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Beer and BBQ, part 4

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 7:40pm by Commander Kyle Reece & Captain David Tonelly [Reece] & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Master Chief Petty Officer Chuck Finley [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece] & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Captain Samuel Woolheater & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor] & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Season 5: Time Warp
Location: USS Elysium, Holodeck 3
Timeline: 20 June 2397 / 2245 hours
3248 words - 6.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Woolheater listened as the conversation developed; he hadn't really understood that this S'hib before him was the same S'hib that was the fiance of the Colonel. And thinking of how such a relationship would work; the wheels in his head started turning. He was just about to make a gaffe, he did have this as a rather natural ability; really a superpower.

Orin just smiled and waited for someone to speak, mainly because he knew that he could carry on a conversation for quite some time by himself. He didn't want to be rude or anything, taking the time from the other party goers.

It was just too much, one could see he was trying and failing to restrain. The wheels turned in his head. His eyebrows lifted, he got a mischievous grin on his face and a cocky look. He said, it almost just popped out of his mouth, "Colonel Azhul, damn sir, Colonel has more curves than a race track. Those eyes, that smile, that body. Whoa! It's like winning the triple crown! Although, I venture to guess that Colonel's still the boss and you're her Secretariat?"


A space opened up and now it was Sam's turn to greet the groom, "Captain Richardson sir? Thank you for the invitation to the bachelor party. Really, quite generous of you sir. Just wanted to shake your hand and wish you all the best on this joyous occasion of life." He extended his hand to Richardson.

Mattias finished shaking one hand, only to find another waiting. Smiling softly, he took the offered hand and gave it a friendly, if a little strong, shake. He looked at the new arrival for a few moments, then remembered who he was. "Sam! Glad you could make it. Though, to be honest, I didn't send out any invites. I didn't even know this was happening."

"That's because I had this set up, Matty!" David stepped around Sthilg and S'hib, still carrying the three glasses. "Here ya go, one scotch for you Tim," he reached across for Tim to take his drink from the three he was holding.

Tim took the offered drink. "Thanks David. Nice to see you remembered. Took you long enough." He teased.

David nodded and grinned. Then he turned his attention to Mattias and gave the astonished human a bright, toothy grin. "What? You think I'd let you get married to the commanding officer of this ship, without throwing you a party?" He handed Mattias his drink. "A white sambuca on the rocks for you." He then turned to face the rest of the men present.

"Gentlemen! If I may have your attention, please! I'd like to take a toast for our guest of honor, Captain Mattias...Leonidas. ..Richardson!" His grin grew wider, after he spilled what his old friend's middle name was, knowing that Matty had tried to keep it quiet for years.

Mattias's eyes grew a bit larger. "Keep it up, buttercup," he playfully jabbed back.

David chuckled good-naturedly. "This man...well, I've known him since he was six years old. I would sometimes book passage on his parents freighter if I wanted to get away from things. The entire Richardson Clan was almost like a second family to me." He reached over with his free hand and clasped Mattias's shoulder.

"This young one would sit by me for hours, just listening to all of my stories, and there were quite a few, believe me." He looked back at Mattias. "Matty, I know that your mother is looking down on you, smiling happily that you have found a woman who loves you as much as Captain Lalor does. I know I am extremely happy for you." He raised his own drink in a toast. "To Mattias! One of the best humans that I have had the honor of knowing. Good luck on your wedding, and may the winds always be at your back!"

Tim took his beer and raised, "Gentleman, I have known Matt....Captain Richardson a long time, not as long as Captain Tonelly but a long time and we have served together for a long time. Doing things in places you can only dream of. We've saved each other's lives and gotten out of more scrapes than any two people I know. Matt is my best friend, and I knew even if he didn't that the minute. he and Phoenix's eyes met; they were destined to be together. They just clicked. I couldn't be happier for them, and I wish them many happy years together. Here's to you buddy!"

