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Contentious Arrival

Posted on Tue Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 11:38am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Tristi Richardson & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Myne Redal & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor] & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Timeline: MD1 18/03/2397 17h00
2628 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The sleek but heavily modified and weaponised Shuttle sat motionless in the void, awaiting its meeting with a massive starfleet vessel. The crew was silent, as they sat in the crew compartment. In the cockpit, Jaxon now fully disguised as Geor'th, his Andorian Alter ego sat silent watch.

The Proximity alert sounded. He sighed. "Incoming spaceship" he announced.

Phoenix finished her water and stepped up beside him. "Prime the engines just in case" she said softly. "If it is the Elysium, then we are fine, if not."

Jaxon nodded. "Got it."

*USS Elysium*

Gary sat in the center seat as the Elysium came to the place they were to meet the 'Intel Operatives' The Elysium's sensors were on maximum. Its shields were up and its weapons were active but on standby. The area showed clear until suddenly the CONN officer spoke up. "Sir, I'm detecting another vessel in this area. It looks like a heavily modified shuttle."

"On screen." Gary ordered as the viewscreen came alive and showed a shuttle sitting motionless in front of them. He tapped his com, "Captain we've arrived at the prearranged spot and it looks like our Intel Operatives are already here."

"Acknowledged Number One. I'll be there shortly. Hail them."

"Aye sir." Gary replied and closed the channel. His attention went back to the vessel on the viewscreen. "Attention unknown vessel, this is Commander Taylor of the USS Elysium, state your business in this area."

Lily AKA Phoenix had to smirk but she cleared any amusement from her voice as she hit the comm "This is Starfleet Intelligence Team Black Watch. We are here to await your arrival Elysium."

From the side of the cockpit, Mattias got his first real look at the Elysium. 'Holy shit, she's big!' He thought to himself. Then he turned his gaze to Phoenix, who was speaking to the man who was her XO over there. He grinned slightly, thinking just how her crew would react, if they knew the real Captain was about to come back aboard her ship.

"Black Watch, you are cleared to enter the main shuttlebay or if you prefer be beamed aboard." Gary replied.

"Acknowledged Elysium, if your pilot will hold that ship steady, we will come into your main shuttlebay." The tone in the female voice was amused.

"At your pilot's convenience Black Watch. We're standing by. The Captain and I will meet you in the shuttlebay." Gary replied.

Myne liked the Beta shift. It was a quiet shift really, usually one that didn't see much action or tension. Since she had not been privy with the contents of the new mission, the arrival of the Black Watch and the ensuing conversation left her clueless as a lemur. Looking up from her operations console with curiosity burning in her eyes.

M'Tuuri meanwhile stood silently alone in the intelligence blister, studying the sensor data collected on the shuttle with a great deal of curiosity. "I ssswear I've seen you in a rrreport before. Somewhere," She murred while absentmindedly sipping on a mug of coffee. "I think..."

"Commander... Shall I head down?" S'hib perked up as he clicked his way across the bridge. stopping to the left of Commander Taylor, a hand on his holstered phaser as he inclined his long equine face to one side.

"Hold on Mr. S'hib and we'll go down together." Gary answered.

Alicia was curious as to who these new arrivals were. She smiled politely as she joined S’hib, “Would you mind if I accompanied you? Given all the concern it’s stirred up I think my going along might be a good idea.”

"As I just told Commander S‘hib, hold on and we'll go together. Lets give the Captain a moment to get up here." Gary replied to Alicia.

“If you want to carry on Sir, I can take watch until the Captain arrives?” Alicia smiled warmly. “I can catch up.”

"No need for that Counselor." A voice from behind her spoke as Garrett Lovejoy steeped onto the bridge. "We'll all go and see our ‘guests'.

Alicia smiled and nodded. “Of course Captain.”

"We'll make quite the welcoming committee," Tate agreed, from her position on the bridge. Normally, she would be in her office or assisting in Sickbay, but under the circumstances, she wanted to be present to offer whatever assistance she could. The atmosphere on the bridge was tense and thick with anticipation.

**Shuttle bay 1**

Jaxon brought the shuttle into the shuttle bay slowly, Lily nodded as they touched down.

"Ok... lets wait for them outside the shuttle" she said softly.

Kara stood and waited for Malakai to step out first, following him outside the shuttle.

Lily led the way down the ramp and the crew gathered around it looking around the massive shuttle bay.

Mattias followed right behind, then stood, behind Lily and a ace back, his powerful arms crossing over his chest. He looked for all the world as a bodyguard of sorts for the woman in front of him.

Lily didn't move from her position a meter from the foot of the ramp looking at the doors that lead to the rest of the ship.

