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End of Days

Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2020 @ 8:15am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Mal Garrison & Lianej Derani & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Lieutenant Commander Turak & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea] & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Private 1st Class Durak & Cadet Sophomore Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Isabella McDougall Miss & Samantha Prescott [ADMIN NPC]
Edited on on Tue Oct 13th, 2020 @ 8:17am

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: ISS Elysium - USS ELYSIUM - Various locations
Timeline: MD4 - Late afternoon
8579 words - 17.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Phoenix had been struggling for the last 254 hours or so to keep herself from caving in to the torture and pain. But it was getting harder. Even knowing that her unborn child was protected because the MU version of her brother wanted it so, made it hard to maintain her normal stoicism in front of these.. barbarians. Her whole body ached and she wanted to be free of the restraints.

Taylor entered the room. He was bloody from the wound Alicia had given him and his eyes were filled with rage and they were focused on Phoenix. He watched her struggle against the restraints that held her tightly suspended. her efforts to get free reminded him of isometric exercises. She arched and swayed in her restraints but made no progress in getting free. "Still here, I see. You know, your restraints are the newest in Empire technology. You should feel honored. As you struggle they constrict about your ankles and wrists, holding you tight."

"I see you are still alive." Phoenix retorted "What's wrong Gary, problems? I did warn you people would be looking to kill you."

He laughed bitterly. "So you did and it seems as a line is forming to do it. But no matter, you will die first Captain, slowly and painfully."

"So you are going to kill me. How? By machine? What do you not have the guts to kill me with your own hands? Or are you scared that if you touch me, you will loose?"

"You honestly think I'm afraid of you? You've been my prisoner for almost 11 days. Suspended for all of it. Your muscles have turned to jelly in that time."

"Maybe, but you obviously do not have the guts to do it yourself." She taunted him. "Gonna let the machines do it and what will you tell High Lord Pallas when he looses the life inside me?"

"That's the breaks. You win some, you lose some. Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Pick one." He sneered at her.

She sniffed "And what will the Emperor say? if you break the deal?"

"Now, that is a very good question, He won't be happy that's for sure but if I get through this, I think I can convince him to look the other way."

"Are you sure?" she asked with a smirk. "Let me out Gary, fight me face to face"

He looked at her. As much as he hated and despised her he also respected her strength of character. She hadn't broken or yielded the entire time she was in the booth, suspended. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" He questions as he walked into the chamber and shook a bound leg jus to watch her sway.

"Maybe I would. But I figure you would enjoy it more."

He laughed at her comment. "Oh, I would, I would indeed." He admitted. "It would be an interesting contest to be sure."

"So do it. Let me out" She taunted him

"I'm thinking. Don't rush me." He snapped "An don't be coy Captain. You'd love to be free and bash my head in. "

"Yeah but I am more likely to leave you to my crew while I take out your Horse."

"Now, that is something even I would like to see." He walked to the control booth. Hit a button that lowered Phoenix to the floor. A push of another button and her shackles fell away from her wrists and ankles. "Take whatever time you need to get ready Captain."

Phoenix rubbed her wrists and stood on shaky legs. Phoenix wished she was dressed better, and able to get a weapon but she would make do with what she had. "If you tell me where to find that Horse I will record his death for you."

Taylor listened to the sound of the battle before replying. "Based on the sound of the battle, I'd say S'hib is figuring to cut his losses. You can find him in the shuttlebay, once he gathers up what is important to him."

"Thanks" She said and then she lunged at him tackling him to the ground.

Her quickness surprised him, he expected her to be stiff and move slowly. However he recovered quickly bringing both his hand down together in a crashing blow on her back. He pushed her off and scrambled away.

She refused to scream and pushed herself up. "Scared of me Gary?" She asked as she stood.

"You flatter yourself Phoenix, I am scared of no man, let alone a mere woman." He snapped.

"You had me chained for all those days and still you could not face me until I was weakened." She smirked "And even now I can still get under your skin where you failed to do so. It must gall you to see me, a woman who at such a young age, surpassed your mirror. A path that was not taken but still could."

He stood before her, "Are you going to talk me to death or fight?" He smirked at her.

"Or I am just drawing this out so that my crew can watch me kick your arse." She shifted her feet into a position, that showed she was ready for whatever he had for her.

He laughed mockingly at her. "Then they are going to be severely disappointed in your efforts Captain." He waved his hands in front of him, inviting her to attack.

"No dishonor in dying trying to kill someone evil" She said. "Erisian proverb translated." she added. "I die? I die." She rocked back on her heal and then lashed out with her leg.

He caught her leg and spun her around. His fist smashing into the side of her head. "Slow amateurish Captain." He taunted her.

She slumped against the wall and struggled to clear her head. But she chose to focus on the pain and use it. She shook her head and forced herself off of the wall and grabbed his arm and fell backwards, pulling him off balance.

He fell as she pulled him toward her yet even as he fell he was moving to find his footing as an arm lashed out catching her across her chest and knocking her backwards. "My mirror is weak." He said as he sent a combination of lefts and rights smashing into her head. "He is spineless to let a woman command him." A kick to her leg. "I will kill him, once I'm done with you."