Malakai waited for the cheers and hollering to die off before he spoke. "I know Matt from serving with him on the Black Watch and I see a side of him the rest of you don't and I don't mean his backside. I married his sister Kara. So that means he's my brother-in-law. Talk about pressure. She serves aboard the Elysium as a medical officer. I can tell you this, Matt loves Kara very much and will do anything to protect her and keep her safe. So, I have seen his softer side and I know he will do the same with Captain Lalor. " He raised his beer, "Congratulations Matt."

Raising his beer Sam cheered as well. Then he said, "Now, I don't know Captain Mattias Richardson much at all. I knew 'about' Captain Richardson from what I read scratched into the stalls in the head" there was some ribbing here and general laughter. Sam rose above it with his voice saying, "BUT...but...while generally what you read on a marine latrine wall is mostly one-hundred percent accurate; not all of it can be agreed on. I can say this. AHEM! I can....say this. Anyone. Who can rally this lot of ne'er do wells, devil dogs, jarheads, bush wookies, knuckle draggers and generally recognized group of gents! (laughter erupts) Anyone of us that can earn this much respect - even though I don't know the man personally - well sir - that's all the character references I need. The fact that anyone can love us, hard headed as we are, stubborn, opinionated, occasionally foul-mouthed fuck-ups, is a miracle. And....and in all the world if there is one person that sees all of who we are - and still wants you in their life; who can stand in the way of that?" Looking at Mattias Sam said, "I may not know you yet, Captain Richardson. But you're my brother from another mother. And you're a part of the best damn detachment in the whole damn fleet! THE SIXTY-SECOND! So raise it up lads. Raise it up. To Captain Richardson...the man with so many friends here is surrounded. Soon to be married off. OORAHH!!" And they took another drink.

Sthilg raised his own beer before turning to Mattias. " Now Richardssson. I'm not that familiar with human wedding customsss, but as I'm giving away the bride does that mean I inherited the threatening the groom with a ssshotgun ritual I've ssseen in holo programs?" The lizard inquired with a joking grin.

Mattias grinned and nodded his thanks to each man as he toasted...or roasted him. He was starting to see that he had made the right choice coming to Elysium. Of course, he would have come anyway, he would never do anything to hold Phee back in her career.

Looking over at the large Gorn, Mattias chuckled. "Sir, all due respect to your skills as a surgeon..." he chuckled softly. "While I'm sure you can be very dangerous when you're angry, Phee is even more so. don't want to see how her knife throwing accuracy increases when she's mad. I have. Trust me, I have zero interest in hurting her any." He then shrugged in admittance. "I love her more than I have words for."

"It's cute he thinks he could hurt her..." S'hib whispered after leaning towards Sthilg.

“It's not us you need to worry about,” he laughed loudly, clicking a hoof against the stones beneath him. “Because if it ever comes to it, we’ll be the ones protecting you from her…” he added, a devilish grin on his snout before biting down on another sausage, pointing what was left in his hand at Mattias.

The gorn let out a haughty laugh." Well I'll be sssure to patch you up if ssshe ever does have to resssort to the knivesss."

Man'darr finished downing his third beer as if it had been water. "You know, Capellan children drink juice stronger than this piss water," he complained as he grabbed another.

David heard the comment and grinned. Moving over to the big man, he tapped him on the shoulder with one hand as he pulled a flask from his back pocket with the other. "I thought you'd say that," he said with a mischievous grin. "So I came prepared. Here, care for a snort?" he handed the flask over, after unscrewing the top. I know for a fact that after a couple sips of this, you will be on your ass. I've known a few Capellans, one of em bigger and meaner than you. Even she couldn't finish the flask."

Man'darr laughed at the comment as he accepted the flask and took a swig. The flavor and burning sensation were warming. "Not bad," he commented, looking at the flask. "What is this?"

tag David


Plenty of food and drink, plenty of good friends. Sam even got a game of toss the football and spin the frisbee going. Soon it would be time for gifts. Sam found himself standing next to Josh Young. And he turned and avoiding the whole deal with Anna said, "Lieutenant Young. Nice party. Good food; I take it this is mostly your doing?"

