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Briefing - A change of Plans

Posted on Sun May 16th, 2021 @ 7:53pm by Captain Yasmine Carrington & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Commander Sthilg & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant JG Siora Carberos

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: MD4 - 11h00
1956 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The Senior staff were summoned to a briefing at 11h00. Commander Lovejoy himself had sent the summons.

Baeryn wasn't looking forward to this command meeting given the last debacle only a few days prior. Regardless she arrived early. Taking a seat at the far side of the room, then after realizing she wasnt just chief of ops anymore, reluctantly moved to the seat left side of the chair the captain would surely take.

Garrett entered next. He saw Baeryn already there. "Good Morning Lieutenant." He greeted her pleasantly and formally as he took the seat to the right of where Carrington would sit. "Have you done any more boxing?" He asked as a matter of making small talk and pass the time until the meeting began.

Smirking she replied, "Haven't felt the need to exchange blows with anyone since our match." She shrugged," That could change though."

"I see. Well stay adaptable. Events can change in a moment's notice and usually do." He pointed out with a tight smile.

Whavi's auburn eye brows rose and fell quickly as she let out a small chuckle, "Noted, Loveless."

Gary entered next, in the purple of diplomacy and not his more familiar command red. Seeing Baeryn and Garrett he nodded. "Lieutenant, Commander." His tone cool. As he went to the end of the table and took a seat there.

Baeryn's breath caught in her throat when Gary addressed her and Lovejoy. The hybrid had a soft spot for Gary given he was her first interaction aboard the Elysium, and what an impression he had made she thought. Her face slipped into a more profession expression as she nodded towards Gary, "Taylor."

Gary's face softened and a small smile came to his face. "Baeryn." He answered.

Lovejoy nodded to him. "Envoy." He said neutrally.

Alicia was next through the doors, even though she was on maternity leave she was working short hours to keep up-to-date on events. “Good Morning Commander, Lieutenant, Envoy” She offered Lovejoy, Baeryn and Gary a warm smile before taking a seat beside Gary and resting her hands on her stomach.

Miraj had been able to handover conn quickly and arrived at the meeting room sooner than most, relieved she wasn't going to attract the captains temper by showing up late. She picked a seat she hoped would be easily overlooked, Not close by, not directly opposite, and sat down, already spinning her mental map of the galaxy in her head in case they needed to change course.

The door opened again as the gorn stepped through. With a warm mug of coffee in his hand, he nodded politely to everyone as he took his seat.

Gallia arrived right behind Bossk, Sthilg, she reminded herself, uncle Bossk was dead. She took a seat beside Derani and sighed, waiting for this to be over, "Isnae this just the limit?" She asked nobody in particular.

Naxea entered behind Gallia, feeling better but still very much tired from her physical therapy. She could now at least move her entire arm but it left her feeling drained. She had been half tempted to send Man'darr in her stead but had decided against it as she didn't want him to have to deal with the new ship's CO and XO.

Garrett looked up from his place at the table. " Have you something you would like to share with the group Lt. Norris?" He asked coolly looking down the length of the table at Gallia.

Victor seeing others walked he said with a smile, "Good day to you all."

Alicia stifled a yawn as she sat as comfortably as she could get, she was starting to realise just how much strain pregnancy truly put on the body. She didn’t want to appear as though she was bored with proceedings.

Arrianna walked in and took a seat. She turned her attention to a book 'Pride and Prejudice' and turned a page.

As she stepped into the room, Lia took a deep breath. "Good morning everyone, I see your having a wonderful day Commander Garrett".

Garrett nodded to her, "Good morning Commander Taylor. Yes, I am. Thank you."

Alicia smiled as she looked towards Lia. “Good Morning Lia.”

Siora was not far behind Commander Taylor. The tension on the ship had been palpable the last few days with quiet whispers around the ship, shifty glances as one walked around as if they were expecting something. This meeting was called by the new XO, someone she had yet to meet officially since his arrival with their new Captain.

Yasmine entered the room, a PADD in her hands. She gave no pleasantries to anyone as she move to the front of the room. "As some of you are aware, we have changed course. We are heading to Science research station 35 to collect 20 Scientists who's speciality is Cultural and Historical history. Once we collect them, we are to head with all speed, which means using the QSD, to this planet." She hit a button on the table and a map appeared in the middle of the table and it zoomed in to show an M class planet. "Starfleet has received communication pulses to Earth requesting updates from the ‘Optimum Empire’ from this world. These messages contain a lot of old rhetoric from an old Earth dictator called Colonel Phillip Green, whose actions led to the death of some thirty-seven million people. It is believed that these communications have been sent from humans on this world. Who, most likely are descendants from Greens Followers."

" Forgive me lack of knowledge of human history, but he'sss the human mad man who forcesss started killing anyone sssuffering from radiation poisssoning? " The doctor enquired having had his fill of genocidal human empires for the next century and a half.

