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Tell us More About the Aliens!

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 3:10pm by Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Josef Forstinger & Teevs Dosivi & Lieutenant Vise [Sthilg] Kesahl & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson & Lieutenant JG Louis Bordeaux ( Magnus ) & Cadet Freshman Grade Cerese Gemini (Kelea-Salik) & Ensign Lorelei Lee ( Barclay de Tolly )
Edited on on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 11:26am

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD1 :: Afternoon
2385 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

There was a certain buzz in the mess hall. Teevs came to recognize it as an atmosphere created whenever the ship had a chance to meet a new species in this galaxy. Excitement, nervousness, curiosity... and it seemed to spread to others. It seemed to spread to him too, because he felt the urge to try something new for his meal. He saw many humans consuming some combination of meats and vegetables with the unfertilized ovum of some semi-flightless bird prepared on the side. It was typically a morning meal, but he felt the urge to try it. It was slightly embarrassing to have the computer explain what all the options of "egg" were available, but he settled on scrambled, knowing from previous conversations that it looked like a pile of yellow mush. What a strange food color, he thought, looking at the food that appeared. He also ordered himself a cup of purple-colored tea.

His day's activities let him enter the mess hall right before the late-afternoon rush of people, so he found a table in the middle of the room and took a seat. It was his usual spot, as it allowed him to observe the many cultures aboard. There were already more people in the mess hall than when he first entered a few minutes ago, and he suspected that it wouldn't let up for the next half hour. The people here were curious that way, they had their own schedules and some of them were very habitual.

N'vok sat down with a mug of Andorian The and a plate of fried rikka root. "Good day, Mister Teevs. How does this day find you?"

Teevs smiled at his guest. "Mister N'vok, I am well. You seem to be here a couple seconds earlier than usual." Thanks in part to the species information provided by the computer, Teevs learned that Vulcans tend to value punctuality. They also didn't really display their emotions, but they seemed to express themselves in other ways, if one paid close enough attention. "What is on your mind?"

Anna made her way over to where the two were seated. She carried a tray loaded with orange juice, pancakes, margarine, and syrup. She had been going to seek N'vok anyway. The Vulcan had made overtures of friendship towards her since her rescue and she found she enjoyed his company. However, she had heard the same rumors as everyone else and was also curious to speak to Teevs. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.

N'vok looked to Teevs to confirm and then indicated a seat. Anna sat down next to him.

Alicia had already had her breakfast at home with Savar and her children, but she had decided to stop by and pick herself up something from the fresh breakfast choices to take to her office. Seeing a gathering she decided to stop off and say hello. “Good Morning Everyone” she smiled warmly. “Mind if I join you for a few moments?”

"Please," said N'vok. "The more the merrier." An odd choice of words from the stoic Vulcan.

"So, Mister Teevs, have you visited these faithful aliens before?" asked N'vok.

Andrinn walked over with a fresh cup of orange juice that appeared to have been freshly squeezed from some of the ship's orange trees. He also carried a tray full of food, which helped to keep both Andrinn and Orin going on a daily basis. Andrinn pointed to one of the empty seats and said, "Mind if I join you guys?"

N'vok moved over to provide more room.

Zac was in the mess hall, a glass of orange juice in hand when he spied a group of fellow officers at a nearby table. "Hi everyone." He greeted, "May I join you?"

"Sure! I think that we've slowly started to make a little pow wow over here, asking Teeves about our new alien friends from the new space station," Andrinn offered up with a small chuckle.

Nodding Zac sat down at the table. Looking over at Teevs he asked, "So? What's the scoop? What can you tell us Mr. Teevs?"

In the meantime Josef had entered the room. Missing most of the buzz and ongoings of the day. His eyes showed however he still didnt get much sleep. Approaching one of the replicators he replicated himself a rather...bland breakfast of oats and coffee, he had that so often he couldnt even imagine having anything else, at least in his semi tired state of mind. He was still wearing the same shirt and jeans, though noticably having been laundered recently.

While he and Phoenix usually had breakfast together, sometimes, like today, Mattias decided to make his way down to one of the galleys, to eat and converse more with the crew and his friends. Seeing that there was already a full table around where Andrinn was sitting, the Chief DipSec decided to sit at the next table over. That way, he could listen in on the conversation at least.

After grabbing a tray, that held a plate of French toast and sausage links, a glass of orange juice and a mug of hot, black coffee, he made his way over and sat down, nodding to those that greeted him.

After having fetched himself his food from the replicator which he finaly-kind off- understood to operate, Josef would continue towards a corner seat to sit down and eat his breakfast in peace. At least the Coffee didnt lack caffeine much like the shock that the alcohol on board was some abomination called "Synthahol", so the world wasnt too topsy turvy. Then again, there were humanoid horses on board.

"Yeah, Teeves. I know that we've talked a bit about the aliens previously, but I thought that they were pretty interesting. Especially with those larger than life tattoos all over their bodies," Andrinn offered up as he took a sip of the replicated drink.

“Tattoos can have different meanings,” Lorelei interjected as she and Louis were sitting at the next table. “It could mean what clan you belong or what crime you may have committed. Some might be rank in the community or some might feel just to have one to honor their Momma.”

“So does any one knows what their tattoos mean?” Louis Bordeaux asked.

The amount of questions Teevs was bombarded with surprised him, and he wished he had brought a datapad to write them all down. "Let me see if I can summarize your questions," he said. "First, have I met the aliens. I have never been to The Wandering Child, but I have met some of the A'janie before. I assure you that they are a very kind species, very hospitable."

