
MISSION 0 - History Speaks

Post Count: 2179

These posts happen outside of the missions - From the past from before your character joined the crew!

GSN Havraha

Post Count: 10

Adventures of the Bad Penny, the GSN Havraha

Part of Submissions

Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven

Post Count: 106

While on our travels, the Elysium encounters a strange hail which quickly becomes apparent is automated and on a loop

A vast city ship, low warp capable and looking more citadel/chapel than ship, overtly ornate, spires and iconography litter the hull.

the automated message reveals the ship to be on a holy mission, sent from its world to spread the message of their gods to all whom might listen, it even welcomes us to come aboard but upon further hails there is no reply.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Back Home

Post Count: 19

Story Posts for those back home in the Federation

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Tales from the other side of the Mirror

Post Count: 103

For players who wish to explore the MU and the depravity within.

Part of Submissions


Post Count: 40

What If --- Up to you what story is told, but it has to be different to our current era and theme.

Part of Submissions

No missions found

Season 2: Mission 2: Just Breath

Post Count: 219

A three week R&R mission on DS9. To give players a chance to catch up on storylines and family posts etc.

A good time for character building

Part of Season 2: You need a little bit of insanity to do great things

Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word

Post Count: 495

The Captain, First Officer, and other members of the Senior Staff go on a trip to Trill with bad consequences

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect

Post Count: 492

The USS Elysium is sent deep into the Alpha quadrant heading towards the Gamma Quadrant sans wormhole. They come to a sector of space known as the Void.

It is an area surrounded by multiple nebular and once inside, there is no light at all. Just tracking beacons.No warp allowed through the sector.

As they travel through the void, it is a long 7 day journey at impulse only, strange events occur.

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus

Post Count: 320

The USS Elysium is sent on a mission to transport supplies to an outpost on the Federation/Romulan border.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Mission 2: Heaven On Earth

Post Count: 174

Ravaged by the recent mission the crew returns to Earth for 4 weeks R&R

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Mission 3: Masquerade

Post Count: 53

The USS Elysium is to escort Ambassador T'Prel To Vulcan. And it is urgent. The Elysium has been granted special permission to break normal warp speeds from Warp 6 to warp 8 to shorten the normally 5 day trip to three.

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Challenge Missions

Post Count: 30

Every month, I will set a new challenge for you all, you do not have to participate, but it is just a bit of fun to keep your creative juices flowing and these posts will have little affect, unless you want them to, on your character's main lives. And you can even write them about your NPCS if you like.

January 1st is when it will start, and January's title is: The Memory Challenge!

And the Challenge is: Write a solo post about a fun memory in your character's past - minimum 1500 words.

All posts for the challenge must be submitted by the end of the month. And when you post the post the subject should read:
[[The Memory Challenge: - ]]
For example:
[[The Memory Challenge: "Jumping Jack Flash-bombs" - Lieutenant Sha'nae Ba'au]]

I hope you enjoy these challenges as much as i have creating them.

Go for it crew!

Part of Challenge Missions

Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation

Post Count: 106

The Crew of the USS Elysium is ordered to Pacifica for Rest and Relaxation. With a full compliment of counselors and medical staff at their disposal, the crew are under strict orders to rest and maintain their counseling appointments.

Part of Season 4: There is no glory in Battle Worth the blood it costs

Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit

Post Count: 196

An away mission goes wrong

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!

Post Count: 415

A simple mission turns into something no one expected, and it will change everyone!

Part of Season 4: There is no glory in Battle Worth the blood it costs

Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home

Post Count: 183

The USS Elysium begins its trek home. With damaged warp cores and nacelles, the progress will be slow.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Season 5: Time Warp

Post Count: 197

Set between 10/6/2397 and 27/08/2397, these are the adventures of the USS Elysium and its crew during a 2 month shore leave period.

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing

Post Count: 326

Sometimes things do not always work out as planned.

Part of Season 2: You need a little bit of insanity to do great things

Season 2: Mission 2.A: R&R

Post Count: 56

Return to DS9 for R&R and new crew rotation.

Part of Season 2: You need a little bit of insanity to do great things

Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation

Post Count: 246

The Elysium is mysteriously transported to Casperia Prime by the person known as Quinn.