Phoenix staggered back and hit the wall. He was way stronger than her, she knew this, and she was unable to stand up, she slumped to the ground, unable to fight back.

He looked at her a mixture of disgust and disappointment on his face. "If you are the best your Federation has to offer, we shall conquer it as we have everything else. "You aren't worth killing." He said as he turned to walk away.

"Yet you came in here guns blazing a short while ago." She got out as she pushed herself to get up, but she only managed to get to her knees.

He turned back on her, "I've done far worse than kill you Captain. I've hurt you and I will continue to hurt you with every life of your crew I take. That is what will be your death."

==Assault crew From Good Morning ISS Elysium ==

Arrianna and her team suddenly materialized in the torture room. Her head turned towards Phoenix and noticed Mirror Gary in the room. Seeing how he tortured Phoenix, she could feel the pain she was in. This made Arrianna's pent up rage turn white-hot. "You!!!" Arri stared at Gary and aimed her rifle at him. "Mark my words, you are going to wish you were dead." Arrianna noted.

Lia now stepped forwards, "He isn't gonna wish he was dead, he's about to be dead. So get ready to meet what ever fucking God you might believe in, your about to meet the bastard".

Arrianna closed the distance fast on MU Gary and began a graceful dance of her people's defense arts. Her feet were busy. One kick after another. She was fast then gave him a moment to rest. "This will not end quickly for you. I intend to give Aurelia a turn at you." A graceful kata was unleashed on him. "I HATE YOU." If Phoenix and Aurelia were watching. Arri never was this pissed. Normally she was a calm sea. Today she was a raging tempest.

Gary was no slouch, he blocked most of Arri's kicks with his arms even getting a few punches and kicks of his own in. "Funny, I was going to say the same to you. He snapped as he wiped blood from his lip. "As for hate, you don't know the meaning of the word. I despise you and your federation. You are weak, spineless and you will fall before the might of the Empire." He motioned her forward to continue their battle.

Arrianna absorbed the hits took a guard stance. She started laughing, hilariously. "Your Empire won't even last the next five years." She began exchanging blows with Taylor more, and got a punch in her head. When that happened, she countered and used her reflexes and momentum to slam him into the ground with an Aikido throw. "You had to even capture our ship so you could use our Quantum Slipstream Drive. Did you promise your emperor the Elysium's QSD? I'm afraid that plan is no longer viable.. ALICE.. Do elaborate?

ALICE appeared and it seemed like she was in a logical frenzy. "...but if all Cretans are Liars, then the Cretan is Lying about all Cretans being Liars, but what if all Cretans are Liars.. then the Cretan is lying about Liars being Liars...." ALICE was in an infinite logical paradox that she could not comprehend.

"I infected your AI with a logical paradox. She will continue to spin and spin trying to answer a riddle with no solution until she thinks herself to death." Arrianna chuckled. "Your QSD data will be destroyed, and your Emperor will be displeased." Arri engaged Gary again. Throwing a feint punch and then flipping. It was a precision kick that sent him lumbering towards Phoenix's agony booth.

"Arrgh!" He screamed. He was red with rage. "You no good bitch! He advanced towards her, slowly staking her. This was a fight to the death. As he closed, a leg whipped out catching Arri and knocking her down. He was on her in an instant. Pummeling her punches to her face and body. "Not so tough now are you? Just another loud mouth bitch who doesn't know her place." He was so intent on Arri, he didn't notice Lia.

Lia now moved with the grace of a striking Tiger, a roundhouse kick to the face sent Taylor flying back and into the booth. "Somebody hit the fucking switch!!" Lia screamed at her companions, now that Taylor was in the booth she didn't intend for him to get back out. At least not alive, she wanted this arsehole dead asap.

Gary however had other ideas, he was on his feet in an instant and already scrambling out of the booth, his eyes fixated on Lia. "Lia!" His eyes narrowed and grinned maliciously. "I've waited a long time for this moment. Come get yours as well."

Taking a stance, Lia watched Taylor. "Oh please just try it scum bag, because I'm not who you think I am. This Lia knows just how to kick your arse in to the middle of next week, and that's just what I'm gonna do". She circled slowly watching every move he made, after living with Gary for three years she knew this bastard inside out. If she survived this, she would have to tell him how much she really owed him.

Taylor's eyes widen fractionally as Lia spoke. "Oh, your the Federation Lia. You took the place of my Lia. What did you do? Kill her? If so I should thank you. Though that's what I'm going to do to you. One good turn deserves another after all."

"That bitch never saw what was coming, and because of that your now right in the shit". She spat the words at him, goading him into action. He would attempt to kick her legs from under her, an opening gambit he just couldn't resist. Then a rush to try and knock her down, so he could attack from above. But she had a few moves this shithead didn't know, and if he came to close he would suffer. But he'd forgotten the other two women, a mistake that would cost him.

By this time, Arri had gotten her second wind. The kick connected with his head as she attacked without further argument. He retaliated, of course, trying to overpower her again. She was driven back and readied her defense. Arri circled Gary, aiming him towards the agony both. She then poured her rage into attacking furiously, forcing the man backwards. Finally, Arrianna spun a airborne kick with all her energy that knocked him into the agony booth." Arrianna snarled with anger and shut the door. Her hand hit the controls and it activated.

