to scan for structures, =A= Copy that. I'm scanning for structures now as well. I don't see anything for as far as I can scan. Should I continue on exploring up topside? Or should we meetup? =A= he asked over the comm channel.

Though Evan couldn't see Chuck, the CoB shrugged as he replied. =/\=Up to you, really. Addison, Vise and I are making our way through this cave system. Perhaps, you could try scanning for other caves? There could be more evidence of some kind of some ancient civilization in them as well.=/\=

=A= Copy that Master Chief. I have Fenrir with me. We'll stay topside and I'll follow the bend of the river up the hiillside a bit. If I spot anything I'll comm you. Griffin out. =A=


Fenrir was wading in the water up to her ankles. It was cold, but not too cold. Evan whistled for her and she came immediately. Together, they stood there a moment as Evan read the tricorder and tried his best to scan for something. For anything really. He cloed the tricorder and decided on a direction, "Well, OK. Just you and me Fenrir" he looked at her. Fenrir, tail stright up looked at him and cocker her head to the left. "I've got an idea" he said. Her tail started to wag back and forth, "You pick. Your choice is as good as mine baby girl. Maybe better with your sniffer? You choose" he said and Fenrir looked at him and cocked her head to the right now. "No, I'm serious. You pick."

She huffed in delight. As if she understood. Fenrir picked a direction to the northwest and was off. She ran on ahead, always keeping ahead of Evan but also keeping him in sight and earshot. The way on this hillside was soft and easy. A rolling hillseide with tall trees, open patches where clumps of flowers bloomed. A few fallen trees that were now planters for rows and rows of mushroom like growths and abundant flowers. The sound of the rushing river was behind them.

Fenrir was forging on ahead. Clearly enjoying being out of doors and free to roam and play and sniff. A bundle of birdies were startled at seeing her and they flew off annoyed at being disturbed by the four legged pee machine. Evan climbed onto an outcropping of rock where a tree had tipped a bit. It was at an angle where it would be easy to climb. He got higher and then looked around. He could see that there was a glen ahead. There were some stones that looked out of place and quarried. Then he could just make out the foundations of a ruin. He opened the tricorder and took a scan. It beeped at him and he knew that there would be something up head that would be worth looking at. So, climbing down and whistling for Fenrir, they set off and up towards the glen where the river was flatter and smoother and slower.

It was the definition of solitude. Evan's detailed scans told him that this was laid out like a bath. There were mineral and salt deposits. Evidence that at some point in the past this might have been a hot springs or heated bath area. There was a well the went down many meters. There were paving stones. And, perhaps the most impressive an arch. Set on a foundation of white and green bricks. Two solid sides and an arch. A pathway leading to it. And overgrowth of many, many years. Griffin took a few images and then sent them to the Master Chief and the rest of the group with the tag line, "Found us a picnic spot. Who's got the basket?"


Down at the pool Emily and Scott were busy collecting samples. “I’ve got a sample of water from the falls, and I’ve collected some rock and mineral samples. How about you?”

A few feet away, Scott answered, "I got some plant samples from here at the edge of the falls and then I got some more from the pool. I think that gives us a good base to go from, what do you think Emily?"

Emily nodded. “Sounds good, we’ve covered every area we need to do without crossing into anyone else’s area. Maybe we should head back?”

"Good idea Emily, but we'll take our time in case we missed something as once we leave this world, we won't be coming back." he pointed out.

Emily nodded in agreement. “Good idea” With that they turned to head back.


Evan waited a while for any lunch partners. When the COMM stayed quiet, he figured that everyone must be too excited to stop for a wee picnickeing. So, being hungry, he busted into the snickery snacks that were packed in the backpack and shared them with Fenrir. She had excellent eyes to see food from a great distance. And her nose could smell yesterday's breakfast.

She could hear pudding.