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity

Post Count: 578

In 2056, world war 3 had just ended and a number of violent factions had risen around the globe. One of these was led by Colonel Phillip Green, whose actions led to the death of some thirty-seven million people. His regime would eventually fall prior to 2063, but he had plans. He sent his most rabid followers into cryosleep. He had found a world light years away where Humans could settle and be safe from their enemies. His followers willingly went into cryo sleep and in 2059, the Sleeper ship Abraham was launched. And 150 souls were sent on a one way trip.

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Season 3: Episode 5: Shoreleave

Post Count: 32

The Elysium returns to earth for 2 weeks Shoreleave

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Below Decks Month

Post Count: 13

Player Challenge:

Write a post with each player character ranked Lieutenant and Below.
(For Marines, everyone but the MARDETCOM is ranked Lieutenant and below)

That is 17 of our player base!

You have 31 one days in which to do these.

The player with the most joint posts (1000 words or more) will receive a special award at Months end and get mentioned in my monthly report!

Part of Challenge Missions

Kintsugi - An Arrianna and Josephine Subplot

Post Count: 20

Arrianna Salannis an Vantar and Josephine Carlyle are placed on Administrative Leave and sent for intensive Rehabilitation for psychological treatment and rehabilitation on Earth. There they begin the long Journey from being damaged both mentally and physically as Kyle Cragen’s Slaves.While Arrianna faces a long road from recovery from nearly losing her mind and a suicide attempt, Josephine faces an equally long time learning that she is not Sephine Cragen. And during this time, both Arrianna and Josephine come to terms with each other, and discover what it truly is to love each other and become stronger.

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Season 5: Episode 4: Reef

Post Count: 144

The USS Elysium is sent to the Ki'Vara System to assist with the recovery of the USS Jefferson.

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Season 2 Episode 3.A: Christmas cheer

Post Count: 32

A Sub Mission for players to Celebrate Christmas!

Part of Season 2: You need a little bit of insanity to do great things

Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight

Post Count: 201

50 years ago, a colony group left Earth, their destination a distant planet near Klingon space.

Their vessels do impulse to Warp 1. So the Federation rotate their escort vessels every 6 months.

And it is the Elysium's turn.

Part of Season 4: There is no glory in Battle Worth the blood it costs

2395 - A Christmas Time

Post Count: 61

Every Year, Captain Lalor throws a Christmas Party for her crew.

And this year is no different.

Part of Season 2: You need a little bit of insanity to do great things

Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds

Post Count: 226

The darkness is giving way to the light finally as the Black Watch Crew comes full circle.

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


Post Count: 3

To give the crew something to do on cold nights, a civilian dug out a Karaoke machine and set it up in the communal tent.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Masquerade Back posts

Post Count: 37

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Return Of A Bad Penny

Post Count: 11

A returning bad guy causes issues.

Part of Submissions

Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN

Post Count: 375

The Elysium, under the command of Captain Lovejoy receives a distress signal from a Gorn Dreadnaught!

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


Post Count: 35

The USS Elysium is docked at SB1 for shore leave and crew changes

Part of Season 5: It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Season 6 HIATUS

Post Count: 188

The crew find a beautiful M Class world and the Commodore orders shoreleave for all.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

INTERMISSION: Rebuild, Reuse, Recycle

Post Count: 82

Returning to Sol System, Starbase 1, the Elysium is put into dry dock for repairs and the crew released on R&R

Part of Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot

Post Count: 339

Epsilon Protocol in affect. Phoenix leaves the Elysium for places unknown and a future that is uncertain.

Part of Submissions

Season 6: Episode 2: Survival

Post Count: 267

With the ship damaged and the crew finding themselves stranded light years from home, they have evacuated to the planet below, while repairs are made on the ship.

The camp is set up in ice caves and supplies are being hunted for.

Due to the limited Oxygen on the ship, crew will be rotated to the ship to make repairs in teams.

While they repair the ship, the crew also explores the planet

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane

Post Count: 525

In 226, the USS Archeron was lost. It vanished without a trace. All hands were listed as MIA.
But in 2396, it was found floating in a nebular. All hands were in suspended Animation. The crew was slowly revived and sent to DS34 for healing, counselling and reassignment. Now as the USS Elysium slowly makes it's way back home via another Galaxy, something is stirring.

A young child wakes screaming in her cabin, and throughout the ship nightmares become prevalent.

Part of Season 6: Circinus

Side Mission: The Aftermath of Kronos

Post Count: 28

On Arrianna's homeworld of Sena Alindar, Time has reshaped and has produced new friends, and new threats.

Part of Submissions

Character Spotlight

Post Count: 65

Posts for Character Spotlight will be posted here!