A few minutes later the doors opened and Captain Garrett Lovejoy followed by Commander Gary Taylor and the other officers who had come to meet the Black Watch crew. Stopping in front of Lily, Garrett spoke. "Welcome to the Elysium. may I present Commander Taylor, my executive officer. " Gary nodded at Lily before his gaze shifted to the others and then back to Lily. "A pleasure." He answered simply.

"Commander. I am Lily Kass, Leader of this group." Lily said. "My executive officer, S'Kar." she indicated Malakai in his Vulcan disguise.

"Miss Kass." Gary answered before addressing S'kar, "S'Kar welcome."

Malakai inclined his head, "A honor to be here."

Alicia looked at those before her, for some odd reason she couldn’t read any of them. “Captain... I can’t read any of our guests, I’m guessing that’s intentional?” She looked towards Lily and S’Kar.

"It is" Came the reply from the Bajoran who stood there.

Alicia nodded. “Thank you for your honesty.”

Off to one side, S'hib eyed up the Blackwatch, standing away from his seniors but close enough to intervene. "Who else is left to come off the shuttle?" He snorted, a single ear fixated on the shuttle entrance. twitching at every slight sound he heard.

The Bajoran female turned and did a head count. She sighed. "Saadeha, go get Tristi"

the Romulan at the back rolled her eyes and stalked back into the shuttle and returned a moment later with a sulky teenager.

"Apologies" The Bajoran said to the Starfleet Officers. "Someone didn't want to be here"

He said nothing, though his posture did relax upon seeing the child, silencing the few alarm bells ringing in his head. still, there was something else he couldn't quite put a stubby finger on... a smell, it was familiar but he couldn't figure out why.

Again he said nothing, letting everyone exchange pleasantries as his flared nostrils pulled his attention towards Lily, fixating all his attention on the woman.

Lily noted the 'horse' and let her gaze sweep back. She focused on Lovejoy. "Your security Officer will need to clear our weapons I believe." She turned to the hulking Orion behind her. "Jax, you and Georth, bring forth the crates"

The Orion nodded wordlessly. Then, uncrossing his arms, he and the Andorian moved back into the shuttle. A few moments later, they came back out, both pushing a hoversled.

The sled that Jax was maneuvering was mostly taken up by a large, clearly well used and maintained, Andorian battle armor power suit. The sled that Georth had, contained several crates of various phasers, pulse rifles, disruptors, a few sniper rifles, plus the various power cells for each. And then there was the crates of high explosives and grenades.

"Yes, you are quite correct Miss Kass." Garrett said formally to the Black Watch leader. He turned to S'hib, "Mr. S'hib, if you would be so kind please, inspect the weapons."

"Yes Sir." S'hib snorted as he clicked forward, his heavy hooves echoing on the hard flight bay deck until he was standing next to the crates. "Move back, please." He said in a polite but firm manner, a hand resting on his holster as he stared at the Orion.

Lily gave Jax a look to obey the request.

Jax nodded once and moved back to his place behind Lily.

With this S'hib gave an approving nicker and began examining the sled, gently trailing hoofed digits over the armaments. "This will all have to be confiscated while you are aboard, including any you have on you." He stated, walking around the sled so his back was facing the group. giving him the opportunity to stare at Captain Lovejoy with a stern look of disapproval.

"Your ship will need to be searched as well," S'hib added as he moved over to the next hover sled, frowning at the explosives.

Lily looked at Lovejoy "That is not happening. As these are all needed in the mission they will not be confiscated." She stated firmly.

"Sir, the sheer number of regulations just one of these sledges is in violation of..." He snorted, picking up a grenade to further his point. "I'm not about to compromise the security of this vessel." He said in stubborn defiance, placing the grenade back down.

Garrett looked between Lily and S'hib and made his decision. "Mr. S'hib, these people." he almost spat the word. "Have come aboard to complete a mission. In addition they were sent by Starfleet Intel. They can keep their weapons."

Kara ignored the argument for a moment as she looked towards Lovejoy. “Captain I’m the medic for this team, I’d appreciate it if your ship’s doctor could find me some room to work in Sickbay whilst we’re here?”

Garrett looked at Kara, thankful for the distraction. "I'm certain he can ma'am. I'll talk to him about finding you a space to work."

Kara nodded and smiled politely. “Thank you Captain.”

"As soon as you get the all clear, I will help you settle in," Tate offered. She didn't need to be a counselor to pick up on the tension and the undercurrent of territorialism between the two groups, but if there was anyone Sullivan could make allowances for, it was a fellow healer.

“Captain, sir… i must protest,” S’hib snorted, a hoof scratching irritatedly against the deck. “You are giving them access to areas of this ship they have no business with.”

