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Watashi-tachi wa kekkon-shiki de kite imasu (We are here for a Wedding)

Posted on Tue Dec 1st, 2020 @ 1:02am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Pacifica
Timeline: Before departure.
3581 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia Holmes stood in the holodeck, around her moved her helpers dressing her in Japanese wedding attire. Her ensemble is known as a shiromuku. This mostly white ensemble is worn during the wedding ceremony and signifies pureness, cleanliness, and virginity. The shiromuku consists of a white furisode kimono that has a trailing hem called a kakeshita. Over this, a maru or fukuro obi (broad sash) is worn around the waist and is secured by a scarf-like obi-age and a rope known as an Obi-jime. Next a second robe-like kimono known as an uchikake is put over all this. Her footwear consists of tabi socks and zōri sandals and accessories include a hakoseko purse, sensu folding fan, and a kaiken knife (from the age of the samurai). As she moved towards the exit, she caught her reflection. Her eye's swept up and down, was that really Lia Holmes? On her head she wore a large white hood known as a wataboshi. This is said to hide the bad spirits that exist in a woman’s long hair as well as making the bride’s face only visible to her husband.

She left the holodeck and made her way to the ceremony, she had decided to enter alone. This was to show both the guests and Gary, that her old life of being alone was finally over. How they would see or even react to this she didn't know, but for her it was important to cut the ties that bound her to the Holmes family. Lia walked slowly along the corridor, not because she was worried or scared or even hesitant to get married. But because her ensemble weighed so much, she hadn't known how heavy her choice of wedding attire would be. *Should have checked it out more*, she thought. Another thought now crossed her mind and she smiled at it, *At least I'm not worrying about not going through with it*.

She arrived outside the hall, she could hear everyone talking and moving around. Placing her hand into her purse, she pressed her communicator. =^="Holmes to Taylor, your bride to be is outside waiting. Can you get someone to open the door? Oh and find Tayalas, she should be wearing that Kimono I gave her. She's my flower girl, and your partner for the day if I know her".

=^= Taylor to Holmes, will do. I'll be there in one second with Tayalas.=^= With that he closed the channel, looked for Tayalas. After a few seconds he found her dressed in her Kimono. "Tayalas sweetie, come with me, we need to let Lia in so you and she can be twins in your Kimonos and she and I can get married." He told the child.

"Okay, Sana." She smiled and took his hand, well, more his thumb, and began to walk with him.

Gary smiled at her. " Everyone is going to be looking at you and Lia in your kimonos. You are both so pretty. Mommy did a good job dressing you."

"Mama do good." She said with a smile, it was a pretty dress.

Lt. Victor Barclay de Tolly arrived with his date for the wedding Lt. Tonya King, his daughter Lara and his son Vick. Victor, Tonya and Lara were all wearing dress uniforms where Tonya opted for the one with pants while Lara went with the traditional one with a skirt. Vick wore a little boy tuxedo with a bow tie.

"Dad," Lara says as she looked around. "Maybe I should have wore a dress?"

"Do not worry," Victor says, "You look lovely no so do you Tonya."

"Thank you," Tonya replied. "I see everyone is moving around. Lara, there is that cute boy Alexander. Maybe you should go talk yo him."

"What if he asks me to sit or stand next to him during the ceremony?" Lara said as she fekt that could happen.

"Then do it," Tonya replied. "I will take care of Vick. You should have a nice time here."

Lara shrugs. "Too much romance at a wedding."

Arrianna walked up next to her protege and smiled. "You wear that uniform well Lara." She inspected Lara. "Excellent, within Regulation." Arrianna was in her dress uniform as well.

"Thank you Mam," Lara curtsied. "You do too."

Lara's friend Amelia Tigan came up wearing a cute summer dress. "Very nice Lara."

"Thank you," Lara says whispering. "Alec is over there looking at you. Why don't you go stand next to him."

"But he likes you," Amelia retorted.

"Trust me," Lara says poking Amelia.

Amelia hugged Lara before she left to go stand next to Alec.

Alicia sat with Connor on her lap as she sat with Savar in the second row back on the groom’s side of the aisle. She was wearing a flowing maternity dress and Connor was wearing an extremely cute little baby version of the men’s dress uniform that she’d come across in the replicator menu completely by chance. How come it was amongst the textiles replication menu she didn’t know but she couldn’t resist it and it fit Connor a treat. She smiled as she looked at Savar being at a wedding brought back memories of her own, it made her feel pretty soppy and romantic.

Savar sat next to Alicia and Connor, he was in his dress uniform. Savar nodded to her, thinking to himself just how beautiful she looked. She was already a loving, doting mother to Connor, a practice he knew she would continue when their child was born.