"So how does it feel now, Captain. To suffer? To writhe in all the pain you inflicted on us. Now you get to experience a sample of what you've inflicted on our crew. Fool. It's all about you? Huh. People begged for the pain to end, and you tortured them anyway." Arrianna shouted. "Fool. I'd rather be weak than to be as depraved and cruel as you." She began turning up the pain setting.

Gary stiffened as the electrical charge hit him but it failed to stop him as he banged on the booth's door His face was red with rage and his eyes were filled with a murderer's lust. "You are all dead!" He snarled as he increased his pounding on the door just as a more powerful charge coursed through him, taking him to his knees. yet he continued to fight. He wasn't Captain because he was a quitter.

Placing her hand on Arri's, Lia pointed to the Captain. "Let her get some revenge, it's only right". She then looked at Phoenix, "Go ahead Captain, return the pain he gave you".

Phoenix had finally gotten to her feet. She looked at the Mirror of her XO and shook her head. "No." She said softly. "I have a bigger horses arse to kill" She was very wobbly on her feet and leaned against the wall, using it to keep her steady. "You ladies show him and have fun."

Arri walked up. "Phoenix... The real battle here is not becoming them. Remain Phoenix Lalor." She handed Phoenix her phaser rifle. "Come back alive." Arrianna turned towards the booth and shut it down, throwing Gary out onto the floor. She looked at him alongside Lia. "We have to put him down, Aurelia. Or he'll return with another ship and crew and enslave and destroy more lives. This creature must be put down now." Arri picked up a sword from a nearby weapons rack and tossed one to Aurelia.
Phoenix nodded and headed out without a backwards glance.

Gary, was up on his knees, he chuckled at Arri and Lia. "Weak, you are both weak. You think I'm finished? Far from it. I will come back stronger than ever."

Arrianna spun her blade. "And that is why you must die. I pity you, but you will not return to cause more pain and suffering. This is the end for you." With a smooth motion she plunged her blade into the base of his neck, right through the esophagus and straight into the heart. She then twisted him so Lia could take his head.

Lia looked at the sword and then back at Taylor, she raised the sword and then lowered it and looked at Arri. "Just finish it, or you'll become like one of them. And enjoy hurting people, I don't need revenge that bad". She glanced at Taylors already dead eye's, "Rot in hell you bastard".

Arri began shedding tears. "I am Arrianna Salannis an Vantar, and I am not these barbarians." She picked up Taylor's phaser and destroyed every Agony booth in the room. "These things will never be used again. I want them all destroyed. Vile pain machines. Aurelia.. Forgive me... I'm so filled with so much anger."

Walking over to Arri Lia placed her arms around her and held her tight, "There's nothing to forgive, but don't loose yourself to them. Keep who you are deep within you, a slave learns that early and I was once a slave. These things are part of this universe, we are not. And we will be going home, I promise you that".

"Let's go, Phoenix needs our help. We must recover our crew, and leave this accursed universe."

==USS Elysium Group from Rendezvous==

=Bridge of the USS Elysium=

Sapphire slipped past the Security personnel and raced to helm. "Scott, take Operations!" She called out. "I'll try to bring Avalon on line and get the engines going. We need weapons and shields!"

"You got it!" Scott answered as he slid into the Ops seat and looked over the board. "Power is available to all systems. It's in standby mode. They didn't bother to shut the power down." He announced.

The turbolift opened and Lt. Commander Vaii emerged She moved over to tactical, looking like hell. Rips and tears on her uniform "Red Alert!, get us ready for a fight. They are not going to just let us walk away. Lt. Morgan, I have people getting the crew back onboard, they should be getting the ship back online. Lieutenant Gregory, Power to weapons! Lets make them regret the day they ever had the gall to enslave us." Jess then opened a signal. "Vaii to Shuttlebay, we need our fighters ready to launch now!"

As Turak exited the turbolift, he said "I will man the weapons station. I will start to target all potential threats and neutralize them." Pausing and looking around the room, he said, "anything else I can help with?"

Jess nodded. "I'll take the helm Turak, and get us into a position to open fire on the ISS Elysium." Jess moved to the helm and brought the engines online pointing the USS Elysium straight at the ISS Elysium. "I have a shot for you. Give them hell, Turak. Ops. We're going to drop their shields, We need the rest of our crew off that ship."

Taking advantage of the position that they were in, Turak used the Phaser cannons to target the main deflector shield generator of the ISS Elysium. "Direct hit on deflector shields, looks like they are disabled for the moment. I have our shields up and cannons ready to fire again. Why not hail them and ask for unconditional surrender? It's at least worth a chance...."

"Yeah a chance." Sapphire nodded. She sent the message. "No response. Seems they are a bit busy"

Jess spoke. "Mr. Turak, take out their primary EPS main, we need them completely disabled. Do not destroy the ship. We're going to bring every one of our people home. Alive or not. I will not leave one crewmember in this hellish nightmare."