"Mr. S'hib, your protest has been noted and I fully understand your concern, however we have been ordered to assist and work with these operatives." Garrett answered calmly but firmly.

"Do not worry Horsie, we will stay clear of Intelligence and security. For now" Lily said with a smirk. She looked at Lovejoy. "Cabin assignments?"

Behind Lily, the Orion smirked slightly.

A disapproving huff left S’hibs nostrils followed by a thud as a hoof hit the side of the hoversled.

Garrett handed Lily a PaDD, "You all have been assigned cabins on deck 19. I hope this is satisfactory."

"Thank you Captain." Lily said passing the PADD to the Vulcan beside her. "The weapons can be stored in a secure section of the Cargobay if that is acceptable to your... I am sorry I am not familiar with the race the Lieutenant Commander is." She added airily.

The Vulcan looked over the PaDD, "Most satisfactory." He announced.

"Lt. Commander S'hib is a Sequus." Garrett informed Lily. "And yes, storing your weapons in a secure section is acceptable."

The Orion, silent until now, stepped forward and addressed Lily. "Commander, before we transfer our gear, I should inspect the location in question, ensure it is, in fact, secure."

“Don’t you worry about that.” S’hib scoffed as he finished his mental notes on the gear in question, walking someone back towards his other officers. “Wherever this gear is going, my officers will be posted.”

Jax turned his gaze to the Sequus and smirked. "No offense, Pony Boy, that gear is highly specialized. And as I'm the weapons officer for the group, it doesn't get stored anywhere, until I give it a good once over."

Lily looked at Lovejoy and raised an eyebrow at him. "Co-operation Remember" she hinted.

Garrett nodded. "Mr. S'hib, show the gentleman where the weapons will be stored so he can inspect it and see that it is indeed secure."

“It’s secure.” S’hib snorted through gritted teeth as he walked off, heading towards the shuttle bay exit without another word.

Jax followed S'hib as the two left the shuttlebay and made their way to the cargobay in question.

Lily waited for the men to leave before saying. "When do you wish for us to brief your senior Staff Captain?"

Garrett watched S'hib and the Black Watch crew member depart before he turned his attention back to Lily. "We are at your disposal Miss Kass. Whenever it is convenient for you."

"Tomorrow Morning then. 09h00. You will need your full senior staff and their assistants. Will your briefing room hold that many?"

" Very well. We will hold it in Conference Room 1 and yes it will." Garrett replied evenly.

Lily nodded. "Very well, to keep your crew's mind at ease, maybe your executive officer can assign someone to escort us to our cabins?"

Garrett nodded, " Gary, assign someone to escort our guests to theie cabins."

"If you don't mind sir, I'll do it." Gary answered as he turned to Lily. "Miss Kass, if you and your party will follow me."

Lily turned to her remaining team. "Geor'th," She said to the Andorian, "You, Morris," here she indicated the Deltan male, "And Saadeha, wait here for Jax to return with the Lieutenant Commander. Once you have stored the weapons, I am sure he will escort you to the cabins"

The three nodded.

Then she turned back to Taylor. "Please lead on Commander" She said as the teenager stepped up to her side.

"If you will follow me then." Gary answered as led the small group out of the shuttle bay and to the nearest lift. "All of your quarters are on deck 19, so if you need to talk to each other, you are all in close proximity." He commented as they got onto the lift. a short ride later and they were on deck 19. Stepping out of the lift, Gary waited for Lily and the others to exit. "This is your deck Miss Kass. If you and the others need anything you have replicators in your cabins or you can use the com system, should you need something the replicator cannot handle."

"Thank you Commander, My team will keep their distance from your crew." Lily replied. "We do not want any mis-understandings"


Lily Kass - Bajoran, Blond hair, Purple eyes, no earing.
S'Kar - Vulcan, Black hair, blue eyes, piercing stare.
Jax - Orion xBorg, Jet black mohawk, tribal tattoos covering body, several Borg implants still visible, including one covering right eye, doesn't talk much, just stares menacingly.
Kara - Human, different colour hair, and eyes to her own (tends to vary in shade)
Still Anna... Wearing a helmet.
Joshua: Romulan male, black hair, brown eyes, arrogant.
Mira Thia - Trill, unjoined. Black hair with blue tips, black eyes
Geor'th - Andorian, White hair, Blue skin
Sorrel- Bajoran/cardassian hybrid - Dirty Blonde hair worn in a thick braid.
Saadeha - Romulan female, Long black hair, brown eyes
Morris - Deltan Male, Bald, blue eyes.
Tristi: As normal. She is just going to be coming along for the ride.


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