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Broadcast from Hell - JP

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 8:15am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: MD 5 18h00
1924 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

As the Elysium crept through Thaih'ean space, they monitored several ships that patrolled the shipping lanes, well what they believed were shipping lanes. Not all ships were Thaih’ean, some were of different designs, all of which were logged and stored in their new database for the Circinus Galaxy.

Late on the second day under cloak, the Elysium picked up a transmission.

The transmission was being broadcast across all frequencies. It took them a while to translate the message.

[[… Monthly Sale and Arena Games. Purchase of combat slaves a premium. Journey to K'ithai, Visit the Arena Station, Watch the Games! Or Visit K'ithai and see our genetic slave labs to purchase your slave direct!..]] It was followed by images of various alien species, some were fighting, some were walking like Human Models of the 20th century down catwalks for the avid buyers. Several slaves had a price attached to them. But what got the commodore was that several looked like Federation Species.

Phoenix called her senior staff to the briefing room, when the broadcast came through. When they had all taken a seat, she put the images from the broadcast up on the viewer in the briefing room. "These are the images that came through that broadcast from the Thai'heans." She said.

There were many different aliens, but amongst them... A vulcan was highlighted, then a bolian, several humans, a cardassian, a couple of Romulans, and what looked like a Klingon hybrid. "We are still searching the images, as we think there are others among it."

Gary got right to the point. "Definitely some are Federation species." He agreed. "Are you suggesting we go and rescue Federation citizens from their captors?" He asked Phoenix.

Alicia looked across to Phoenix. “As much as I hate to say it, This ship and crew are not in a fit condition to be mounting a major rescue mission. The nightmares seem to have abated for now, but the crew are still suffering from the repercussions. If we go closer none of us will be in a fit state to rescue anyone.”

Phoenix nodded "So we let them suffer?" She asked curiously with no other inflection in her voice.

"Commodore, no one has said anything about not helping. Alicia is simply pointing out the crew's mental state as is her job as chief counselor." Gary replied his voice perfectly level. "If you have a plan, we'd all love to hear it."

Rin spoke up. "The number of Alpha and Beta quadrant species in this broadcast alone suggests the Thai'heans have regular contact with our galaxy. Their encounter with the Archeron is simply the only one we've been aware of. In which case they are a threat to the Federation, potentially a very powerful one, considering their travel technology. They talk of cloning labs. Do they clone soldiers such as the Founders cloned the Jem H'dar? A nearly endless supply of fodder should they decide to make their presence more known? We need intel.

Rin paused. No one was going to like what she was about to say. "If we do decide to seek out that intel, we have to understand that it's not a rescue mission. As previously stated," Rin nodded to Alicia, "we are in no shape for it. Moreover, there may simply be more slaves than the Elysium can support. Resources are already stretched thin. If we go in, my strong recommendation is that it is for information, not rescue."

Kyle sat at his position at the briefing table, quietly brooding after watching the video. His jaw kept clenching as he tried to keep his temper under control. If they were at their top strength, and had a squadron of allied vessels, even just a few Hornet Class escorts, he'd be clambering to mount a rescue mission. Finally, he spoke up. "As much as I hate to admit it, I think Rin is right. While I want to pull each of our fellow Milky Way citizens out of that hell, we don't know how many are there, nor are we in any shape to mount a rescue." He paused to take a breath, then brought up something even worse. "We also don't know if any of them have been conditioned to be loyal to their captors, or possess some kind of tracker that we won't recognize." He paused again, then concluded. "That being said, I also agree that we need more intel on the situation. Perhaps, once we know more, then it would be possible to consider a rescue operation of some kind?"

Gary spoke again, "Whatever we decide be it an Intel mission which I feel is the way to proceed, we need to rely on stealth. We are one ship, and we are nowhere full strength. They could have thousands. Why we need Intel to at least get an idea of the situation."

Naxea balled her fists tightly and released several times in regards to the images. Nobody deserves to be a slave. "Send a small team then. Intel is primary goal with a secondary goal of rescue. Even if we rescue one slave, that slave could provide us with valuable Intel about these Thaih’ean."

Phoenix looked at Gary. "That ship you pulled from the graveyard, how many do you think it can hold?"

Gary thought on the question. "Five-man crew, Five-man Intel team. Twenty survivors at max." He replied decisively.

Orin was sitting approximately halfway down the table and was listening to the conversation taking place all around him after watching one of the worst cases of slavery he had ever seen since...ever honestly. He was angry and frustrated, wanting to do more, but knowing that nothing more could be done without the help of more ships and people.