"Will do." In a frenzy of motion on his keyboard, Turak had the computer target the EPS main with his laser cannons. Two beams slashed through the void and hit their target. "I think that ought to put them out of business for a while - they appear to be completely disabled."

==USS Elysium Group from Flight of the Valkyries==

Man'darr slammed the but of his rifle against the head of a Terran Officer, caving in a part of his skull in the process. A phaser discharge struck him in the side as he finished his blow. Turning, he fired another shot at the terran who had shot him, striking him in the chest. The wound burned and throbbed with pain. "That stung," he commented, holding his side.

"Are you ok, Sir?" Durak asked, rushing to Man'darr's side.

"Yeah," Man'darr grinned. "I'll be fine. It takes more than a phaser shot to take down a Capellan."

Durak nodded and grinned. One which disappeared as a squad of Terrans tossed two photon grenades around the corridor at the two Marines. "Grenades!" he shouted, already sprinting towards the two explosives that bounced across the deck near him. He scooped one up and tossed it back in the direction of the Terran Squad. Without pausing, he knew he had only a moment before the other went off as he threw himself onto the grenade to absorb the explosion.

The grenade went off just after Durak landed on it, consuming his body in a ball of shrapnel and heated photonic energy.

"Durak!" Man'darr yelled in shock and anger as he lifted his gaze from Durak's smoking and charred body to the terran squad recovering from the grenade that Durak had tossed back.

His rage was uncontrollable as he rushed full sprint down the corridor, letting out a battle cry. Closing with the Squad, he smashed the butt of the rifle across a terran's face, crushing it. Dropping the rifle, he reached out and grabbed the next terran soldier, slamming his head into the bulkhead with such force that shattered the skull and spinal cord in the process from his capellan strength, leaving a bloody smear on the bulkhead from the impact. Another terran raised his rifle in the direction of Man'darr and fired, gazing his arm. Being is such a fit of rage, Man'darr barely felt the pain of the gazing shot as he grabbed the Terran by the head and twisted so hard, the terran's head rotated 180 degrees from it's original position.

Eyeing the three remaining Terrans Man'darr was able to snatch the closest one, slamming several punches into the soldier's back, shattering it as the soldier emitted one last blood curdling scream before collapsing to the deck dead.

He felt a sharp pain in his back--one that he knew instantly belonged to the blade of a knife as he turned, grabbing the assailant , snapping his neck with the twist of his hands just as another phaser pulse struck him from his back shoulder.

Stumbling, he turned and grabbed the rifle from the soldier in one swift motion and in turn delivering a butt stroke to the abdomen followed by a stroke across the face, shattering the skull and breaking the weapon in the process.

Seeing the bodies of the deceased soldiers, Man'darr stumbled back to the body of Durak, kneeling next to the young Cardassian Marine, he checked for a pulse, feeling nothing after a moment. Closing his eyes, Man'darr slumped down against the bulkhead next to Durak, feeling his strength draining from him. "May you find peace, Durak. You were a warrior. Semper Fi."

Imik closed on Man'darr and placed her hands on his temples, *Find the peace you seek, I will take this pain for you*. The thought was placed gently into Man'darr's mind, and Imik now felt the red hot anger of the Marine. She glanced around for any MU soldiers, for now there were none.

Man'darr opened his eyes and looked at the Ojnas exchange officer. "Thank you," he said, shaking his head in a effort to stay conscious. He felt the stickiness of his blood soaking the uniform areas where he was wounded and beginning to puddle on the deck. Sighing, he grunted, as he stood. "Better keep moving," he said. "There could be more soon."

Turning to the Marine Imik shook her head, "We are safe for now, but you must rest or you will surely pass from this world". She moved to his side and placed her arm around his waist, "Lean on me, we Ojnas are a little stronger than we look". Imik could feel the Marine's pain, so using her mind she eased his agony as best she could.

Man'darr hesitated but accepted the woman's help. Despite his years of being in Starfleet, it was still and effort to accept help as the code of his people demanded that only the strong survive. In his current condition he knew he was a liability. "We better find a med kit or head to sickbay."

Imik nodded, "I believe the sickbay is in this direction, but my medical knowledge about Capellans is very limited". She mind walked ahead to find the sickbay, and couldn't locate it. This annoyed her, as it meant further to walk with the wounded man. Not something she wanted to do, she wanted him to live.

Man'darr paused as he gathered his thoughts, figuring out their exact location. "Looks like we're on Deck Six. Section...Three-Delta if I'm not mistaken," Man'darr said, recalling the layout of the ship--something he had memorized just in case of a boarding, it would help him get an advantage if the ship was ever boarded. "Sickbay is a deck below us. However the gym is on this deck. They should have a medical kit there."

"I will bow to your knowledge, and head for that location. Are you sure you can get there?" The pair limped towards the gym, Imik's mind on full alert for enemy soldiers.