'So that's your plan, Isn't it Yasmine? You want to step on my shoes now by flooding my department with people like you, and coercing me into resignation. Two can play this game.' Arri thought to herself. 'That's not going to happen. I'm going to make your 'experts' as redundant as you are.' She gave no expression.

"And what are we supposed to do when we arrive at this planet," Naxea spoke up, trying to hide the fatigue in her voice. "Sending scientists down to the planet with descendants of a Terran madman is asking for a massacre or at the least a potential hostage situation."

"Indeed, you are very Correct Colonel. Thus, we will be very cautious and away teams will be supplemented with Marines and security officers. Your teams, will assist with locking down, Medical, the Bridge and Engineering. Commander Sthilg, Your team will need to set up a temporary medical bay for any of these people we bring on board. Total decontamination protocols. Lets be paranoid." Yasmine said.

“What would you like the Counselling department to do Captain?" Alicia looked at Yasmine. “Normal counselling protocols would seem to be risky at best depending on how these people may view us.”

"That is something we can all agree on Commander. I'd like your team to monitor crew health. We are going to most likely face some rather nasty stuff."

"Do we know how these people will react to different species visiting their planet or will the away teams be heavily human?" Baeryn had a low tolerance for supremacists which, to her is exactly what Green and his followers were.

"Command is suggesting a mix of all races and genders" Carrington replied. "Frankly I am inclined to limit our interaction in general."

"With all due respect." Arrianna finally spoke. "They will betray you, Captain."

Yasmine bit back the retort of 'You don't say' and merely ignored the comment. Some things did not need saying.

The gorn let out a slight sigh. Another group of human nutters. " It will be done, I'll alssso draw up a vaccination plan for the crew. I doubt the greeniesss have been keeping up with the universsse vaccination plan."

Yasmine nodded, "Thank you doctor, I appreciate that,"

Victor heard several questions to the Captain, so he held off on questions and comments until the Captain addressed the ones asked already.

Siora listened intently to what was going on. Truth be told her own knowledge of Human history was sketchy at best. She knew major things that were taught on Earth but maybe she had missed one or two things. The question came up about the consistency of away teams and she found herself looking at herself in the reflection of the table. She looked as Human as a native, without a bioscan you wouldn't know the difference. She would need to read up on this Green chap.

"I have gotten all the information on the Green regime as possible and it is in the ships Computer. I want every crew member briefed and I want everyone trained in Weapons as well. No one goes down unarmed." Carrington Stated.

Lia raised her hand and looked Carrington straight in the eye's. "Due respect Captain, I have an interest in history. And I think you'll find if we turn up fully armed, the residents might just react badly". She kept her eye's locked on Carrington, "These type of sects, looked on authority as something to be beaten. We are that authority, see where I'm going with this? Your idea of fully armed away teams will only cause more trouble". Her eye's now swept the room, "Now I'm not sure on how to handle Green's followers, but I'm sure butting heads with them isn't the way".

Alicia looked at Carrington. “Captain, I have to agree with Commander Taylor we’ll be facing the unknown where these people are concerned. Might I suggest the away team that makes primary contact takes one of the Counselling staff along to smooth things over.”

Gary listened as first Lia and then Alicia spoke. He respected their opinions but they were mistaken in their approach. The only way to handle a group like they would soon be meeting was with force. Not overwhelming force but enough to let them know you meant business. Anything else they viewed as weak.

"While I understand your voiced concerns, I have been informed that those of this man's ideals respect strength. I am not going to have them think us weak and easy targets." Carrington replied. "The orders stand. Also no Civilians are permitted on the surface while we are there."

"Then le's show 'em we're far from weak." Gallia interjected, not caring how Lovejoy felt about it or her.

"Colonel Green's ideals are not strength, Captain. Nor should they be confused for anything but sound and fury, signifying nothing." Arri advised.

This time Yasmine didn't stop herself "Really Commander, do tell." she replied sarcastically. "You have your orders, no one is going in unarmed. Commander an Vantar if you have an issue with this mission, please feel free to avail yourself of our next stop and I will reassign you. The Scientists assigned to us were assigned by Starfleet Command, and you and your team are to work with them." Yasmine looked around at the group. "If there is no further commentary
then you are all dismissed."

Gary stood. "I'll see you later Lia." He said, "I need to speak with the Captain." As he moved to talk with her.

"Captain." A moment please."

Yasmine bit back a sigh. "My ready Room Commander Taylor" she said and exited the lounge.

Arrianna watched Carrington leave. 'Jingoist fool.' She thought as she left the room to return to her lab.

'Oh what a joy this mission will be....' Baeryn thought to herself as she stood, first nodding goodbye to Lovejoy and then the remaining officers in the room.


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