In the row behind Heather grinned at Fernando as she motioned to Connor in his little uniform. “Doesn’t that look adorable? I can just picture our little one wearing one of those!” She grinned. Like Alicia she’d chosen to wear a maternity dress that complimented her figure. It was a lot more comfortable than wearing a maternity sized dress uniform.

Fernando nodded and smiled, "He is a very handsome boy Heather." He agreed as he let his thoughts wander to what their child would look like and realized as long as the baby was healthy it didn't matter who it favored. He smiled again as he leaned close to Heather, "May I say you look marvelous, extremely attractive."

Heather’s smile practically shone as she looked towards Fernando. “Thank you Imzadi. I like to look attractive to make other men jealous of you!” She grinned. “Besides you’re looking very handsome, and I intend to make sure no one else tries to drag you away.”

"You are always attractive Heather. You could wear a burlap bag and be attractive." Fernando replied honestly. He only had eyes for Heather. "You need not worry about ant other women Heather. My heart and soul belong to you."

“As mine belong to you.” Heather smiled.

The door slid open as the ship's MD slid in to take his seat. Another unforeseen incident had caused him to be late, but here he was changed into his formal uniform. Nodding to a few other guests he carefully lowered his bulk onto a chair hoping it wouldn't give in under his weight. Thankfully it didn't

Olivia entered the soon after Lt Cedric Sthlig. She had left her office later than planned, but she had made it to her quarters with a short amount of time to get changed and down to the holodeck for the wedding. She found an empty seat not all that far from her boss and sat down.

Commander Vaii entered wearing her dress uniform with medals. Her uniform was crisp and perfect, she wore a wings pin above her combadge. She also had her squadron's pilots come complete with ceremonial swords.

Jessica turned towards her pilots. "Inspection!!!" She ordered and her pilots stood at attention as she examined them to make sure the squadron was up to snuff during this occasion.

Miraj would never have said no, even though she didn't really know the two senior officers as well as she'd like. She'd never been to a wedding before, and it was one of those things she'd only really read about in books. And those were old historical weddings. She knew nothing about modern weddings and was more than happy for the chance to dress up in something fancy and learn something new. She chose a seat at the back on the groom's side, and waited eagerly to see what happened next.

Phoenix had been watching from the side. She stepped to the front to wait for the bride and smiled at Taylor. "Well are you ready?" she asked him softly.

Gary nodded and gave her a smile. "Ready." He replied simply.

Lia waited until everyone was seated before she entered, Tayalas walked along side her dressed in her pink Kimono. Gary waited at the far end in front of a table with the three Sake cups upon it, this was the first of three Japanese parts included within their wedding ceremony. She looked for Gary's best man, he hadn't told her who it was.

Commander Alec Hunter, first officer of the USS Victory, had just recently arrived by shuttle and hurried to the holodeck to stand beside his friend and fellow wolf Gary Taylor. Sliding into position next to Gary, in his dress uniform he smiled. "Never fear Alec is here."

"About damn time Alec." Gary growled under his breath. "But I'm glad your here."

Naxea, dressed in her Marine Dress Uniform entered with S'hib in tow. "No catching the bouquet this time," she warned, waving a finger at him as the two entered. She still had no idea why they would choose a wedding on a holodeck verses an outdoor wedding since they were on the resort planet Pacifica.

“What? don't you want to marry me twice?” He grinned back, pretending to bite at her finger:

"We're not married yet. Simply engaged," Naxea corrected with a grin.

“You cant back out now, I know where your quarters are.” He shot back with a snort.

Following the Major, was Man'darr who, like Major Azhul was dressed in his Dress Uniform. He paused near the entrance, soon spotting Commander Vaii. He grinned as he watched her inspect her pilots. That woman should have been a Marine he thought to himself with a chuckle before moving closer, continuing to watch.

Jess tracked down Man'darr. "Hold on you." She began to straighten his collar. "I have to inspect you too. No man of mine is going to be anything less than the best." She smiled.

Man'darr couldn't help but chuckle. "And here I thought I always looked the best," he boasted, allowing Jess to adjust his uniform.

"You'll still pass muster with me, Officer. I will not be embarrassed in any way." Jess continued to straighten him out. "Perfect."

Smiling down at the woman, Man'darr shook his head slightly. "Come on, let's go grab a seat."

The Commander sat down and began to watch the ceremony.

Alicia turned to look seeing Sthilg sitting looking tired in another row. “Dad!” She motioned towards some seats on the end of the row by them, she’d purposely saved a couple of strong seats for him, the extra one for his tail if he needed to rest it.