"I have two options...either I make it...or I die. As a Capellan and a Marine, I am fine with either decision," he grunted as he limped down the corridor. His mind went back to Durak. He had sacrificed himself to save him. He had so much life ahead of him still. They were still nearly 150 meters from the gym as he suddenly heard the sounds of combat and phaser fire. "Are you armed?" he asked, looking at the woman

Pulling out her Ojnas blaster, Imik just nodded. She mind walked forwards but reached the gym before reaching the combat, "I believe we can reach our destination, the combat action appears to be further down". She adjusted her hold on the Marine, "I would advise you to make the gym your final point of destination, I may not be a medic but even I can see and sense your inability to engage in any further combat."

Man'darr chuckled, causing him to grimace in the process. "Where is the fun in that?" He could now see the door to the gym come into view.

The pair entered the gym and Imik placed the Marine down beside the wall, she quickly crossed the floor and found the med kit. She returned to Man'darr and began treating his wounds, but her lack of knowledge hindered her attempt. "Perhaps it might be better for you, if you treated your wounds yourself. I am not a very good nurse, and I think I may be doing more harm than good".


On the crimson-lit bridge of the AWS Dahkur, General Azhul Naxea stood just in front of her command chair next to her XO and lover, Sogh K'Tar.

"We're twenty seconds out," Lieutenant Sera called out from Operations.

"I have two Elysium's on sensors. One matches the Sensor profile of the ISS Elysium and the other is similar but different," Captain Neral reported from Tactical.

Naxea nodded. "Target the ISS Elysium and drop the cloak the minute we drop out of warp. Helm, put us right on top of them so they can feel our full wrath! Let them regret they ever heard of the Alliance! Death to the Terran Empire!"

"Death to the Terran Empire!" the bridge crew shouted.

At that moment, the Dahkur, dropped out of warp, decloaking in the process, unleashing a full volley of torpedoes and disruptors at the ISS Elysium before finishing decloaking.

*Kessana's Glory*

"Matriarch Kessana. We're closing on them." Lucianna nodded. "Battlestations. Prepare to decloak!"

*Serpent's Tooth.*

Lianej Derani, dressed for battle, had taken the helm. The ISS Elysium was holding position outside the station, its identical twin held by tractors, and swooped into position just as a blast of fire shot past them and lit up the Terran ship.

Mal, sitting in the captain's seat, shot to his feet. "Who the fuck is that?!" He knew Mishka's weapons. And that wasn't the Matriarch's ship.

Lianej, "Stick to the plan, send the signal to the others." She pushed forward on the accelerator, and as the cruiser swept forward, Tserek dropped their cloak and added his own disruptors and torpedoes to the canonnade.

O'Ganus and his four ships now arrived at the scene, Mocis his Second in Command now spoke. "There are two vessels which match the Elysium, which one do we attack?" O'Ganus pointed at the Serpent's Tooth, "Follow that vessel, it seems to know which vessel to attack".

Mishka's sensors were going crazy, there was another cloaked ship and now five completely unknown Starships attacking the Elysium. "Where the hell did all these other ships appear from?" Her XO turned and looked at her, "Good question, if you have an answer I'd love to hear it". Mishka now turned to her helmsman, "Take us in on the port side, just don't hit the Serpent's Tooth. Lianej would never forgive me if I we did, and I'd skin you alive".

**AWS Dahkur**

General Azhul looked with interest at the two new arriving vessels. She saw one move to the Elysium and the other kept at station, beginning to fire on the Elysium. "Captain Neral, keep your eyes on those ships. If they so much as begin to turn their weapons this way, destroy them."

"Aye, General."

"Ops, open a channel to the stationary vessel," Naxea ordered.

"Channel open, General."

"This is General Azhul Naxea of the Alliance Warship Dahkur. State your intentions."

Lucianna spoke. "This is Matriarch Lucianna Kessanna of the Rising Flame. Our intentions are to engage the Terran Empire in battle and capture the ISS Elysium. We have no interest in a confrontation with the Alliance. And besides, I doubt any of us want a war on several fronts when we have a common enemy here. It won't be long until the Empire sends reinforcements here."

Naxea paused as she weighed the woman's words. At the moment, the only thing she wanted was the Elysium's destruction. "Very well. We have a common enemy then. Just keep your weapons pointed at the Elysium and we will get along."

Lucianna contacted the other Rebels. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I've convinced the Alliance not to shoot at us."

The Serpents Tooth glided into the ISS Elysium rear under the cover of Mishka's attack. "Thank you, matriarch." Lianej acknowledged as she bumped the side of the engineering section. A moment later there was a crunch, and a scream as the boarding drills bit into the hull of the ISS Elysium and began to cut. "All hands, prepare to board."

Lianej released the helm and turned to Mal and Garrett. "Last one on the Elysium buys the drinks."

The five Ojnas vessels now circled the melee as the Red Indian had once done in the old west on Earth, their weapons repeatedly hitting and damaging the ISS Elysium. Cipro O'Ganus made sure every weapon was trained on that ship and no other, there were vessels here from races he had never seen or heard of. Perhaps between them, they could defeat and destroy this Terran Empire once and for all time.

Watching her friend, Mishka now turned the Havraha about and targeted the Elysium again. She made sure her weapons hit and destroyed the engine nacelles, that ship would never threaten anyone again.

Garrett yelled to the others, all strangers united in their desire to overthrow the Empire. "Death to the Empire!" He screamed as he jumped through an opening made by the boarding drills.