However, once Orin heard about gathering intel, he was intrigued. But, he knew that the team couldn't just walk into any place like the slave market without arising suspicion. Orin knew that they would need a plan to help make them just look like they've come by and aren't trying to gather information about the happenings of the market.

Orin waited for the opportunity to speak and asked, "Assuming this isn't an undercover mission or even if it is, how do we plan to make our way in and out of the slave market without becoming slaves ourselves? That place looks like a well oiled machine and one wrong move could make that whole intel mission go haywire."

"True" Phoenix said softly. "We have been watching the Thaih'ean ships over the past few hours, watching as they approach ships, board them, and then tag them electronically to give safe passage. This planet, where this... auction is being held, is still several days away, we have time to think, prepare, decide. You are my senior staff for a reason, its why i asked you all here. Lieutenant Derani? Do you think you could pilot that new ship? Or would you recommend someone else?"

"Of course I can fly it." Miraj gave the commodore a look that said getting anyone else to fly that new ship was the dumbest idea the commodore ever had and questioning whether she could was also stupid. "But I don't think we should be bothering with their slaves right now. If they've got Klingons, they've got transwarp. If we can get hold of that, retro-engineer it, then we could come and go for the slaves as we please."

Phoenix gave a slight nod. "Its an option"

Alicia looked at Phoenix. “If we do decide to mount a rescue, maybe it would be worth going in under the radar so-to-speak. Slave traders and buyers looking to buy and sell slaves perhaps?”

As Alicia was talking, Gary was thinking of who would crew the ship as well as the Intel team to accompany it. He made his recommendations on a PaDD and passed it over to Phoenix.

She took it. And looked at the names on it.

"It is unfortunate, but gathering intelligence is what we are limited to in the circumstances," said N'vok. "I am certain that working with Operation and Intelligence We can devise some ways to tap into their media and information architecture."

Orin looked around the room and said, "Well, the intelligence should be first. But, if we can maybe see how the slave trade works, we can maybe do more from there. It'd give us the time to fix up the ship a little bit more as well."

Phoenix took a breath. "Ok, Avalon, how long will it take us to get to this system?"

The AI appeared "At our current speed and course, 5 days."

Phoenix looked at her senior staff. "We have five days to outfit that ship with tag that will stop them from searching it again, get the team together, and outfitted in clothing native to this galaxy. No Uniforms. I want the weapons on that ship upgraded, and a cloak outfitted. It might also help if we make it look like it is really not worth the attempt to take it just in case. Captain Taylor, gather your team, make sure it is trained well for infiltration and gathering of intelligence. I want the names of your away team on my desk by the end of the day."

" I'll start preparing sssickbay. Thossse poor people are going to beyond traumatisssed." Stilhg added. The doctor had been very quiet simply listening from his chair as he thought something through in his head.

"Thank you doctor" Phoenix replied.

"We should be talking to Teevs," Rin suggested. "Find out if there are races we can impersonate, those who may come from a wide variety of backgrounds and, thus, will not be expected to behave in any certain way, as we aren't going to be able to pretend we know any culture's customs here. Ideally something out of the way and not well known. We can't go as ourselves: Humans, Bajorans, etc. are largely or entirely slaves here. We'll need surgical disguises. I can put something together with his help. Ideally, he'd go with the team as a guide, but I don't think he's has the mental fortitude on this particular issue."

Phoenix smiled. "Agreed. Captain Taylor added him to the list of people. He will work with you Lieutenant,"

"I can give you the names of the ship crew as well as infiltration team now Commodore. I already have it complied." Gary answered as he waited for Rin to finish talking.

N'vok started making a list of what needed to be analyzed and prepared for the mission.

Phoenix looked at him. "Send out the notifications to the team members and get your prep started. All other departments are to give assistance where they can." She looked around. "Dismissed."

"At once Commodore." Gary replied as he began sending out the notification to all selected personnel for this mission. Preparing for the mission would start immediately.

Alicia rose from her seat. “I’ll lend a hand in Sickbay, help prepare for any possible arrivals. We’ll do what we can for any that are brought onboard.”

N'vok nodded and stood. "We will do our best, Commodore." And then turned to leave.

"Commodore, I'll lend a hand down in Sickbay, the science labs, and wherever I'm needed. If you don't need anything of me at the moment, I'll head down to the science lab with Mr. N'vok and see what I can't help out with," Orin said, nodding to his fellow officers.

Phoenix nodded and waved them all out.


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