The gorn heard Alicia's name and looked up. Seeing her and the extra seats he nodded and quickly moved into the reserved seats. " Thank you. " he said quietly as he smiled at his adopted family. " My grandsssonsss preparing for hisss admiralssship i sssee." he said as he saw Connors uniform.

Alicia grinned. “When I found it in the fabrics replicator choices I couldn’t resist!” She held Connor up for Sthilg to hold. “Would you like to hold him for a little while? He’s getting pretty heavy to hold with this ...“ she motioned to her stomach. “extended figure of mine.”

" Off courssse." The gorn said as he carefully took his adopted grandson and holding him carefully let allowing the little Starfleet officer to get a good view.

Alicia grinned and pulled out a holocamera, taking a picture of Connor and his grandfather together. She wanted to remember all the special times and this certainly counted as special.

Victor thought back to the other Reality when he married the Tonya from that reality on how beautiful the day was and how beautiful Tonya was. At the altar when the priest was doing the mass, Tonya whispered to Victor she loved him. He whispered back to that Tonya he loved her back. Victor smiled in the present saying to this Tonya. "I love you."

This Tonya looked at back wondering if this was genuine, she said, "I love you too." The look on Victor's face, she knew it was.

Jessica smiled as she walked up to Gary. She'd already inspected her pilots and Man'darr. She just had one last person to inspect. "Well, Boss. It's been nice knowing you, but it looks like marriage is going to clip your wings for good." Jess showed a wide smile.

Gary smiled back at her, "Geez Jess, I'm not dying. I'm getting married and my wings are nowhere near getting clipped. I'll still be here to ride hard on you and your cadets."

"I'm training Starfleet Officers as well. I don't always just teach flying. I like getting my hands dirty below decks." Jess inspected Gary's collar. "Now, go get married. I'll have a surprise for you two outside the chapel." Jess winked.

"Yeah, Sana." Tayalas said, ''Suwpwise."

Gary looked down at Tayalas and then knelt so he could be eye to eye with her, "That's right darling. When we're finished getting married. We'll go out and see what Aunt Jess got for Lia and me." He then reached into his tuxedo pocket and brought out a small elegantly wrapped box and handed it to Tayalas. "This for you sweetie. A gift for helping Lia and myself. You let mommy open it for you when we're done okay?"

Arriving at the table, Lia placed her hand under Gary's. She didn't say anything, simply pointed at the three Sake cups and the bottle of Sake next to them.

He looked at Lia and nodded, ready to get the wedding ceremony started.

She took the Sake and poured it in to the three cups before them, she looked at Gary. "This cup is for the past, in gratitude for our time to learn and grow together". She then took three sips from the cup before passing it over to Gary.

Gary took the cup and took three sips before setting it down.

"This second cup is for the present, to bind us for a long and happy life". Again she took three sips and then passed it to Gary.

Once again Gary did his part by taking three sips from the cup before sitting it back down on the table.

"This third cup is for the future, to give us protection and tranquility as one household". Three more sips were taken and then the cup passed to Gary.

Gary raised the cup to his lips, gave Lia a little smile and took three sips before again placing it on the table

Phoenix glanced between the two and then at everyone else. She waited for them to quiet down. "Family of the bride, family of the groom, friends of the bride and groom, I welcome you here today to celebrate and to witness the joining together of Aurelia and Gary, who wish to make public vows to declare their intention to be united in marriage, to be true and loving to each other. Not only will these two be joined to each other in marriage, but their families will also be joined and connected through this wedding. We are here in celebration and delight that they have allowed us all to participate in their wonderful day."

Phoenix took a breath. "And now we shall begin" she said softly. turning her head she focused on the groom. "Watakushi wa kono josei to kekkonshi"

Gary - "Watakushi wa kono josei to kekkonshi"

"Fufu to narou to shite imasu"

"Fufuto narou to shite imasu" Gary replied.

"Watakushi wa kenkouna tokimo"

"Watakushi wa kenkouna tokimo" Gary repeated.

"Soudenai tokimo"

"Soudenai tokimo" Gary answered.

"Kono hito o aishi"

"Kono hito o aishi"

"Kono hito o uyamai"

"Kono hito o uyamai"

"Kono hito o nagusame"

"Kono hito o nagusame"

"Kono hito o tasuke"

"Kono hito o tasuke"

"Watakushi no inochi no kagiri"

"watakusi no inochi no kagirl"

"Kataku sessou o mamoru koto o"

"Kataku sessou o mamoru koto o"

"Chikai masu."

"Chikai masu."

Phoenix smiled and turned to Aurelia.

