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Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 12:27pm by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Damien Blackford & Master Sergeant Kieran Fredericks & Captain David Tonelly [Reece] & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor] & Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Quell’ish
Timeline: MD2 - All Day
2321 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

==Rescue team==

15 clicks away from where the Away team was holed up the rescue team gathered their chutes and all looked to the Colonel now, for direction. The signal from the probe had given them a direction.

Removing her jump kit that had gone over her Assault Armor and had contained the shielding and chute, Naxea tossed it to the ground before taking her K-bar and driving the knife into the control mechanism, making the suit inoperable and removed her Type 4 Pulse Rifle from it's jump bag, along with four photon grenades. She looked at the others as they were gathering themselves. "Alright there is enemy in the area. Switch comms to channel 127 secure. Is everyone ok?"

When Damien landed, he stood up, his legs feeling slightly unstable. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. He quickly removed the jump kit, grabbing the chute and replacing it as best he could. He quickly made sure that his phaser was strapped to his waist, before switching his comms to the correct channel. "All good ma'am." He said, taking another deep breath, fighting to keep his voice from shaking.

Olivia landed on her feet a little unsteady, but did what she could to ensure that she didn't sink down to her knees. Doing the halo jumps like this was never a favorite of hers while at the Academy and even more so since becoming joined. Once she got her nerves under control a bit, Olivia looked around a bit to check everyone over at a glance to make sure they were alright and didn't need any medical attention right then. "Glad that jump is over with and hope to not have to do it again any time soon," Olivia said.

Kieran pulled his chute in as he checked the immediate area. "Looks clear, Colonel. " he said quietly.

Checking her armor's sensors, Naxea picked up the encoded Federation Beacon. "Beacon is towards those mountains, she gestured to the mountains to their west. Estimated 15 kilometers away. Lance Corporal K'Vok, take point," she said to the half-Klingon/half-human Marine. Everyone, file into column formation. Move out." Naxea took the position in the forward squad, maintaining a traveling overwatch position.

Olivia got in line roughly mid way and followed along and keeping an eye out as best she could for anything that might show up on them unexpectedly. Even though she was the medical officer, she knew how to handle a weapon when needed. She just hoped that it wouldn't come to the point where she would end up having to use it.

A signal was sent out from the Rescue Team to the Away Team to see where they might be.

==Away team==
Tonya whose ankle was healed thanks to T'Kek and Fernando making sure she would of take it easy was sitting when her communication badge gave a slight chirp. "Fernando. T'Kek. Heads up. My communication badge made a sound. Can someone check the perimeter?"

David heard Tonya's call as well. He quietly moved to a good vantage point and activated the magnifier screen on his visor. "We definitely have movement out there." He was quiet for a few beats, then grinned, though no one saw. "We got friendlies inbound!"

==Rescue team==
After several kilometers, they closed in on the mountains, as Naxea kept her head on a swivel as he armor scanned the surrounding area, relaying the information into her HUD. It was too quiet for her liking--even the chirping of nearby birds seemed dull, leaving only the sound of the Rescue Team's footsteps. Up ahead, K'Vok held up his hand for the Team to stop. "What do you have, Lance Corporal?"

A moment passed before the Marine responded as he began to probe the ground with his K-Bar. "Mines, colonel. They're not registering on sensors, but I noticed the disturbance in the dirt."

"Good eye. Can you disarm it?" Naxea asked.

There was a sigh from the other end. "I doubt it, ma'am. This is alien technology but I'm not EOD trained."

Naxea closed her eyes as she thought. They could very well be in a minefield and not know it. "Shit, alright. Everyone, be careful and retrace your steps slowly for fifty yards. Step in your tracks only."

Tonya wanted to help but she needed to stay off her ankle. So she looked around to see what she could rig up.