The initial defense was made up of surprised engineers on the skeleton crew, grumbling their way through a shift. They had either been squashed flat when the drills pushed the hull in, or were shot down by charging pirates. But then the engineers were dead and the boarders were facing rained security crew.

More than a few took shots at Garrett, not just for his words, but as the obvious human in a sea of alien faces he made for a familiar target, and phasers lanced towards him.

Garrett was out front leading the way, paying no heed to the phasers aimed in his direction. He was out front leading the charge of rebels into the ISS Elysium until a phaser shot caught him in the upper shoulder spinning him around. "Uhhh!" He grunted in pain as he looked at the cauterized skin that was still oozing blood but quickly rose to his feet and continued on.

Pirates streamed around him, making quick work of the defenders, using mismatched weapons and sheer numbers to run them down. One team pealed away to the tractor controls, ready to deactivate them, and the rest went looking for slaves to rescue.

Mishka now closed on the ISS Elysium and docked at an airlock, 200 of her crew now poured on to the ship over powering any defenders they came up against. This sudden influx in attackers finally defeated the MU troops, surrender now became their main action.

Two of the Ojnas vessels now also closed on the Elysium, and transported troops onto the bridge and engineering. Suddenly the most die hard MU trooper knew his time was up, raising their hands they moved into captivity with this new alien race.

Lucianna entered the room with the Terran Captives. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I have a proposal for you." She noted. "You have a choice here and now. I know some of you would prefer to die for your Empire, and some of you are quietly disgusted at what the Empire does, and I'm not just speaking to the conquered races that the Empire plopped it's uniform on you. I'm speaking to you Terrans as well. We can create a future without Agony Booths, or the constant brutality of the Empire." Lucianna noted. "So, you will come with us and fight for a new galaxy, or you will be put onto the nearby Arena Base to await your fate, whatever it might be. Tell me, how long have each of you spent in agony booths?"

Remainders of Elysium crew and slaves on the Station

Alicia was doing her best to watch over baby Connor and help out with those left in hiding on the Station. The slave revolt was in full swing, the Terrans were fighting for their lives but that made them all the more dangerous for those left behind. The battle was raging outside and the sooner they were all off the station the safer she’d feel.

Like Alicia, Tate busied herself with taking care of the wounded and providing what comfort she could with the battle raging outside. She wouldn't allow herself to give energy to any thoughts they wouldn't survive this, but even a seasoned trauma therapist such as herself had to wonder how much more in the entire crew could take. She thought of the isolation Gary and others had felt after being tortured by the Romulans. They had lived through hell and struggled mightily to connect with people who hadn't experienced what they had. She only hoped the silver lining through all of this was, for better or worse, they had lived through it together.

Heather had dropped off the supplies she and Fernando had liberated, with the battle underway she’d elected to stay on the Station looking after the wounded amongst the Elysium crew and the slaves. She hoped they’d be home aboard their own Elysium soon but only time would tell.

Suddenly Alicia, and the others were beamed aboard the USS Elysium during the confusion of the developing battle. Out of one madhouse and into another. Vaii's voice came from the console. "Transporter Rooms, we need all our crew back immediately, we're missing the Captain, Taylor, Holmes, an Vantar and several others."

Alicia looked at Savar almost speechless as she cuddled Connor. “We’re home!” She smiled tears coming to her eyes as they were quickly moved away from the transporter pad and off to Sickbay.

"Indeed we are Alicia. Indeed we are." He intoned softly.

Alicia cuddled up to Savar as they were all lead away to Sickbay by the waiting medical staff.

When the beam unexpectedly and unceremoniously came, Tate's first thought was she had been shot. She believed the sparkles before her eyes were an indication of consciousness eluding her, the last drops of life ebbing from her body. She was so convinced of this, she nearly fell flat on her face on the transporter pad when it solidified under her feet. Hearing Alicia's voice, she reached out to her, as much to ground herself into the present as to stay upright. The lump inside her throat was large, but she pushed past it, her voice thick with emotion. "I should get to the infirmary."

Heather smiled at Fernando as she helped some of the wounded off the transporter pad. It was good to be back aboard the ship but they weren’t out of the woods yet.

=USS Elysium Brig=

Vedaash was beamed to the Brig and locked in one of the cells. She was to be kept there until medical could fit her in to undo what changes the MU had done to her.

His grip was firm, not too loose, not too tight, his finger resting on the trigger guard as he approached the final corner to his destination. With the tip of the weapon placed just before the edge, Ryan sidestepped and angled the energy rifle in a forty-five-degree swivel.

Nothing moved.

With the weapon pulled against his shoulder and hefted perfectly parallel to the floor, he checked his twelve and his six several times as he moved down the hallway. The door was closed, he noticed, as he slowed to a halt at the edge.

The occasional spark from damage due to previous firefights and power fluctuations, as well as creaks from plasma-melted deck plates; these were his only companions as he took a moment to collect himself.

With his back to the wall, he placed his hand over the controls, counting down silently to prepare for the breach.