Gary breathed a sigh of relief as he successfuly navigated and repeated the phrases Phoenix had first said.

"Watakushi wa kono dansei to kekkonshi"

"Watakushi wa kono dansei to kekkonshi"

"Fufu to narou to shite imasu"

"Fufu to narou to shite imasu"

"Watakushi wa kenkouna tokimo"

"Watakushi wa kenkouna tokimo"

"Soudenai tokimo"

"Soudenai tokimo"

"Kono hito o aishi"

"Kono hito o aishi"

"Kono hito o uyamai"

"Kono hito o uyamai"

"Kono hito o nagusame"

"Kono hito o nagusame"

"Kono hito o tasuke"

"Kono hito o tasuke"

"Watakushi no inochi no kagiri"

"Watakushi no inochi no kagiri"

"Kataku sessou o mamoru koto o"

"Kataku sessou o mamoru koto o"

"Chikai masu."

"Chikai masu."

Phoenix had to admit, that making her universal translator translate her words into the traditional japanese had helped with this. She looked at Gary again.

"Shinro, Gary Taylor, anata wa kono jyosei to kekkonshi fuufu to naru to shite orimasu. Anata wa, kenko na tokimo, soudenai tokimo, kono hito o aishi, kono hito o uyamai, kono hito o nagusame, kono hito o tasukete, sono inochi no kagiri kataku sessou o mamoru koto o chikaimasu ka?"

Hai, chikaimasu. Yes, I promise."

"Shinpu, Aurelia Rebecca Holmes, anata wa kono dansei to kekkonshi fuufu to naru to shite orimasu. Anata wa, kenko na tokimo, soudenai tokimo, kono hito o aishi, kono hito o uyamai, kono hito o nagusame, kono hito o tasukete, sono inochi no kagiri kataku sessou o mamoru koto o chikaimasu ka?"

"Hai, chikaimasu. Yes, I promise."

Lia now reached in to the small bag she had been carrying, she brought out a folding fan. Turning towards Gary she bowed her head and presented the fan to him, she now waited to see if Gary would except the fan and thus accept her as his bride.

Gary didn't hesitate, he took the fan from Lia and in the same motion handed her the fan he had been carrying to her to see if she would accept him as her husband.

Lia smiled, although her wataboshi hid it from all except Gary. She reached forwards and excepted Gary's fan, she then removed her wataboshi so they could kiss.

Gary leaned forward, placed his arms around Lia and kissed her. The kiss was a symbol of his love for her. He would always treat her with love and respect. Be considerate and thoughtful to her. They were partners in this journey called life.

"Yay!" Tayalas squealed, hugging them both around the legs.

Looking at Phoenix, Lia held up her right hand and placed it close to Gary's left. Her eye's were closed as she waited, was this really happening to her?

Gary smiled down at Tayalas and gave her a wink. He then waited for the final segment of the ceremony, where Phoenix would tie a ribbon around their hands joining them together in holy matrimony.

Phoenix picked up the ribbon and gently wound it around their hands as instructed by Lia earlier.

A Gryphon Fighter Landed outside with a custom paint job including streamers and a 'just married' on the aft side of the fighter. Cadet T'Venn did not know why she was delivering this fighter, the paint job was strange, And this wedding was very human and quite illogical.

Lia took a small photo out of her handbag, although tattered the face was clear. "Ayuki gomen-nasai", she held it close to her heart and closed her eye's.

Gary saw the picture in Lia's hands and assumed it was of her friend who had prompted Lia's love for the Japanese culture.

Ambassador Anje Zhukov, the Wolf Queen, had entered moments before with Lt. Norris, to see her son married. She watched it with pride as Gary took Lia for his wife, wiping a single tear away.

"Beautiful, isn't it?'' Gallia asked, herself near tears watching Tayalas.

"Indeed." The Ambassador answered with a sniff, overwhelmed with pride, "Notice the little girl's hair is pink, you do that?"

"No, madam Ambassador, she wanted it done so I took her to Spider, Anje's hairdresser, and had her do it." Gallia answered, eyeing Tayalas.

Gary happened to look up and see the Admiral standing next to Gallia and his heart swelled with pride. He was devoted to the Admiral and thought of her as his second mother. He couldn't wait to introduce Lia to her and thank her properly for coming to the wedding.

Replacing the photo into her hand bag, Lia now turned to Gary. "So now the deed is done, shall we have a party?"

"An excellent idea but first...." He bent forward his arms wrapping around Lia and he kissed her passionately. As the kiss broke, he grinned at her, "Now it's official." He looked at their assembled friends. "You are all invited to the party. So come one, come all."



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