Evan sat near to the arch and looked up at it. There were paving stones arranged in a circle all around it. So, at some time it must have been a significant object. It was carefully crafted. The arch wasn't perfect either. There were broken bits where additional supports had long ago disintegrated. All that was left was this one last spot on what must have been a larger structure. Evan, took a bite of a chewy granola type bar. He broke off a piece and gave it to the pooch. Fenrir gobbled it up in one bite. Evan grinned and took the last bit. He reached into his bag and withdrew a bottle of drink. The label read, "Simpson & Son - Olde Tyme Drinkage - Lemonade Style - Puts the larter back in your garter!"

It was good. There was a plain water bottle for Fenrir and he poured out her drink in a little cup and she lapped up the whole bottle.

Next was a bag of beef jerky, "Sesquahannah Sue's Orginal Cowboy Style and Dry Beef Jerky - Perfect eatin' for your picnic meetin'".

He opened it and it was tasty. He couldn't figure out why there was a picture of a Sasquatch on the bag. A Sasquatch in a cowboy hat to boot. But there was little time for such ponderings. Fenrir eyed the slabs of dry meaty with envious eyes. Evan gave her pieces and bites. He said, "You know girl? You look pretty good out here under this arch. Whatever this used to be huh? Just between you and me - I'll put this down on the map as 'Fenrir's Arch'. You'd like that ay?"

She wagged her tail and yipped. Her lips spread from ear to ear and her eyes delighted with him. He scratched her head and rubbed her chin. Turns out that she wasn't as interested in the dried out fruit. Evan stood up and climbed up on one of the larger blocks as Fenrir jumped up piece by piece and sat down next to him. She laid her head on his knee, "This is fun" she seemed to say.

After a few minutes, Evan rose and opened the tricorder. He got some detailed scans and good images of "Arcus Fenrir" and good environment data. en he was finished he called to the rest of the away team,

=A= Griffin to away team? I've found a small area with a structure. An arch and some stone blocks. I'm sending the images to you all now. =A=

Evan sent the data to the other members of the team equipped with tricorders.


Several hours later, Addison sat down on the edge of a cliff as she downed a sip of water from her canteen. The sun was beginning to set and she knew it would be time to return. "Everyone ready to return to the ship?"

Chuck stood and hefted his ruck onto his back. "I'm ready to head home," he said with a smile, thinking about spending the evening with J'Airesh.

A few minutes later, Evan appeared at the beam out coordinates together with Fenrir. It was time to return home after a full day of outdoors activities. Walking and running, hiking and climbing. It was the most free time most people have had in months. And the time was like a mental and spiritual cleanser. Washing away the sense of isolation and the feeling of being so lost out here. There were still beautiful places. Even if they were a very long way from home. Evan and the pooch came closer and stood nearby. The dog recognized a few of the Marines here and came by for petting and sniffing. Evan said, "Definitely a worthwhile day!"

Addison got up from the Cliff's edge and petted Fenrir. "Yeah, it was nice to get off the ship."

“As much as it was nice, I’ve got a little girl who will be eagerly awaiting my return” Emily smiled. “Let’s go home.”

Savar stepped beside Emily. "A very true statement. The break was needed but now it is time to return to the Elysium."

Scott held the samples. "Ready to get back to the ship and study what we collected."

Addison tapped her communicator. "Leyton to Elysium. Team Two is ready for transport."

The transporter operator answered, =A= Elysium here. Standby for transport =A=

Evan commanded Fenrir to stand next to him and wait. She sat with her head and ears perked up. As the feeling of the transporter beam took hold.

=A= Transporter locked. Energizing. =A=

The lock was complete and in a swirl of blue and white and silver energy stars, the away team number two vanished in a scintilation of matter to energy conversion.

The field was empty again. The cave, the river, the trees, this happy, verdant place. A gust of wind blew across the field where the Elysium were standing moments ago. The silent majesty of this Eden's Reach was returned to its unexplored state. Eden's Reach seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.

Eden's Reach demonstrated that the universe is far grander,, far deeper, far more creative than any of us have imagined. That infinite diversity in infinite combinations is the delight and the joy of Nature. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we Alpha Qudrant lifeforms have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this distant paradise. This Eden's Reach. A far and distant point of pale light. Far away in Circinus. This Eden, a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.


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