Three… two… one…

He tapped the control, placing his weapon on the edge and cornering with it just as before. His vision swept across the room, spotting nothing. His legs didn't’ lose any momentum as he quickly moved inside, checking every angle until he was right in the middle of the wall-to-wall prison cells.

“Huh?” Ryan huffed as he noticed one of the cells was already occupied. He looked her over, wondering just what her story was.

Vedassh rolled off the bunk and into a crouch. "Hmmm hello, let me out will you?"

Ryan looked into the Orion's eyes. In the chaos of the fight, he hadn't the time to grab his comm badge, which left him out of the loop of inter-ship communications. It also didn't help that he had no idea who she was.

Damnit, I haven't had time to meet the crew... this chaos happened almost right after I stepped onboard.

His thoughts, though internal, probably showed on his face as all the stress of almost dying was more than enough to drain his self-control.

"I'm sorry." He said gently, "I have no idea what's going on, right now, so I think I'll just wait until this mess is over."

Vedaash rolled her eyes. "My master will come and free me, and he will kill you."

The security officer checked his rifle's energy cell before pointing it back at the floor as it hung loosely at his side. "Yeah, he sounds like a great guy." His response wasn't biting or hateful, just tired. "I hope that doesn't happen. If it does, I'll be here to protect you, either way. That's my job."

"Ah but who will protect you from me?"

"The forcefield should do, for now." He mused, "Maybe time and perspective will do the rest."

She laughed and seemed to bounce on her toes. "Or maybe you should let me out and let me show you what I can do. I can make you happy before you die."

The concern on his features seemed to wrinkle him into an older man. "I don't doubt that..." He sighed, "but I also don't want that. I like living."

The Andorian turned Orion giggled. "Aww... maybe if you are good I can convince master to keep you alive... let me out and we shall see"

Ryan went to the desk, tapping the monitor. Whatever lockout had been in place seemed to finally be overridden. He logged in, looking for any movement or intruder alerts on that deck.


"I don't think your 'master' is coming. Either that or he's dead."

=ISS Elysium - Slave decks=

Sammy had been shunted into the slave decks when the attack commenced. She was naked as she sat huddled against a wall. Some of the male slaves were led out to be cannon fodder against the Intruders, most would be assigned to main engineering to protect it.

Disruptor fire could be heard ahead, and the steady buzz of phasers, and then two of the ISS crew were thrown back through the entrance to the slave pens. A second or so later, a massive nausicaan, with a carbine phaser in each hand stepped through, followed by a middle aged boslic with violet hair. Seeing Sammy, he stepped aside for the woman, who offered Sammy a hand. "Ready to go home?"

Samantha nodded and took the hand. She was pulled to her feet and a blanket wrapped around her.

"Derani to the Tooth, one more for the Alternate ship." A moment later a transporter beam took Sammy away to USS Elysium.

==ISS Elysium - upper decks==

Mal and his friends were quick to escape the chaos of the engineering section. They had bigger fish to fry. It took them only a few minutes to find the quarters assigned to Lady Penelope. Only a few decks up. The found a ladder up and got climbing.

The sounds of phasers and disruptors could be heard faintly from the jeffries tubes as they made their way up to deck seventeen. "So far so good." Ch'zera unclipped his ushaan and took it in his off hand as he slithered out into the outer corridor. "She should be just up there."

"You've jinxed it now," Mal grumbled to his andorian friend. "Just for that, you take point."

The Andorian shrugged. "Should be three doors that way. He pointed towards the bow of the Elysium."

"Then lets go." Mal raised his disruptor, just in case.

There were only two guards and they were not looking very happy. When they saw the group come around the corner they dropped their weapons and held up their hands.

Mal stunned them both, and his risan friend moved past to unlock the door. "I love it when they surrender. So much easier to shoot."

Ch'zera rolled them over and bound their wrists and ankles. "Lets hope inside is just as easy."

Lukaz finished his fiddling, and nodded to Mal. The door shot open. The terran raised his weapons again and advanced cautiously. "Hello, Penelope Lalor??"

Penelope was standing staring out at the battle. She didn't turn straight away, instead she watched for a moment and then slowly she turned.

She had dressed befitting her station as High Lady of Erisia. The sweeping pale blue gown was fitted and revealing but she didn't seem to notice. "Has Taylor sent you to kill me finally?"

Mal lowered his weapons, his eyes lowering with them for just a second, and then gave her a smile that shone like the treasures of a pirates hoard. "Actually, Princess, we're here to rescue you. So be a dear and stand still, just for a second."

"I don't have much of a choice do i?"

Mal shook his head. "Fraid not." He stepped closer to her. "But the alternative is you staying here to be abused, enslaved, gang raped and probably murdered, so don't feel too bad about it."

Penelope sighed and soon they were gone, vanishing in the transporter beam.

=ISS ELYSIUM - Exact Location unknown=

Captain Lalor, slowly made her way through the chaos and fighting towards the cabin she had discovered was assigned to the monstrous horse, yes she was thinking of him as a horse, not as a Sequus which is how she thought of her own vessel's S'hib. She carried a phaser rifle but wished, oh so wished for a sword. She wanted to gut the Horse. She paused as she heard .. yes those were hoof beats... he was coming this way...