Teevs turned his head toward group talking about the tattoos, he addressed the next question. "The tattoos are scripture and other religious symbology. They use them to define their status, that is, the more you have, the higher your position is."

Finally, turning to the one who asked about 'the scoop'. Teevs was admittedly confused by this statement, but at least the second question made sense. "I can probably talk for a while about the A'janie. What would you like to know about them? Also, I believe I have a 'scoop' of what Humans call eggs. Have you had them before?"

Zac smiled broadly at Teevs reply. "Normally yes but in this case, scoop means, information on the A'janie and their church." Zac clarified or he had clarified for Teevs. "So, tell us what you know please Mr. Teevs."

While Josef ate his food and drank his coffee that came out of a beam of light, he listened to what the others were talking about. Aliens ? Religion ? Interesting. "Have you, or has anyone actually read their scripture ? I assume they must have some form of it." Forstinger interjected from across the room by his corner table. Not really having looked up from his meal.

Lissa walked into the Mess just as Josef spoke out from the corner. She walked slowly to the replicator watching him and the room trying to pick up on what she'd missed. It seemed much of the room was paying attention to Teevs. She listened carefully to see who would answer.

Orin looked over to Josef and thought about the question that he posed to Teeves. He looked back to Teeves himself and asked, "Well, that's a good question. What kind of scripture do they have for their faith?"

Anna was definitely listening intently but Teevs was already being bombarded with questions from every direction. She took a bite of her breakfast, watching and listening intently as she awaited his answer.

"I haven't read their scripture, but even if I had an interest in reading it, I'm not familiar with the language of the scripture," Teevs admitted. "What other traders have shared though is that it describes... how do I phrase it... the reason for being? They believe that the entire universe is their deity, and by learning more about the universe, you help the universe understand itself."

"Such a belief structure could lead to interesting scientific discoveries," said N'vok. "Hopefully they will be willing to trade knowledge with us."

Zac shook his head and said to no one in particular. "Now that is a most interesting belief or philosophy."

"Similar to pantheism," Anna said, "as it developed on Earth and beyond. Is it not possible to get a translation?"

"They might be willing to offer their scripture for translation if you ask," Teevs answered. He took a quick bite of his food while he thought. "The traders I've spoken to who have traded with the A'janie said that their only request is that you take the time to listen to their... uh, speech? What it's called when they talk about their faith. Then they will try to accommodate your requests to the best of their ability. It seems very simple, and some traders have changed their minds about seeking their services because it felt too easy, but those who have gone to listen have said that the A'janie are true to their word."

"I wouldn't mind listening to their speech, if it means that we could look over their...holy word? Their scripture? Whatever they call it. I'd just like to hear what their beliefs are like and to hear another perspective about the universe as a whole," Andrinn offered up as he took a few more bites of his meal.

"Their testimony," Anna said, offering a religious term she had heard before among those preaching the tenets of a religious faith.

"It is called a Sermon." Forstinger replied as he finished his food, having eaten all of it in the short period of time where he was not partaking in conversation. "All of the Religions of Earth had Sermons. I remember when my Grandpa took me to one at Saint Stephens Cathedral. Sat with me in the Pews, watching the Arch Bishop come out and read from the bible." he stops for a second, his eyes seemingly growing distant. Before quickly returning. "I assume they will do something similiar. Though it will be best for me to leave my cross at home if I visit." he says before taking a last sip of the black coffee. His words pointing to the small yet vibrant golden cross he wore as a necklace.

Andrinn looked over at Josef and said, "They might actually like it in a way, as long as you talk about your own experiences in an open way and with an open mind. It sounds like these guys are pretty open from my experience."

Hmm, a religious group, Lissa thought. It was always best to tread lightly with those. She didn't really know anyone in the room well enough to weigh in with any opinions. Her curiosity had overtaken her hunger, and she grabbed only a protein shake and sat in the corner not terribly far from Josef. Despite being a bit out of his timeline, she found his candor refreshing.

Mattias listened to everyone speak. He had his own thoughts on religion and the zealots who follow it as if it is all there is. More often then not, they ended up being very dangerous.

Zac was silent. He kept his own consul. His views on religion were his and he did not need to express them. He did know that there had been incidents in history of religious fanatics and the trouble they created.

"From my experience certain things dont tend to mix well, and I dont want to take any risks. My first experience with Alien life was being shoved into an arena and forced to beat it to death with my bare hands, id like to avoid a similiar experience." he replied once again rather candidly, perhaps also showing a bit of jadedness in it. For even when talking about it his face just seemed to remain almost blank.

"I can assure you that the A'janie do not participate in such horrible activities," Teevs said, turning a little to address Josef. "They are the most polite people you will ever meet. They will not try to force you into anything you do not wish to do, as they strongly believe in free will. I promise this."

Josef was now directly staring at Teevs, into his eyes. For Teevs himself though it mightve felt like he wasnt looking at him, but straight through him. He was silent for all of a second. Internaly Josef had to remind himself-despite looking kind of one, like so many other being out here, Teevs wasnt human.
"Alright, Ill hold you to your word." was his final response, unclear in tone if he actually had believed him, threatened him, or any of the above. Before moving to dispose of his now empty tray and cutlery, going to leave the room as quietly and direct as he had entered it in the first place.

"Well, thank you for enlightening us more about this new species that we can hopefully make even more friendly relations with. But, duty calls and I've got to head back up to my office to do some more reports," Andrinn offered up to Teevs and the rest of the people that were sitting in the Mess Hall.


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