Gary had been the last one out of the shuttle after promising Lia he would br careful. Once on the ground, he quickly caught up with Naxea, his eyes sweeping the area around them for any signs of the enemy. He stopped in his tracks when they found they were in a minefield. "Naxea, have you got any photon grenades?"

Naxea nodded as she kept her head moving between the ground and the team. "Yes Sir. It's the reason why we're back tracking fifty yards. As soon as we hit fifty yards, we'll clear that minefield the quick and dangerous way."

"Nice to know we're of the same mindset." Gary answered as he retraced his steps to get back to the minimum safe distance.

She could only hope the Away Team could see them by now. Likely why this field was planted--to contain the Away Team to the caves. She switched back to the alternate frequency, that standard Away Team comms were used. "Spartan Actual to Away Team. What is your status?"

Tonya spoke into her communication badge hoping she could be heard. "Lt. Tonya King here. We are surviving."

"Acknowledged, lieutenant," Naxea replied. "We're on our way but it seems we've run into a minefield but be ready because we're about to detonate it and I'm sure our neighbors won't like it one bit."

David listened to the conversation. When the officers finished speaking, he piped in. "Colonel, Corporal Tonelly here, Ma'am. The last time I saw the enemy troops, they had moved off towards your right flank. I'd keep an eye out in that direction, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Corporal," Naxea replied.

Naxea turned and motioned for everyone to get down. "Gami, K'Vok, and O'Malley, grenades out on three. One...two...three...Grenade out!" Naxea activated and tossed one of her photon grenades as did the other three Marines before diving on the ground. The resulting explosions and secondary explosions shook the ground violently as dirt and debris rained down on top of the rescue team. Naxea was thankful for her armor as she felt the impact of several small rocks hit her. Looking up, the ground ahead was littered with small craters where mines had been. "On your feet," she commanded. "Move out."

"Baeryn," Tonya asks, "We need to bag this Engineering Equipment. Would you mind helping me?"

"Of course," Baeryn snapped out of her trance and began gathering the equipment into on place. "It's best you stay off that ankle as much as possible if we ever want to go on that hiking trip together." She chuckled lightly. It was easier to breathe knowing for sure that help was coming.

As the Away Team began to ascend into the mountains, Naxea's comm jumped to life. "Gami to Colonel. Ma'am, we're getting a several energy spikes from 10 kilometers away...and it's closing at 80 Kilometers. It's gotta be vehicles."

"Shit, that gives us seven minutes," Naxea cursed, knowing they wouldn't make the cavern in time. Alright, Marines, take up positions and find cover! Get those isomagnetic disintegrators ready! We'll provide cover and buy you and the Away Team time! I can't order you but I'd suggest you go with them, Sir," she said, turning to Gary. "Things will likely get hairy quick."

"I appreciate the concern Naxea but, I've never been one to run from a fight." Gary answered as he checked his weapon.

Which was when the sky lit up with incoming streaks of blue, small rockets from beyond the mine field, leaving the marines not just under fire, but sandwiched between the enemy ahead, blocking them from the away team, and the enemy behind, closing fast.

"Colonel, can you use some of your grenades to create a diversion? It will allow us to slip off to the side and away from both closing forces." Gary suggested.

"Alright, Sir. We'll set the diversion up for when they arrive. Third Squad, move forward. When the enemy closes in, make contact and then feign retreat to east and circle back towards the cave entrance. We'll have a surprise waiting for them if they give pursuit. Move!"

She watched the Marines of Second Squad sprint forward as the artillery struck around the Marines. 'Damn, we need cover from their artillery,' she thought as one shot landed too close to comfort for her, the impact pelting her with rocks that bounced harmlessly off her armor. "Fourth Squad, you cover Third Squad! I'll be with you! First and Second Squad, get ready to move on my command to the cave entrance once the trap is sprung by Third and Fourth squad with Top Fredericks! Move fast and keep moving! Top Fredericks, take charge of First and Second Squad! All Fleeters go with First and Second Squad!"