Chaos was all he could think of to describe what was happening, but having snuck aboard the ISS Elysium in his mirrors place, S'hib vowed to save whomever he could from this mirror hell, including those his other half had claimed.

He was close to his mirrors quarters when the ship shook, sending him stumbling into a wall with a heavy pained grunt, red mist snorting out from his nostrils as he dragged himself back up before seeing Lalor. "Captain?" He asked in somewhat of a daze.

She snapped the rifle into place. "Seems like someone got to you first but that's ok, I have no compunction in killing wounded animals"

"W-w-wait!" S'hib stuttered as he threw his hands up and hunched over, trying to back up away. "Captain it's me!" He shouted, panic gripping him as he saw the fire in her eyes and the conviction that ebbed from her like a torrent of water down a cliffside.

"I don't believe you" She stated her tone cold. "You raped my yeoman, you killed my crew. I need a horse hide rug for my office"

“Red sands, Its me!” S’hib cursed loudly, he'd come all this way, fought his hooves ragged, and was now about to die to his own Captain. “I can prove it!”

Phoenix paused but didn't lower the rifle. "Try, it will be amusing I am sure"

"For that earth tradition, I wore those stupid things on my head..." He gestured before pointing at Phoenix, desperately trying to not get himself shot. "Commander Taylor was in that red outfit, and your dress... it was as beautiful as Andorian ice..." He pleaded, words falling out his mouth in rapid succession. "The other me wouldn't know this!" He shouted, falling against the wall again as the Elysium was hit.

She dropped the rifle and ran to him. "Gods, S'hib I am so sorry" she said helping him to stand up.

"No, you did the right thing..." S'hib sighed as he stood up, glad to know his Captain was safe. "But if you think this is bad," He said wiping his sleeve across his bloodied nose. "You should have seen the other guy..."

Arrianna turned a corner looking for Phoenix with Aurelia. "Captain... "

Phoenix looked up. "Its our S'hib" She said "ladies, lets get him home."

Arrianna nodded. "I am relieved you have survived Lieutenant. Let's get out of here."

=ISS ELYSIUM - Exact Location unknown=

The twisted version of Sthilg sighed as he emptied his battle suits flamer into a group of escaping slaves. He barely looked down as he advanced crushing their bodies underneath him his eyes locked on his suit hud. He could barely tell who was still in charge and worse the federation had stolen several of his huntresses.

Knowing it was time to go he'd opened his coms to the syndicate requesting an extraction. One would be on it's way, but he had no idea when it would be here. For now, he'd have to tolerate dealing with this mess.

=ISS ELYSIUM - Sthilg's quaters=

This is a terrible idea ship's MD clad in his white and orange armor thought to himself beamed into the quarters of his mirror self. He needed to find the exact detail of what his counterpart had been doing to his shipmates.

the noise that assaulted his ears the moment he materialized made him look around. The sight of Miraj Derani strapped into an agoniser made his eyes widden with horror. "Hold on Derani i'll get you out of here." he said running over as he tried to pull the doors open.

Miraj looked her head at the sound of the gorn's voice, and she pulled back on insitinct, for fear of more impossible tasks. "Leave me alone!" she begged.

" Derani it'sss me not that evil bassstard. I'm here to take you home. " The gorn said as he managed to buckle the door open with a sound of breaking glass and metal.

She flinched away from the breaking glass, though not far, still tehtered as she was. "Doctor?" She wasn't sure if she believed it. "He did something to Neri, and the Major. He made them into orions. You have to find them."

"I know. The major has her mind back and Neri isss in a holding cell until i can fix her." the doctor yelled over the noise of the machine as his artificial arm grasped the collar holding her and crushed it. " Jussst give me a sssecond and i'll have you out."

With the hated collar crushed, she hauled herself to her feet, trying not to put any weight on her skewered foot. "I need to get to the bridge."

" You are going to sssickbay. " the gorn said as he walked over to the computer. " Any idea what hisss passssssword for thisss isss? If i can get a hold of his drug data it will make fixing everyone ssso much easssier."

"No," Miraj shook her head. "And I'm going to the helm." Miraj protested. "Neri isn't fit to fly a workbee right now, and if we have to dodge anything faster than planet, then I'll need to be there."

The gorn sighed slightly. She was right she was the best pilot they had. " Will you at leassst let me give you a once over? That foot could become infected. " the gorn asked before he paused as he looked at her. Could the solution be that obvious " Miraj did he ussse the drug on you?

She shuddered. "He gave me something. I don't think it worked as intended. It made me sick, and then hysterical and I couldnt stop talking, but I do that when I'm nervous anyway, so i don't know if it was him or me." Miraj let out a giggle. "I dont think its worn off yet. Though right now I wouldn't know if it had..."

"Your biology mussst have had a different reaction than the othersss." the doctor said. His mind drifted to the possibilities before he shook his head he had work to do. "Watch the door in cassse the other me comes back." He asked as he returned to the computer.

Miraj limped over and watched the corridor earnestly. She could hear the sounds of fighting, and there was a shake in the underlying thrumm of the ship that told her that there was still a battle going on. It wasn't completely over yet.


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