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Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2022 @ 9:19am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Skylah McBride [Lalor] & Samantha Prescott [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Magnus ) & Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Lara Barclay de Tolly & Hendor Charles [Reece] & Ensign Lorelei Lee ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Main Shuttle Bay
Timeline: MD4 - 09h00
1030 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

=/\= Main Shuttlebay 09h00 =/\=

Celene Jericho sighed as she and her twin Koray entered the shuttlebay joining the lines of Civilians heading into shuttles in preparation for departure.

Savar stood in line with the other Starfleet personnel and civilians waiting to board the shuttles. He held Connor with one hand, N'vea was cradled in a baby carrier on his chest. He had a backpack full of formula and diapers for N'Vea and some food and diapers for Connor as well.

George led Leilani, Samaire and the kids into the shuttlebay. Once Leilani, Hendor and Skylah were in line, he knelt down to address his son. "Now Hendor, remember what I told you. Listen to your mother, and keep both her and Skylah safe."

The little boy swelled up slightly, accepting his charge as any little boy would, when wanting to make his father proud of him. "Yes, Papa!" He turned and smiled, first to his mother, then at Skylah.

George nodded, then gave his son another hug and kissed the top of his head. "I love bubba."

Hendor hugged his father as strongly as he could. "Love you, Papa!" His voice muffled slightly by George's chest.

George then released his hold and stood. He then turned to Leilani. Embracing her lovingly, he pressed his forehead to hers. It will all be over soon, Imzadi, and you'll be back home with me, safe and sound.

Leilani nodded I hope so Imzadi, our bond will keep me with you while we're apart. She gave him a loving kiss.

George returned the kiss, then hugged his wife lovingly. After a few beats, he released his hold and moved his left hand to her growing belly. Closing his eyes, he felt for their unborn child. He smiled softly. "You go with all my love, Imzadi." He kissed her again, then, reluctantly stepped back, allowing them to move in line.

Leilani offered a teary smile before she took a deep breath, and offered Hendor a smile. She had to be strong now.

George stood next to Samaire as their families moved off to safety. "We do this for them," he said aloud quietly.

"Yes" She said. "Now we need to just win so they can come back"

Alicia arrived quickly heading for Savar and her children. "Imzadi" she smiled a worried smile as she kissed Savar on the cheek. "I couldn't just let you go without being here to see you off. I hate asking you to do this, but I need to know Connor and N'Vea are safe."

"Alicia." Savar greeted his wife. "I am pleased to see you and I wish are positions were reversed." He looked down at Connor and N'Vea, "The children are of course always glad to see you."

Alicia took what little time she had to give her children some love, she didn't want to see them leave but she also didn't want them at risk aboard the ship. "I know you'd rather be here aboard ship, but I need you with the children Savar. Plus you're level headed influence will be needed aboard the shuttle."

Tate gave herself permission to look around at the families saying their (hopefully temporary) goodbyes to their loved ones briefly and allow herself to be touched by the scenes unfolding before her. Sullivan still felt a bit torn about electing to go with the vulnerable instead of staying to fight, but she hoped others would understand it was out of a sense of duty to keep the children and families calm that she did so. It would come as no surprise to anyone that as a counselor and healer she did not relish battle, but that did not mean she was incapable of defending herself and others by force if required. Ultimately, it was not fear or an abhorrence for violence that led her choose to go with the others aboard shuttles, it was a sense of conviction that this was where she could be the most use.

Sullivan mentally told herself her break was over and then turned her attention to the PADD she carried, checking off names of passengers as they reported for boarding. She offered smiles and reassurances to the children as they approached, trying to put out emotional fires as quickly and gently as possible.

Victor came into the Main Shuttle Bay with his children, his fiancé Tonya, Ensigns Louis Bordeaux and Lorelei Lee. Tonya was concentrating on the children while Louis and Lorelei were focused on helping Victor helping others to evacuate.

With in a flurry of movement and fur the Two Arten officers slipped into the shuttle bay, their Weapons Drawn as they took a Defensive position near the doors. "Is this the Norm?" Warrant officer Gen'tetra CrystalCliff hissed through her clenched teeth. "Does Star Fleet Really just Run simulations like this?" She half growled as she shot a glare over her should at the Civilians. "And Letting Civilians on a Military warship!" she added in a hushed tone her ears pressing back in disgust.

"The simulation no," Staff Warrant officer Reo'thanra Sandtail Muttered to her as he carefully Checked his sluggers Magazine With a frustrated sigh. The Weapons Typical ammunition had been stripped from him for the sake of safety for this, leaving him with the far weaker, and Non lethal Pulse ammo. "As for keeping Civilians...Yeah...they seem to think its a good idea..." he said as he leaned into the butt stocks hydraulic buffer.

"The ACDF will have a field day with that one if we ever join the federation," Gen grumbled with a slow shake of her head as she hefted her oversized Distruptor pistol.

Lorelei, the new Engineer who just came on board was puzzled. “There were Civilians at the Alamo. When they needed to be moved, they were.”

Bordeaux asked, “But few stayed behind old friend.”

Victor’s eyebrow went up. “You two know each other?”

“We graduated same semester at the Academy,” Louis replied. “More to the story but let us leave it at that.”

“As long as we do not let interfere with duties,” Victor ordering the two, “Now let’s help where we can.”


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