Josh glanced at Sam, a look of recognition appearing in his eyes but he made no comment on knowing Sam instead he replied with, "Thank you. Glad you came and are enjoying it." He looked around at the festivities. "Mostly yes." He admitted.

Sam didn't say a word about what would become known as the "incident". He cast a glance at Josh and decided not to further pursue it. Instead, he opted for, "You need help with anything - just let me know yeah? I'm Sam by the way." He extended his hand in an offered handshake.

Josh nodded, "Thanks, I will. " Then looking at the offered hand, he clasped it without hesitation in a strong grip. "Call me Josh." He answered. "And nice to meet you Sam."

"Same here LT. Cya!" and he excused himself.


When the time was appropriate and when Captain Richardson had eaten, had some drinks of various and sundry sorts, it was time for any gifting. Sam presented Captain Richardson with a wrapped, moderately sized and weighted wooden box wrapped in a fancy-pants marine green ribbon. "Captain? A lil' summptin' to enjoy." He handed the box to him.

Mattias took the offered gift and nodded his thanks. "Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it, truly." He then pulled the ribbon off and lifted the lid, smiling when he saw what was inside. "Where did you get these?!" He reached in a pulled out a beautifully made Cuban cigar. After pulling it up to his nose to inhale the sweet aroma, he knew just which brand they were.

"Sam," he said, astonished. "These are Don Georgio's! How did you get these? He doesn't allow his blend to be scanned to put in replicator! Each one of these are hand rolled, back on Earth, at his factory, just outside Havana! He even modified his blend to allow them to be enjoyed on starbases and starships. Hell, I'm one of his regular customers!"

Sam grinned broadly, pleased that the captain liked the gift, "Meh...I can't reveal all my secrets" he laughed and said, "You are correct. But, if you want to get a good cigar what better place than a marine base? I got them on Titan, it was those or the Partagas brand. And...I never got to use them in celebration. But you should and I'm glad to know you like them. Cheers captain." He said and raised his beer bottle and then made way for anyone else who was gifting.

David stepped forward with two wrapped gifts. "Well, as I've known you since you were a boy," the El Aurian said with a grin.
"I guess I'll go next." He handed Mattias the larger of the two gifts first.

Mattias took the gift and, by its feel, and who it was from, he had an idea as to it's contents. Carefully, he unwrapped the box, then, seeing what was inside, then seeing the year, his eyes nearly bugged out. "David! A bottle of 1800 Glenturret?! Holy shit! How long have you had this?"

The Marine Executive Officer chuckled softly. I bought it at an estate auction a few months before the Eugenics Wars kicked off. I've had her safely tucked away ever since. As soon as I heard you were getting married, and to whom, I knew that you should have it."

Mattias stepped over and hugged the other man warmly. "Thank you, David. I mean it. This...this is too much."

David continued to grin, as he handed the next gift, smaller and lighter than the first, over. "In that case, you're really gonna get a kick outta this one.

Mattias gave him a questioning look as he handed the scotch back and opened the second gift. Inside was an isoleniar chip. "What’s this go to?"

"That, my friend, is the key to your new hideaway under the sea. Down on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, near the Mariana Trench Research Facility, that I designed and helped build, you will find your own private habitat dome. Ten thousand square feet under the dome, housing a two bedroom, two bath, well appointed home. As I know whom you are marrying, and the details of her family, you will also find that chip gives you access to your own, four person sub, specifically designed to reach those depths. Transporters won't reach down there. Should you two want to get away and completely shut out the world, you could, down there."

Mattias was speechless. He was completely dumbfounded by the generosity of one of his oldest friends.

Finally, he said, "Well, shit. I guess we should name our first born after you!"