"Yes ma'am. " Kieran said and bellowed for First and Second to follow him. They formed a perimeter around the mouth of the cave.

Naxea moved with Fourth Squad, taking up a position with less incoming fire as Third Squad moved forward. Soon, emerging from the fungus forest were what appeared to be a company size unit followed by the thunder of two tracked vehicles that appeared to be heavy armor units. 'Damn, those bastards look mean,' Naxea thought as Third Squad made contact, exchanging fire. "Lopez and S'hral, get ready to target those armor units with the disintegrators with full power. Target the turrets. Everyone else, focus on the enemy troops." Third Squad soon began to retreat off to the East as planned.

Peering around the rock outcropping, Naxea spotted two squads of the enemy giving chase as the armor turned their turrets in the direction of Third Squad.

"Now!" Naxea called, swinging her rifles around the outcropping and opening fire, catching one enemy directly in the chest. Two energy bursts launched from the isomagnetic disintegrators, finding their respective targets, ripping through the armor and into the crew inside. "First and Second Squad, move! We'll be behind you shortly!"

Damien had kept quiet throughout the encounter, listening to his orders, whilst paying attention to everything around them. He kept one hand near his Phaser, ready to leap into action. When the sky lit up, he moved fluidly, pulling his Phaser from it's holster, listening to the orders shouted by the Marine CO. When given his orders, he nodded, hurrying to position. When the command was shouted, he took a deep breath, steadying his nerves, before peeking out from his cover, letting off a shot, catching one of the advancing enemies in the chest, watching as he stumbled, before falling down.

Naxea watched as Gary, the other Starfleet personnel, and First and Second Squads circled towards the cave. A nearby explosion caught her attention as she had pissed the enemy off by destroying their two armor units. Sensors indicated more were incoming. "Just how many forces do they have on this planet?" she asked herself and fired again, striking another enemy. "Alright Fourth Squad, let's move!" she leapt from her outcropping, tossing a photon grenade ad her single smoke grenade. The grenade killed several enemy soldiers as the smoke grenade emitted smoke that scattered any sensors the enemy would be using--or at least she hoped.

Moving through the smoke, she was nearly blind, following her suit's navigational sensors, unknowing there was someone following her. Her legs ached as they propelled her up the mountain. Emerging from the smoke, she could see Third Squad farther up with the rest of Fourth Squad moving behind them. At that moment, she lurched forward, her body slamming into the rocky ground of the mountain. Turning she saw a grey-fully armored figure looming over her. It's face obscured by a helmet and it's legs and arms long as the others. Yet something told Naxea that this was no ordinary soldier from the gold marks on it's left shoulder plate. She rolled just as a foot flew past her head. In one fluid motion, Naxea drew her K-bar and slammed it into the enemy's inner thigh as it let out a scream, falling backwards. Not wanting to waste more time as the enemy would be approaching quickly. She set her final photon grenade to proximity--giving it a ten second delay before arming, she continued running, dropping the grenade behind a rock as she made her way to the rendezvous point by the cave entrance.

==Away Team==

Tonya and a few others picked up the equipment. “Come on everyone. They are rescuing us. I am ready to go. Be sure to use the equipment to make sure it is safe.”

With the enemy now focusing more on the rescue team, T'Kek peered out from their sanctuary. "They need to get through them first. We must aid them."

David saw his marine brethren fighting to save them. Without a word, he moved to a well protected section of stone and layed down. Sighting down his sniper rifle, he began to sight in on various enemy troops that seemed to be easily eliminated from their respective groups. One after one, he started to fire, most shots finding their target with near perfect center mass shots. He got several debilitating limb hits and even a few nice head shots.

Miraj looked at the probe. "Does that have any more fuel in it? Could we do something with that?"

Tonya smiled. "I like the way you think. You know how the old ships could stun a group. Enterprise under Kirk did it at Sigma Iotia II, also known as the gangster planet. I could do that."



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