View Award - Outstanding Personal Character Arc

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Outstanding Personal Character Arc

Awarded to a writer who has created an interesting, involving and compelling personal arc, either embedded within a larger mission or written as a separate piece, which has led to a significant change in character personality or has provided a major moment in a character's life experience, and has captured the interest of other players.

Category: Both
Awarded: 18 times

Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D.
Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 5:05pm
I nominate tate Sullivan for her excellent soliliquy in "Now or Never". An exceptionally good post. Representing the highest quality of writing, using the simplest of structure and form and carefully crafted. Remarkably good. One of the best posts so far in 2024. A post that sets the standard. Well done.
Consul Andrinn Orin
Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 10:26am
I nominate Andrinn Orin for the Outstanding Personal Character Award. Specifically for the recent post, "Goodbye Father - Part 2". I don't know why, in particular, but this recent post gave me pause. I think it is because of the way one can tell that Andrinn is dreading this reunion. The way that he says very little. The long takes and the non-verbal indications that he does not want to be there. But came anyway. The way he enters the room, closes the door and then turns around. Delaying the visual as long as possible. I don't know much about the relationship between them. But I can sense the anxiety, the dread and the pain that is to come. And I rather think Andrinn wishes he were anywhere else. And at the same time, at the contrary, wouldn't be anywhere else but here. For a person who is El-Aurian and a joined Trill, this kind of goodbye has to be challenging. Carrying all those old memories. All the loves, births, deaths and carrying it all around with oneself must be a heavy weight. And in this post, I get a sense of just how heavy it really is.
Lieutenant Myne Redal
Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 10:16am
Specifically for "Clear the static in, the static in my mind," which is part of a lengthy arc of posts detailing the relationship between Myne, Redal, and the memories of the former hosts. This most recent one let's us see into the perspective of the symbiont, a first in this arc (to the best of my knowledge). It was a joy to read and let's me better understand the pain of this character.
Captain Samuel Woolheater
Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 10:16am
Nominating Jon & Thom for their lovely romance between Andrinn Orin and Sam Woolheater, with its genuine emotion, perfect pacing and meaningful development. Its been beautiful watching it blossom this far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future brings
Consul Andrinn Orin
Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 10:15am
Nominating Jon & Thom for their lovely romance between Andrinn Orin and Sam Woolheater, with its genuine emotion, perfect pacing and meaningful development. Its been beautiful watching it blossom this far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future brings
Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea
Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 10:15am
Nominated for the ongoing series, "What It Means to Serve". A very enjoyable trip down dang-o memory lane . Where we get to see the very green marine Azhul Naxea in her early years as a cadet and then an officer. I love it. I hope to read more and I hope the author keeps going. It's an awesome way for us get to know the character.
Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor
Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 8:41am
For her solo post, A Song for Gary as well as the other posts both solo and JPs that she has done showcasing Lia's journey from being placed in the brig and a rank reduction to friction with Gary but hopefully knowing he still and will always love her.

Jeff aka Captain Gary Taylor
Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 8:40am
I nominate Ensign Derani for her personal character arc with the attack on Miraj back on Popsicle One. As of this nomination (October 2023) that arc hasn't wrapped but a lot of good work has gone into crafting it.
Captain Gary Taylor
Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 8:40am
I nominate Consul Orin for his three part work post series, "Peace can be hard sometimes" which helps fill in some of the backstory for Andrinn's character.
Lieutenant Commander Rin
Mon Dec 12th, 2022 @ 7:17am
While I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the life and adventure I'd our favorite XB, Lieutenant Rin, you have out one yourself this time! While "Rude Awakening" wasn't a long was powerful nonetheless.

When I read that Ebi (possibly) died whiltalking to his friend, I nearly cried.

Please don't lose the writing fire that clearly burns brighter than the fabled Lighthouse of Alexandria, that you carry inside you!



Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
Thu Nov 3rd, 2022 @ 9:24am
Her ongoing journey to discover her past has hit another heart-bbreaking milestone. As young Miraj continues to search for her mother, I am kept on the edge of my seat ender at what the outcome will be. Keep going!!



Captain Gary Taylor
Thu Sep 1st, 2022 @ 11:07am
Commander Gary Taylor's trio of dinners with his wife have provided an insight to his domestic life, this is not something normally covered by sims. People seem to think its all action and adventure, Jeff has shown with these JP's that the characters have a life beyond their duties.

Commander Lia Taylor (Ayesha)
Chief Security Officer
USS Elysium
Lieutenant Myne Redal
Mon Nov 1st, 2021 @ 7:14am
For her post "Imaginaerum". This post moved me to tears. I look forward to reading more of Myne's struggle with the previous hosts.
Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar
Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 7:52pm
Seeing this character morph from one face (Arrianna), to another (Flossie), while having an internal struggle with yet another version of herself...THEN, bring a whole new face (Kate) to the mix is quite impressive. Let's just hope we don't have our own Cybil being born (the older generation should pick up on the Sally Field nod. Lol)

Crpl David Tonelly
Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 7:48pm
I know this award will not be given, simply because this writer has refused other awards before. But she has driven this mission along almost by herself, that alone makes this simple award seem so little in regards of what she has achieved.

Commander Lia Taylor
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium aka Ayesha
Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik
Fri Jun 11th, 2021 @ 12:18pm
In her role as Kara Richardson-Starr, this writer has given me so much beautifully written interaction that, it has helped me continue to flesh out my own character of her older, over-protective brother, Mattias.
Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik
Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 1:41pm
Alicia has come on leaps and bounds since joining the ship having fell in love, married, fallen pregnant, taken on a mirror universe son and been adopted by Sthilg.
Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 1:40pm
This character has endured and stayed strong in the light of events that would have driven lesser people to their knees. The loss of her best friend followed by the loss of her lover. Then in addition to this the birth of twins all while commanding the Elysium with skill and grace while maintaining a professional air.

Jeff aka Commander Gary Taylor