David chuckled and shook his head. "Just be happy with each other, and I'll be fine."

Mattias shook his head again. Phee was going to flip when she heard about this!

Tim watched as others gave Matt gifts. He suddenly felt self-conscious about his gift when Malakai spoke to Matt. "Well, as for my gift....." He handed Matt a box inside was a Rolex chronometer, 24 jewel. "So, you'll never be late again for staff meetings....hopefully." Malakai jested.

Taking hold of the watch, Mattias smiled. Then he held it up to his ear playfully. "No ticking, guess it ain't one of your bombs," he joked with his brother-in-law. "Thanks, Mal, for everything." He reached out and gave Malakai a brotherly embrace, then released his hold, stepping back.

Mal smiled and returned the hug. "You're welcome Matt and thank you for everything you've done." He said sincerely.

Tim pushed off the wall, "Guess I'm next. Matt you're my best friend so I wanted to get something that was uniquely you." He handed Matt a small box. "However, it isn't here but you can see it on the viewscreen." Tim clicked the remote an on the screen appeared a fully restored 1965 Corvette Mako Shark. Jet black, with leather seats. A 427 V-8 that produced 425 horsepower. A four speed. "I hope you like it Matt. It fits with your shy and retiring personality." Tim joked.

Mattias's eyes lit up at seeing the car. He had talked to Tim, over the years, how he was going to get one replicated for himself one day. "Holy shit, Tim!" He gave his best friend a bear hug, then released him. "I take it she's got a full tank of fuel?"

Tim nodded, a huge smile on his face at seeing Matt's reaction even as he returned the bear hug." Full tank and ready for you to take her out for a spin, stretch her legs."

Before they released their embrace, Mattias replied, Chuckling softly. "Do you mean Phee or the car?'

"Why Matt." Tim answered with a guilty grin, "Both of them of course. First one and then the other. I'll leave to you in which order you do it.""

Mattias chuckled and nodded. He of course knew which order it would go, though he kept it to himself.

For the next few hours, the party continued until, one by one, the guests each said good night to Mattias and congratulated him again.

At this point Mattias asked David, Sam, Man'darr, Josh, Mal and Tim to hang back for a moment.

"Guys," he began. "I can't tell you what tonight has meant to me. It was unexpected and beyond awesome! Now, I have a few requests to make." He looked at the first four and said, "Gentleman, as I am getting married in my dress blues, I was wondering if you all would do me the honor of being part of my Saber Guard Detail. I need six Marines that I know and trust. I already have two, would you be the other four."

David spoke up immediately. "You don't even have to ask, Matty. Of I will. I'd be honored to do so."

Sam nodded, "You can count on me sir. I'd love to be a part of it."

Man'darr nodded. "Of course I'll be a part of it."

Josh looked at Mattias. "I thought it was a given that I would be part of your Saber Guard. Of course I'll be part of it."

Mattias smiled and thanked each man. He then told them that he would get in touch with them with all the details that they would need.

After they gave their acknowledgements, Mattias then turned to T and Mal. "Guys, out of everyone I know, I can't think of anyone else that I'd want up there with me than you two. As such, I can only have one Best Man." He looked at both men again, then made his decision. "Mal, though you and I go back a ways, and have bled together, Tim and I go back further. Tim, I want you to be my Best Man. Mal, I want you to be my Groomsman."

Tim nodded at Matt. "I would be honored Matt. Thank you." He said seriously, no trace of joking or silly banter.

If Mal was disappointed, he didn't show it. He knew of Matt and Tim's friendship. It was the stuff of legend, and he couldn't compete with that. "Of course, Matt it will be my pleasure."

Mattias smiled a relieved smile. He had gone back and forth on this decision for days now. He was glad that he made the right decision. "Thank you, both of you. You are both my brothers, and I'm very glad that you both are in my life." He then gave them both a strong hug. After which, the trio talked some more about the big day, then said their goodnight and went to their separate homes.



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