View Award - DeForest Kelley Humor Award

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DeForest Kelley Humor Award

This award is meant to help us all remember that a bit of light-heartedness goes a long way; even in the face of danger.
DeForest Kelley was as much a comedian as he was an actor of the 20th century. Therefore, this is as much a tribute to him as it is an award to any recipient. This award can be given to any player in Obsidian Fleet

Category: Both
Awarded: 13 times

Captain Gary Taylor
Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 5:14am
For his post "Help Wanted (2023 Version)" I think he deserves an award for the humour he injected into the post. Keep it up Jeff, well done

Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor (Ayesha)
USS Elysium
Captain Gary Taylor
Mon Aug 1st, 2022 @ 10:22am
For Romeo Oh Romeo, particularly Part 2, for Gary's sobriety in the face of the ludicrousness of Jeff's own making.
Captain Samuel Woolheater
Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 7:36am
For his undying funny bone, and wonderful comments that he writes after reading the various jps that are posted, which have helped to bring a smile to my face and a giggle to my throat, I wish to nominate my old friend for this award.

Bill -aka- Captain David Tonelly
Lieutenant Commander Rin
Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:16am
In reading how Rin described Myne to her old friend Ebi, I have to say this...

Thank you! I had a very awful day at work the day this jp was posted, and it definitely brought a smile to my face and soul.

Please keep up the great writing!!



Lieutenant JG Damien Blackford
Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:15am
For his part in "The Girl with a Golden PaDD", I nominate Damien for this award.

It was a very fun and funny read. I thank you for it and am looking forward to many more.

Also, am curious if, along with "Super Garrett", we will also see more "Adventures of Worm-Girl and Spooder-Boy"! Lol



Lieutenant Myne Redal
Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:07am
For her part in "The Girl with a Golden PaDD", I nominate Myne for this award.

It was a very fun and funny read. I thank you for it and am looking forward to many more.

Also, am curious if, along with "Super Garrett", we will also see more "Adventures of Worm-Girl and Spooder-Boy"! Lol



Lieutenant Myne Redal
Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 3:07am
As always, whenever I am feeling down, all I need to do is see what Myne is up to. In the jp, where Ebi (Rin's old friend) joins the ship, she did not disappoint with her zanniness and rapid fire questions. (Someone should show her the episode of Taxi, where Christopher Lloyd's character goes to take his written driver's test. I won't spoil it. She should watch it. Lolol)

Anyways, Myne, you are always a pleasure to read and your energy is always uplifting. Thank you.

Please keep writing!



Lieutenant Myne Redal
Mon Jan 31st, 2022 @ 4:53am
In "Another Indecent Proposal", Myne cracked me up when she reacted to Miraj's statement that "all ships and shuttles are alive". Reading her hilariously terrified reactions really brought a much needed bright spot to my day. Keep up the great work!
Lieutenant Myne Redal
Mon Nov 1st, 2021 @ 3:19am
Reading her reactions yo the world around her is always enjoyable (even if a bit too much natural caffeine. Lololol)

Seriously though, Redal brings a youthful energy to her interactions that make it nearly impossible to not, at the very least, giggle while one reads.
Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly
Thu Jun 3rd, 2021 @ 3:50am
For turning the Chief of Sciences' office into a night club. I can remember seeing AC/DC in concert, back in the 80's!


-Crpl Tonelly
Lieutenant Commander S'hib
Thu Aug 6th, 2020 @ 1:00am
In our holodeck post, Consolation Prize, he constantly fed me double entendre, dubious one liners, carry-on style slapstick and general cheesy fun. It was great!
Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
Thu Aug 6th, 2020 @ 1:00am
Consolation Prize part 1 to 3 - Writing with this creative individual has been extremely enjoyable, especially when it thrusts my character into obscure scenarios like fighting pirates - its nice to not be serious sometimes

- Tom

Captain Gary Taylor
Tue Jan 28th, 2020 @ 3:08pm
What few people understand is that humor is not always cracking jokes a la Hawkeye Pierce but is often in lighthearted encouragement, good advice, and generally lifting the spirits of others. In this definition of humor, there's nobody more deserving than Cdr. Gary Taylor for his fatherly good cheer in "Thinking about the Future."